Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 125

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 125 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Edward Albee
I have been both overpraised and underpraised. I assume by the time I finish writing -- and I plan to go on writing until I'm 90 or gaga -- it will all equal itself out.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
When you write a play, you make a set of assumptions -- that you have something to say, that you know how to say it, that its worth saying, and that maybe someone will come along for the ride.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Edward Albee
To write a play one must be born a playwright. Otherwise, you're starting at a huge disadvantage.
- Edward Albee
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
writing is the profound pleasure and being read the superficial.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Theroux
I never stay with people and I never look people up when I travel. I depend more on just chance meetings. The advantage is that people don't know who I am. I meet people casually and they're not doing me a big favor because I'm going to write something.
- Paul Theroux
Collection: Writing
Image of Sylvester Stallone
Clichés are what good writing is all about. Because our lives are basically clichés.
- Sylvester Stallone
Collection: Writing
Image of Tucker Max
Critics stopped being relevant when they stopped writing to inform and contextualize, and when they started writing to signal who they are, to display their identity by their stance on what they are writing about. Criticism should never be about the critic, but thats what it has become, and that’s why no one cares about them anymore.
- Tucker Max
Collection: Writing
Image of Henri Nouwen
Someday I would love to write about Vincent van Gogh - his paintings and letters continue to inspire me very much. But it remains hard to find the time and inner rest to write.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Mosse
There is no pattern the human mind can devise that does not exist already within the bounds of nature...Everything we do, see, write, notate, all are an echo of the deep seams of the universe. Music is the invisible world made visible through sound.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Writing
Image of Leonardo da Vinci
Good writing comes from good talent.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Collection: Writing
Image of Bertolt Brecht
I'm in good form, taking no interest in things, neglecting clothes, meals, company, and feeling calm and stable as I write.
- Bertolt Brecht
Collection: Writing
Image of Cate Blanchett
I think the downside of the Internet is that speaking-or writing-has become the point in and of itself.
- Cate Blanchett
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
And what, you ask, does writing teach us? First and foremost, it reminds us that we are alive and that it is a gift and a privilege, not a right.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of E. B. White
Although there is no substitute for merit in writing, clarity comes closest to being one.
- E. B. White
Collection: Writing
Image of William Shatner
Somewhere in university, I realized that I hadn't been to classes in months, and I'd get tired to the point of narcolepsy doing anything other than some form of performing, directing, writing, or acting.
- William Shatner
Collection: Writing
Image of Noel Clarke
I just started to write because I was fed up of not seeing the stories that I wanted, so I was like “Stop moaning and write something.”
- Noel Clarke
Collection: Writing
Image of Noel Clarke
After Kidulthood, I was called in to a meeting and told that I didn't write women very well. I was very annoyed.
- Noel Clarke
Collection: Writing
Image of Curtis Sittenfeld
I don't think that I would ever, while writing, think to myself, "I need a little more psychological realism."
- Curtis Sittenfeld
Collection: Writing
Image of Curtis Sittenfeld
Ironically, writing a novel is not a way to sort out your confusion.
- Curtis Sittenfeld
Collection: Writing
Image of Geoff Dyer
I’m so revolted by writers taking themselves seriously that, as a kind of protest, I’ve deprioritized the role of writing in my life. I do it when I’ve not got anything better to do – and even then I often do nothing instead.
- Geoff Dyer
Collection: Writing
Image of Bruce Springsteen
I didn't know if it would be a successful one, or what the stages would be, but I always saw myself as a lifetime musician and songwriter...I was always concerned with writing to my age at a particular moment. That was the way I would keep faith with the audience that supported me as I went along...I'm a synthesist. I'm always making music. And I make a lot of different kinds of music all the time. Some of it gets finished and some of it doesn't...The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
I don't need an alarm clock. My ideas wake me.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of John Wesley
Once in seven years I burn all my sermons; for it is a shame, if I cannot write better sermons now than I did seven years ago.
- John Wesley
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Gurian
Jed Diamond is, quite simply, one of the wisest men writing today on the topic of male emotional and physical health.
