Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 106

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Image of Curtis Grimes
The first time I go out to Nashville, ever (at this point I had only heard the rumors about what it's like) I had three writing sessions set up. The first two canceled on me. I was kind of pissed off at that point. So I just went back to my hotel room and started writing. And even though I've been to L.A. and experienced a lot of things, at the end of the day I just start to feel like I'm playing acoustically at the first bar I ever played at.
- Curtis Grimes
Collection: Writing
Image of Curtis Grimes
There is no way that I could pinpoint just one person. When I first started, I was listening to Randy Rogers quite a bit, and I was also pretty big into Josh Grider back then. I remember going to a lot of Kevin Fowler shows early, and Eli Young Band was another one of the groups I listened to a lot of when I was learning to write and play guitar.
- Curtis Grimes
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Jacobson
You never get tired of making money, and you never get tired of a great acting gig, a same role that you can play for years, with wonderful writing and wonderful actors.
- Peter Jacobson
Collection: Writing
Image of Gerald Horne
It is only with the rise of the Civil Rights Movement that you begin to see different examinations of not only Reconstruction but slavery itself, and there is a lesson to be drawn here about how the times influence the writing of history, something that we should never forget.
- Gerald Horne
Collection: Writing
Image of John Talabot
Sometimes when you write something, you have that day when you start writing and you feel really good, and you start changing it. At the end, it lost the essence. It lost the first idea, the energy that it had, it's going down after every change. And at the end it's something soft and too much rewritten or too much rebuilt that doesn't have the same energy as the beginning. So, I like the first takes because of that, you know. It has that first energy that sometimes it's difficult to recreate.
- John Talabot
Collection: Writing
Image of Etan Cohen
When you write you have a certain vision of how it could be and it's great to be able to see it all the way to the goal line.
- Etan Cohen
Collection: Writing
Image of Chip Espinoza
It was a natural progression for me to write about Millenials transitioning into management but I found myself getting emotional as I wrote. I really do want to repay them for all they have given me. What better way than to help them transition to the next level of their career!
- Chip Espinoza
Collection: Writing
Image of Sue Tompkins
I don't analyze too much, because then I'll question, 'Why do I write down all of these random little phrases?'
- Sue Tompkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Sharif Abdel Kouddous
I hated the culture [working in the bank], I hated the work. I very quickly realized that this wasn't what I wanted to do. So, after two years, I took some writing courses - I always loved to write - and I figured the only way I was going to get paid to write was in journalism.
- Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Collection: Writing
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I used to do a lot of story writing and storytelling coming up through grade school. By the time I got to college, I decided that I wanted to perform as well, and that's where I started.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Hassan Blasim
I began writing and became attached to writing at an early age. I began by writing poetry and experimenting with dialogues: modest plays, in other words. I also used to describe at great length the way people in the area lived.
- Hassan Blasim
Collection: Writing
Image of Erin Maya Darke
I guess I've always wanted to create my own stories, but writing was one of those things where I thought that I would never actually do it. I respected writers too much, and what they do, to think that I was one of them - and I still feel that way a lot of the time. I still feel uncomfortable calling myself a writer. I'm like, "No, I'm an actor who writes sometimes."
- Erin Maya Darke
Collection: Writing
Image of Erin Maya Darke
As an actor, especially one who's worked in casting, you read so many scripts, and some of them are terrible. They're terrible and they're getting made, and some of them are good but the female role is just painful or underwritten. So after years of that, I had this idea kicking around in my head for two years, and I thought, I'm just going to start writing.
- Erin Maya Darke
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamer El Said
I think that to me, films are personal affairs. It doesn't mean that I am against other people doing things differently, but I'm talking about what I can do. So I don't feel comfortable going to a new city or a certain class of which I don't have sufficient knowledge, doing research on that, and then writing a story about it I don't think I have the ability of presenting other people on screen in that way. It makes me uncomfortable. This doesn't mean that I only want to talk about myself. I want to talk about what I know.
- Tamer El Said
Collection: Writing
Image of Catherine Brady
When you write, you're supposed to go stand somewhere else for a while, see things from a perspective that's not in line with your own reflexive truths.
- Catherine Brady
Collection: Writing
Image of Catherine Brady
When I decided to stop using quotation marks, it presented technical challenges: you have to conceive of dialogue differently and structure it differently for this to work. So I had a new problem, which makes writing interesting again.
- Catherine Brady
Collection: Writing
Image of Catherine Brady
I have to trick myself into writing a story - impose some arbitrary constraint to distract me from the constraints of my past habits or my fear that I don't have much to say.
- Catherine Brady
Collection: Writing
Image of Catherine Brady
What I've found as I have kept writing stories is that more and more your way is barred. I feel really choked by what I already know how to do, by the fact that my obsessions nearly always mount a sneak attack, so that I find myself writing another version of the same thing.
- Catherine Brady
Collection: Writing
Image of John Michael McDonagh
Sometimes I might go too far with the pretentious references, which I might not do again. But when you're writing, you're sitting alone in a room so you're writing to amuse yourself as much as anybody else.
- John Michael McDonagh
Collection: Writing
Image of John McGahern
As a writer, I write to see. If I knew how it would end, I wouldn't write. It's a process of discovery.
- John McGahern
Collection: Writing
Image of John McGahern
I'd much prefer to write more quickly.
- John McGahern
Collection: Writing
Image of Daniel Buren
I knew that what I did visually could not be completely understood. I knew that certain aspects of the work need a long time to develop. You get the visual idea in two seconds, but this idea can be developed like like a theory. You can see later on if the theory was correct, followed, or completely abandoned. That's why the writing can advance what is done. This is more or less how I started to write: to be sure that people will not totally misunderstand what my goal was.
