Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 108

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 108 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Paul Rust
If I heard there was a new show, and the creators were writing about how they met, I would be like, "Pass!"
- Paul Rust
Collection: Writing
Image of Lauren Grodstein
I like writing dialogue - I can hear my characters so clearly that writing dialogue often feels as much like transcribing something as it does like creating it.
- Lauren Grodstein
Collection: Writing
Image of Carol Friedman
I think that people get into trouble when they photograph something that they... that is not in their world. It's like when they say "write what you know."
- Carol Friedman
Collection: Writing
Image of Karla Souza
I've been transformed by stories, and I think that storytelling is definitely sacred. I take it very seriously because my life has been changed, whether it was a movie, a play, a piece of writing, poetry, a painting.
- Karla Souza
Collection: Writing
Image of Karla Souza
I think it's not an easy task because there's not enough Latino writers that are being given opportunities to write things - and I say this because I've been given a lot of bilingual movies in the past because of my career in Mexico, and they're like, "Oh, it's going to make sense for her to do this." A lot of studios want to hit that demographic, but they sort of do it without starting in the right way, which is having someone who knows the culture, and enjoys the language as well, to be able to write these things.
- Karla Souza
Collection: Writing
Image of Christopher Paul Stelling
I'm pushing myself in other, slower directions. Some of the stuff that I'm writing is not necessarily so speedy; it's a different kind of intense that I'm going for now, a more focused intensity. It's good to look at what you've done and think, "What have I not done?" That's why so many artists that have longer careers do change, and sometimes very abruptly, because if you're not interested, how the hell is anybody else supposed to be? If you're bored, everyone else is going to be too.
- Christopher Paul Stelling
Collection: Writing
Image of Josh Flitter
Besides acting which is my first love, I am also interested in behind the scenes.. Directing , writing and producing.
- Josh Flitter
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Younger
For me, the hardest part is getting up and writing, that's the hard part. I always felt like I could teach someone to direct if I really had to. I feel like it's a skill that's passable, but writing... writing is the worst. That's what I'm doing right now, it's just the hardest thing that you'll ever do.
- Ben Younger
Collection: Writing
Image of Ben Younger
As a director you already have a script, you have actors... you have collaborators when you're a director. When you're writing there's no one to collaborate with, there's no material to look at. I haven't adapted something yet, so, I'm sure that would be helpful. When you're writing an original piece you have nothing.
- Ben Younger
Collection: Writing
Image of J. D. Salinger
I love to write and I assure you I write regularly... But I write for myself, for my own pleasure. And I want to be left alone to do it.
- J. D. Salinger
Collection: Writing
Image of Seth Rogen
I'm the person who writes most of my movies so every role is exactly what I want to be doing.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Tuchman
I want the reader to turn the page and keep on turning to the end.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: Writing
Image of Barbara Tuchman
I have always been in a condition in which I cannot not write.
- Barbara Tuchman
Collection: Writing
Image of Maurice Sendak
I'm writing a poem right now about a nose. I've always wanted to write a poem about a nose. But it's a ludicrous subject. That's why, when I was younger, I was afraid of [writing] something that didn't make a lot of sense. But now I'm not. I have nothing to worry about. It doesn't matter.
- Maurice Sendak
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
Kids love me because I write stories that tell them about their capacity for evil. I'm one of the few writers who lets you cleanse yourself that way.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
The faster you blurt, the more swiftly you write, the more honest you are.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
You either have an imaginative mind or you don't. All of my writing is God-given. I don't write my stories - they write themselves.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Ray Bradbury
I am a dedicated madman, and that becomes its own training. If you can't resist, if the typewriter is like candy to you, you train yourself for a lifetime. Every single day of your life, some wild new thing to be done. You write to please yourself. You write for the joy of writing. Then your public reads you and it begins to gather around your selling a potato peeler in an alley, you know. The enthusiasm, the joy itself draws me. So that means every day of my life I've written. When the joy stops, I'll stop writing.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Blume
I am certainly a fearful person, but fearless in my writing. So there's that other person inside.
- Judy Blume
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Blume
[Writing] totally changed my life. It gave me my life. Everything opened up.
- Judy Blume
Collection: Writing
Image of Judy Blume
First of all I can only focus on one creative project at a time. I wish I could focus on two, because I really only write.
