Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 123

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 123 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Mark Twain
The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Simon
I sort of recognize it, as opposed to shaping it. Oh, that's a good idea, that's a good line. I wonder where I can use that. And when you get into a rhyme group like 'not,' you got a lot of rhymes, you got a lot of choices. The more you do it, the luckier you get.
- Paul Simon
Collection: Writing
Image of Neal Stephenson
In the room where I work, I have a chalkboard, and as I'm going along, I write the made-up words on it. A few feet from that chalkboard is a copy of the full 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary, to which I refer frequently as a source of ideas and word roots.
- Neal Stephenson
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Sontag
I am profoundly uncertain how to write. I know what I love and what I like, because it's a direct passionate response. But when I write, I'm very uncertain whether it's good enough. That is, of course, the writer's agony.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Writing
Image of Susan Sontag
...what I write is smarter than I am. Because I can rewrite it.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Writing
Image of Christina Ricci
I feel like some of the best talent is on TV right now, with the writing, acting and great directors.
- Christina Ricci
Collection: Writing
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
To me, writing is about how we see. The writers I want to read teach me how to see-see the world differently. In my writing there is no separation between how I observe the world and how I write the world. We write through our eyes. We write through our body. We write out of what we know.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Terry Tempest Williams
We usually recognize a beginning. Endings are more difficult to detect. Most often, they are realized only after reflection. Silence. We are seldom conscious when silence begins—it is only afterward that we realize what we have been a part of. In the night journeys of Canada geese, it is the silence that propels them. Thomas Merton writes, “Silence is the strength of our interior life.… If we fill our lives with silence, then we will live in hope.
- Terry Tempest Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Salman Rushdie
Whores and writers, Mahound. We are the people you can't forgive.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Writing
Image of Salman Rushdie
I make no complaint. I am a writer. I do not accept my condition; I will strive to change it; but I inhabit it, I am trying to learn from it.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Writing
Image of Rebecca West
It is a great pity that every human being does not, at an early stage of his life, have to write a historical work. He would then realize that the human race is in quite a jam about truth.
- Rebecca West
Collection: Writing
Image of Ai Yazawa
We didn't say good bye. But we knew it would be the end if we were apart. There was no reason to call or write letters. As it would have been meaningless, if we couldn't hold each other tight.
- Ai Yazawa
Collection: Writing
Image of George Bernard Shaw
If you do not write for publication, there is little point in writing at all.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
People think you have to be tortured or miserable to write, but I'm finding that I get inspired a lot more these days before I'm happy.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
Usually with film writing I start with characters, and set about writing their story.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Writing
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
Usually when I'm writing, I kind of know what it is before I start writing and I write stream of consciousness style.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Writing
Image of Sakyong Mipham
Poetry is a language for when you can't quite write prose about something, you can't quite say it, but if you do a poem, it kind of gets to the point.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Writing
Image of Mel Brooks
Everything starts with writing.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Writing
Image of Mel Brooks
When I'm writing a script, I don't worry about plot as much as I do about people. I get to know the main characters - what they need, what they want, what they should do. That's what gets the story going. You can't just have action, you've got to find out what the characters want. And then they must grow, they must go somewhere.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Writing
Image of Rainbow Rowell
I take something that happened to me in 1983, and I make it happen to somebody else in 1943. I pick my life apart that way, try to understand it better by writing straight through it.
- Rainbow Rowell
Collection: Writing
Image of Edith Wharton
My last page is always latent in my first; but the intervening windings of the way become clear only as I write.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Writing
Image of Len Wein
I'm still a fanboy geek. I always will be. In many ways, if my work still resonates with the audience, it's because I'm still writing from the point of view of the fan, so I'm geeked out constantly.
- Len Wein
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Parker
What writes worse than a Theodore Dreiser? ... Two Theodore Dreisers.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothy Parker
If you're going to write, don't pretend to write down. It's going to be the best you can do, and it's the fact that it's the best you can do that kills you.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
I tend to write things seven times before I show them to my editor. I write them seven times, then I take them on tour, read them like a dozen times on tour, then go back to the room and rewrite, read and rewrite... I would never show him a first draft, because then he's really going to be sick of it by the twelfth draft.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
I'm not afraid to write about madness. I always figure that whatever most embarrasses you is something that everyone can relate to, really...because we're just not that different. So if you think, 'Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I can't possibly talk about that,' and you write about it, the audience is gonna be like, 'that happened to me!