- Michael Gurian
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald A. Norman
Isn't one of your first exercises in learning how to communicate to write a description of how to tie your shoelaces? The point being that it's basically impossible to use text to show that
- Donald A. Norman
Collection: Writing
Image of J. C. Watts
If a 25-year old can't read and write and he or she isn't gaining marketable skills, it doesn't matter if a Republican or a Democrat is in the White House. His or her future will be bleak.
- J. C. Watts
Collection: Writing
Image of Serj Tankian
My personal relationship with music is an imperfect harmony because I never studied music, but here I am not just writing for bands but full orchestral sections and doing all this composition, and I never learned the right way of doing things so I have a lot of dissonant sounds and things that are brought to my attention, and generally I leave them that way because I like those imperfections.
- Serj Tankian
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayn Rand
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Writing
Image of Mitch Albom
I often find that I rock back and forth with a beat in my head constantly. If i stop rocking, it usually means I've hit a snag in my writing.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: Writing
Image of David Ogilvy
Never write more than two pages on any subject.
- David Ogilvy
Collection: Writing
Image of Alain de Botton
As we write, so we build: to keep a record of what matters to us.
- Alain de Botton
Collection: Writing
Image of Moby
I don't put a lot of pressure on myself when I'm writing. It feels like if I come up with something good, or I come up with something bad, I'm not too worried.
- Moby
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
There's this whole idea that you've got the blues and you're going to write. Bullshit. When I feel really bad, all I want to do is sit in front of the TV with the remote control and check out.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
People seemed to think, you get to a certain age or you get married or you, you're comfortable. And so now there's nothing to write about: that angst is gone. The youthful angst. And that just hasn't happened with me.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
I usually don't write about my life right when it happens. I process it, and I store it away. Then, when I get in the mood I pull the stuff back out.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
I'm always writing ideas down and then I stick em in my pocket and put em in that folder so I don't lose them. Like, somebody might say something, and I'll go, oh that's a good line, and that goes in the folder, too. It's kind of an ongoing process for me.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Lucinda Williams
Theres so many other things to write about than unrequited love.
- Lucinda Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Will Self
In my view the plangent artificiality of a lot of creative work results from the fact that the people who write novels, direct films and put on plays tend to read too many novels, watch too many films and go to too many plays.
- Will Self
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Myracle
And they just slam the door. And they don't peek into that land any more. And they forget that teens and tweens are people, absolutely just as much as adults are. And their problems may play out on a smaller scale, but the things they go through are equally as valid as a CEO trying to figure out how to deal with a crisis at work. I just write for teens because I love 'em.
- Lauren Myracle
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayn Rand
If a drought strikes them, animals perish--man builds irrigation canals; if a flood strikes them, animals perish--man builds dams; if a carnivorous pack attacks them, animals perish--man writes the Constitution of the United States.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Writing
Image of Henry David Thoreau
We can never safely exceed the actual facts in our narratives. Of pure invention, such as some suppose, there is no instance. To write a true work of fiction even is only to take leisure and liberty to describe some things more exactly as they are.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Writing
Image of A. A. Milne
For I am a bear of very little brain, and long words bother me.
- A. A. Milne
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Yes, writing a novel, my boy, is like driving pigs to market - you have one of them making a bolt down the wrong lane; another won't get over the right stile.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
Nothing arrives on paper as it started, and so much arrives that never started at all. To write is always to rave a little-even if one did once know what one meant
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Elizabeth Bowen
All good dialogue perhaps deals with something unprecedented.
- Elizabeth Bowen
Collection: Writing
Image of Marianne Williamson
Some professional writers write everyday no matter what and perhaps that's the way it should be done, but it's not the way I do it. If I'm not pregnant with words and I'm not in labor with them, I don't even try to bring them forth because they won't be any good anyway. Once I'm ready to deliver, it's like being pregnant. I've got to find a typewriter or a piece of paper. The only words that have ever had any possible value to others seem to have been those words that just had to come out.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Writing