Kate Mosse

Image of Kate Mosse
I am not a fan of historical fiction that is sloppy in its research or is dishonest about the real history.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
People think that I'm very serious.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
I really like people and I keep friendships. I have people from all parts of my life.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Lots of people have objections to prizes of all types, and it would be extraordinary if everybody agreed on anything that's worthwhile - they never do.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
People have different views of how you deal with different issues in literature, and, frankly, long may it last that there is a range of views.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
All prizes have a role, if they are run with integrity and with a clear focus on reading and quality writing. I don't think any of them is necessary, but they all play an incredibly important role in building a body of literature, in introducing new authors to new readers, and extending reading.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
The message is clear: libraries matter. Their solid presence at the heart of our towns sends the proud signal that everyone - whoever they are, whatever their educational background, whatever their age or their needs - is welcome.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Free and fair access to books - to reading - is a right and one we should fight for.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Library campaigners are not prepared to stand by and watch something they cherish be dismantled brick by brick.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Actually, I can write anywhere - airport lounges, in bed, on a rattling train going north.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
I read a lot of thrillers, especially American crime novels.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Usually I decide on what it is I'm writing next by the books I'm reading.
- Kate Mosse
Image of Kate Mosse
Love - true love - is a precious thing. It is painful, uncomfortable, makes fools of us all, but it is what breathes meaning and color and purpose into our lives.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Love Is
Image of Kate Mosse
We are who we are, be­cause of those we choose to love and be­cause of those who love us.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Who We Are
Image of Kate Mosse
Pas a pas, se va luenh. Step by step, we make our way.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Way
Image of Kate Mosse
There’s only one difference between published and unpublished writers, and it is this -- the first group see their work in print on the shelves of Waterstone’s or Tesco or online at Amazon; the second group are yet to have physical evidence of the hours, weeks, years spent fashioning words into their patterns. You are already a writer.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Writing
Image of Kate Mosse
For when all else is done, on­ly words re­main. Words en­dure.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Done
Image of Kate Mosse
What we leave behind in this life is the memory of who we were and what we did. An imprint, no more.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Memories
Image of Kate Mosse
Do you believe you can change your destiny?' he (Sajhë) said, seeking an answer. Alice found herself nodding. 'Otherwise, what's the point? If we are simply walking a path preordained, then all the experiences that make us who we are - love, grief, joy, learning, changing - would count for nothing.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Grief
Image of Kate Mosse
There comes always a moment when the desire to act, however ill the cause, is stronger than the wish to listen.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Wish
Image of Kate Mosse
Too often I am jealous and my jealousy leads me to say things-things-that I regret.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Regret
Image of Kate Mosse
There's no black and no white, just shades of grey...But the small betrayals lead to bigger ones, morality is eroded.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Betrayal
Image of Kate Mosse
The dead leave their shadows, an echo of the space within which once they lived. They haunt us, never fading or growing older as we do. The loss we grieve is not just their futures but our own.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Loss
Image of Kate Mosse
What we attempt to do is not without danger. What we attempt to do may not succeed. But it is right and it is just. We act for the good of all.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: May
Image of Kate Mosse
History is written by the victors, the strongest, the most determined. Truth is found most often in the silence, in the quiet places.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Silence
Image of Kate Mosse
One cannot always marry the person one loves.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: One Love
Image of Kate Mosse
There is no pattern the human mind can devise that does not exist already within the bounds of nature...Everything we do, see, write, notate, all are an echo of the deep seams of the universe. Music is the invisible world made visible through sound.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Writing