- Judy Blume
Collection: Writing
Image of Alexander Pope
No writing is good that does not tend to better mankind in some way or other.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Writing
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Most thinkers write badly, because they communicate not only their thoughts, but also the thinking of them.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Writing
Image of Harvey Pekar
I wanted to write literature that pushed people into their lives rather than helping people escape from them.
- Harvey Pekar
Collection: Writing
Image of Harvey Pekar
It's the stuff that happens right in front of your face when there's no routine and everything is unexpected. That's what I want to write about.
- Harvey Pekar
Collection: Writing
Image of Mark Twain
In Austria an editor who can write well is valuable, but he is not likely to remain so unless he can handle a sabre with charm.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Writing
Image of Ayn Rand
Do not set out to write with your eyes on the box office. It can't be done.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
Lord, how tired one gets of one's own writing.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
But what is more to the point is my belief that the habit of writing thus for my own eye only is good practice. It loosens the ligaments. Never mind the misses and the stumbles.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Eudora Welty
The writing of a novel is taking life as it already exists, not to report it but to make an object, toward the end that the finished work might contain this life inside it and offer it to the reader. The essence will not be, of course, the same thing as the raw material; it is not even of the same family of things. The novel is something that never was before and will not be again.
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Writing
Image of Eudora Welty
Dialogue has to show not only something about the speaker that is its own revelation, but also maybe something about the speaker that he doesn't know but the other character does know.
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Writing
Image of Eudora Welty
Since we must and do write each our own way, we may during actual writing get more lasting instruction not from another's work, whatever its blessings, however better it is than ours, but from our own poor scratched-over pages. For these we can hold up to life. That is, we are born with a mind and heart to hold each page up to, and to ask: is it valid?
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Writing
Image of Eudora Welty
Daydreaming had started me on the way; but story writing once I was truly in its grip, took me and shook me awake.
- Eudora Welty
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
I mean it's the writing, not the being read, that excites me.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
When I cannot see words curling like rings of smoke round me I am in darkness—I am nothing.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Virginia Woolf
If only she could put them together, she felt, write them out in some sentence, then she would have got at the truth of things.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Writing
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
I find myself often moved to tears by what is being written in front of me. Sometimes, I just sit on the couch and write the words down and cry because the beauty of the thoughts and how exquisitely they are being expressed.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Writing
Image of Brenda Ueland
Advertising companies hire the very brightest, wittiest young people to write for them. Not one single sentence of it is worth repeating. Why? Because it wasn't meant.
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Writing
Image of Brenda Ueland
Self-trust is so important. When you launch on a story, make your neck loose, feel free, good-natured. And be lazy. Feel that you are going to throw it away. Try writing utterly unplanned stories and see what comes out.
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Writing
Image of Brenda Ueland
If you write something and they all tell you it is bad - editors, critics, everybody - think it over and you may become convinced that they are right (though you are not to be ashamed or discouraged for a minute, but keep on writing).
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Writing
Image of Brenda Ueland
You have to hold your audience in writing to the very end-much more than in talking, when people have to be polite and listen to you.
- Brenda Ueland
Collection: Writing
Image of Lorrie Moore
Better to think of writing, of what one does, as an activity, rather than an identity to keep the calling a verb rather than a noun.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Lorrie Moore
Most things good for writing are bad for life.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Lorrie Moore
There was the usual dreaminess, I suppose. Also a shyness that caused me - and others - to notice that I could express myself better by writing than by speaking. This is typical of many writers, I think. What is a drawback in childhood is an asset to a literary life. Not being fluent on one’s feet sends one to the page and a habit is born.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Lorrie Moore
If you look at most womens writing, women writers will describe women differently from the way male writers describe women. The details that go into a woman writers description of a female character are, perhaps, a little more judgmental. Theyre looking for certain things, because they know what women do to look a certain way.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Writing
Image of Justin Timberlake
I'm a very melody-driven writer and I have a rule that I don't write anything down because if I can't remember the melody than it wasn't worth remembering. So it's my way to test myself in the studio. When I was a kid I could sing pretty well so melody always made a lot of sense to me.
- Justin Timberlake
Collection: Writing
Image of George Berkeley
Others indeed may talk, and write, and fight about liberty, and make an outward pretence to it but the free-thinker alone is truly free.
- George Berkeley
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Pollan
I really try to write as an ordinary person would, not as someone who's too sophisticated about food, or too knowledgeable about things.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Writing
Image of Michael Pollan
I try to write in the first person - the first person not of a journalist but of a carnivore, an eater, a gardener, someone trying to figure out what to feed his family.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Writing