- Daniel Buren
Collection: Writing
Image of Christine Jennings
The biggest names in the Transcendentalist literary circle visited the community regularly, and supported it, but they couldn't live there happily. Hawthorne [who was briefly a resident] left for reasons I'm sure make sense to you; he couldn't get enough writing done in a house full of people playing music, and arguing. It was too busy.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: Writing
Image of Christine Jennings
There are Harvard grads, free thinkers, feminists, abolitionists, well-to-do people who want to go write poetry and live on a farm and cook and laugh and have a good time. As they themselves described it, it was an "inward facing" community. They were focusing on making a better existence for themselves, which I think is also the driving force of 20th century communalism in the US, the thought being that the world is corrupt, and we're going to build this little garden of innocence.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: Writing
Image of Christine Jennings
There are two instances I studied in which a community moved, amazingly, into an preexisting village built by other, earlier communalists. The Rappites were a German millenarian sect I mostly leave out of the story, even though they are fascinating, because they're focused on salvation and retreating from the world, as opposed to transforming it, like the other groups I write about.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
Nonfiction ties your hands a bit, and just like writing poetry in rhyme, it can force you to make more brutal decisions in terms of word choice, plot, etc.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I do write fiction, and I find it more difficult, but also more liberating. On the one hand, you can make up the story, but you have to make up the story.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I love poetry, but I find it so difficult to write well.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I write one poem a year, usually in January or February.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I honestly turned to writing because I didn't know what else to do, and because a friend had gently suggested it.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Jonathan W. Galassi
I use poetry to explain myself to myself. It is a way of investigating who you really are, what you feel, what survives the pressure of writing. There are a lot of things that you can't write down because they aren't true. You can only put down what holds water at the time that you are doing it.
- Jonathan W. Galassi
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Barthelme
The writer is one who, embarking upon a task, does not know what to do... Writing is a process of dealing with not-knowing, a forcing of what and how.
- Donald Barthelme
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Barthelme
Endings are elusive, middles are nowhere to be found, but worst of all is to begin, to begin, to begin.
- Donald Barthelme
Collection: Writing
Image of Donald Barthelme
Write about what you're afraid of.
- Donald Barthelme
Collection: Writing
Image of Meital Dohan
I don't really consider myself a writer, but I am writing so I guess I'm a writer.
- Meital Dohan
Collection: Writing
Image of Meital Dohan
I treat both acting and writing as a creation - writing is just another element or aspect of it.
- Meital Dohan
Collection: Writing
Image of Meital Dohan
While I'm acting I'm focused on what I'm trying to say through the character. And when I'm writing, I'm just putting down on paper or on the computer what I have to say.
- Meital Dohan
Collection: Writing
Image of Sean Michael Wilson
Writing about a place is, of course, one good way of feeling close to it, feeling you have made something out of your interaction with that place. It's like a marker of your own experience, of that time in your life.
- Sean Michael Wilson
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven C. Harper
I often say of my background: "That and a Metrocard will get me downtown." Honestly, I think the upshot of my training in acting and writing is that I've been trained to be adventurous. There are so many moments in conservatory where I was encouraged to push the envelope and color outside the lines. I think that sense of bravery flavors what I do. It allows me to take chances that I might not otherwise take.
- Steven C. Harper
Collection: Writing
Image of Visionist
My first album deals with my anxiety. It wasn't like, to heal my anxiety and by writing an album I'm now healed. It was, here's a sound representation of what it feels like to be in an anxiety attack and that's it. I think we can say the same with image, people look at an image and see a billion different things.
- Visionist
Collection: Writing
Image of Visionist
When I write music it's hard for me to keep it going repetitively.
- Visionist
Collection: Writing
Image of Visionist
I'm always very conscious because I like to give time between records, even though I feel like I write music that will last it's time, whatever time that is.
- Visionist
Collection: Writing
Image of Mick Barr
There isn't much of an agenda lyrically. And I definitely didn't want to write about things I don't know anything about.
- Mick Barr
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Blaemire
I love writing stories about regular people dealing with life's biggest questions.
- Nick Blaemire
Collection: Writing
Image of Nick Blaemire
It's an incredible privilege to be able to sit in front of a computer and spend a few hours just thinking and writing.
- Nick Blaemire
Collection: Writing
Image of Faith Adiele
I you're writing memoir, but it even comes up in fiction. People just assume that you're writing thinly veiled autobiography. And particularly, I think, for people of color, our work is always seen as kind of anthropological artifact regardless. So, there's always going to be that assumption, but even more so in a memoir because often the names aren't even changed. It is easier to verify.
- Faith Adiele
Collection: Writing
Image of Jerdine Nolen
I feel as though I never had choice not to be a writer. I feel in my heart of hearts that writing chose me and this is what I must do. I have no choice but to write, and to write, and to write, because my very life depends on it. And to assume that, of course, everyone in the entire universe wants to read what I've written.
- Jerdine Nolen
Collection: Writing
Image of Colton Dunn
I've been a comedian for a long time so writing and performing is a big part of what I do. If anybody's doing comedy they should also work on writing.
- Colton Dunn
Collection: Writing
Image of Andrew Aydin
I spent 10 years in professional politics and eight writing comics, and so I look at it from both sides. I don't understand the logic in being frustrated with a system, so you choose to be a part of the reason why the system is so frustrating. If everybody voted, it wouldn't be this way.
- Andrew Aydin
Collection: Writing