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
I like high school and college writing textbooks and find them very helpful. Whenever I'm stuck and seem to have no ideas, I open one up and turn to the back. There I'll find questions like, "Have you had any experiences with an alcoholic or a sailor?"
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of David Sedaris
Sometimes you read something and it's just -- it doesn't invite a reader....Sometimes you read something and it's not saying, 'oh come in, come in have a seat. I'm going to tell you what happened.' Perhaps my writing comes off as conversational...and that takes effort.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Writing
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
I listen to some of the lyrics I used to write and I say, "Where was my head at when I wrote that?"
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Nepo
I started out wanting to write great poems, then wanting to discover true poems. Now, I want to be the poem.
- Mark Nepo
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Pullman
I am a story teller. If I wanted to send a message I would have written a sermon.
- Philip Pullman
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Pullman
What I do say is that I can write verse, and that the writing of verse in strict form is the best possible training for writing good prose
- Philip Pullman
Collection: Writing
Image of Philip Pullman
A professional writer is someone who writes just as well when they're not inspired as when they are.
- Philip Pullman
Collection: Writing
Image of Rod Serling
I find dictating in the mass media particularly good because you're writing for voice anyway; you're writing for people to say a line and, consequently, saying a line through a machine is quite a valid test for the validity of what you're saying.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Writing
Image of Rod Serling
I don't think it's man's function to write. I don't think it's a normal thing like teeth-brushing and going to the bathroom. It's a supered position on the animal.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Writing
Image of Rod Serling
I think the essence of the argument has always been, first of all, the Guild doesn't want writing on spec. And that's been a major problem over the years. But obviously, to the young writer that's unfair and it's discriminatory, and it can be very hurtful to one's career.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Writing
Image of Rod Serling
You know, writer can write about the Foreign Legion without ever having been in the Foreign Legion, but that doesn't necessarily mean that what he's written doesn't necessarily reflect the nature of him as an individual - or her. Using the male gender because it's me speaking. I don't mean to put down the female.
- Rod Serling
Collection: Writing
Image of Vladimir Nabokov
Readers are not sheep, and not every pen tempts them.
- Vladimir Nabokov
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Robbins
I'm probably more interested in sentences than anything else in life.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tom Robbins
Don't talk about it - you'll talk it away. Let the ideas flow from your mind to the page without exposing them to air. Especially hot air.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Writing
Image of Lewis Black
I'm not a great joke writer, which is odd for a comic to say, but I'm not. So it's hard for me to come up with things, because I don't write stuff, I don't write my act down.
- Lewis Black
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Sorkin
I think it's up to writers to write stuff that is compelling enough that people want to watch.
- Aaron Sorkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Sorkin
There's that process of writing it - then you come out of your room into the sunlight, and you now have to complete the circuit and make the connection finally with the audience.
- Aaron Sorkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Aaron Sorkin
With a television series, there's a hard deadline, and so you have to write even when you're not writing well.
- Aaron Sorkin
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Kooser
When I was a kid, I suppose I got more praise for being able to draw things and paint things than I did for my little amateur poems I was writing. But the thing that I'm trying to do with my painting is that I'm trying to keep it in the realm of pleasure. I don't show my work, I don't try to sell it.
- Ted Kooser
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Kooser
Wallace Stevens had more time to write as an insurance agent. He was a bond lawyer and I know that insurance company lawyers don't have to do nearly as much as we had to do. We were out more in the production area. I'm not condemning Stevens for having had a better job than I did, but that's one of the many places where I differ from him.
- Ted Kooser
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Kooser
For a while the creative writing community sort of sprung out of places like Iowa and Syracuse. The graduates sort of went out, and they would found creative writing departments in the little colleges where they went, and then some of those would found other ones. I mean every college has got a creative writing department, so where are the jobs coming from? There are not any jobs out there.
- Ted Kooser
Collection: Writing
Image of Roger Zelazny
One of my standard - and fairly true - responses to the question as to how story ideas come to me is that story ideas only come to me for short stories. With longer fiction, it is a character (or characters) coming to visit, and I am then obliged to collaborate with him/her/it/them in creating the story.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Writing
Image of Roger Zelazny
I see myself as a novelist, period. I mean, the material I work with is what is classified as science fiction and fantasy, and I really don't think about these things when I'm writing. I'm just thinking about telling a story and developing my characters.
- Roger Zelazny
Collection: Writing