Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 107

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 107 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Karan Bajaj
What I do is work for three or four years and then I take a year off, and then I come back again and work for three or four years and then take another year off. It is not about just working and then writing for a year. That is not how it is structured. It is about doing very conscious goal-driven activities for four years and then taking a year off in complete surrender to discover facets of myself that I don't know exist and exploring interests with no commercial value associated with them at all.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Writing
Image of Karan Bajaj
In the first 27 years of my life, I never had written a single non-technical word. I went to engineering college and went to business school. I never knew I could write fiction of any form.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Writing
Image of Karan Bajaj
What I'm trying to do right now is truly answer my most deepest most unarticulated questions for myself through my writing in some form.
- Karan Bajaj
Collection: Writing
Image of Pell James
You have to write or else the auditioning process becomes so grueling because it's so hard to work.
- Pell James
Collection: Writing
Image of Debra Hamel
Research is all well and good, but I definitely enjoy writing the most. I will happily sit at my computer and work on a single paragraph for hours. And there's no better feeling than when your writing is going well.
- Debra Hamel
Collection: Writing
Image of Ezra G. Levin
It is really crucial that folks focus on their own representatives. If you call or write a member who does not represent you, I can tell you that contact is going to be a waste of time. You might as well just talk to yourself in your living room.
- Ezra G. Levin
Collection: Writing
Image of Peter Mayle
I'd rather live precariously in my own office than comfortably in somebody else's.
- Peter Mayle
Collection: Writing
Image of Evan Jacobs
I like being able to bounce between writing movies for people like Kevin Sorbo to making very personal films like orange county hardcore sinister to making a movie like [Wyatt Earp and the Holy Grail: The Tale of the Three Gates], which is made for the pure pleasure of getting together with creative people and making a movie. Alex Cox would be proud.
- Evan Jacobs
Collection: Writing
Image of Claudio Simonetti
I think if you write music for soundtracks then sometimes you do something that you could never do if the film did not exist.
- Claudio Simonetti
Collection: Writing
Image of James M Strock
Theodore Roosevelt regarded leadership as his one gift, the area in which he might be considered to possess genius. He presented his views on leadership throughout his voluminous writings. He intended for future writers to study them with an eye toward action, as he himself had done of historic figures.
- James M Strock
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Bejar
People say I write specifically about nothing in particular. I don't know about the latter part, but I think the first part is really important in conjuring up a voice that works, or at least the illusion of a voice at work.
- Dan Bejar
Collection: Writing
Image of Dan Bejar
Most musicians don't write about being a musician cause most musicians aren't writers.
- Dan Bejar
Collection: Writing
Image of Floyd Cooper
I will always be an artist first. I see my writing as an extension of my illustrating.
- Floyd Cooper
Collection: Writing
Image of Dreezy
I was really artistic. I did a lot of poetry, a lot of writing.
- Dreezy
Collection: Writing
Image of Dreezy
I like to go in the corner, in the quiet, 'cause I got to hear my thoughts. If I hear the beat for, like, five seconds, I basically got the tempo, and I don't need to hear it no more. I just focus and write.
- Dreezy
Collection: Writing
Image of Einar Selvik
I can't write or read music. I am self-taught and never learned formally. It can be a curse sometimes but I think it's more difficult for those who need the music to read from than for those who play by ear.
- Einar Selvik
Collection: Writing
Image of Roland Møller
I write a lot, poems and such, and when I look at it the next day, I can analyze what the problem is and find the solution. It's the same when I watch myself on the big screen, but first, my vanity has to go away and so I have to watch it ten times. But when it has gone, and I don't think my nose is too big and everything else, then I start analyzing, and I think it helps me to become a better person.
- Roland Møller
Collection: Writing
Image of Njena Reddd Foxxx
I do really well when a challenge is put in front of me. I don't just wake up and write. I like being forced to make decisions on the spot. I think that's why I've done so many things as a freelancer.
- Njena Reddd Foxxx
Collection: Writing
Image of Colum McCann
I write about what I know; and I write about things that are new to me, and that I didn't know before.
- Colum McCann
Collection: Writing
Image of Melanie Iglesias
I love writing. I love getting lost in creative projects when I'm going through a tough transition in life. I always keep in mind that it's not the first time something painful has happened, and just like I got through other troubles, the one at hand will pass as well.
- Melanie Iglesias
Collection: Writing
Image of B. J. Porter
Some of the subject matter is a little less weighty. When we were writing for Mr. Show, we were talking about how is this going to stand up to the test of time. Every little piece had to be this brilliant comedy jewel.
- B. J. Porter
Collection: Writing
Image of Katie Wech
I was always writing stories, even as a kid. I always wanted to be in the plays and do that sort of thing. Screenwriting started to really appeal to me because the idea of being able to make things that many people got to see became very captivating.
- Katie Wech
Collection: Writing
Image of Robin Beth Schaer
Being pregnant taught me how to be a better writer. It was a lesson in negative capability and surrendering to necessity. Suddenly, my body instinctually yielded to the needs of this growing being, and I had no choice but to embrace what was happening and all that lay ahead, even if I was afraid and uncertain. So, while being a parent has made writing more challenging, it has also made being a writer more certain. There's no room to procrastinate; there is to time for fear.
- Robin Beth Schaer
Collection: Writing
Image of Robin Beth Schaer
A decade ago, my poems were precious little boxes, small and claustrophobic, completely inward gazing. I didn't possess the command to speak beyond the self. Over the years, my poems have stretched out, grown broader and grander. The intervening years of living and aging - with their portions of tragedy, triumph, and shipwreck - have earned me both the authority and the necessity to write on a cosmic scale.
- Robin Beth Schaer
Collection: Writing
Image of Amin Maalouf
A life spent writing has taught me to be wary of words. Those that seem clearest are often the most treacherous.
- Amin Maalouf
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
Starting writing is stressful and scary and hard, but also, it's just like going to the gym. You're just stiff and weird, and you can't do it as well.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
After the editing room, I go and take a nap. I'm not in the practice of writing, and I feel like I'm flabby, and I have to start arriving at the desk every day, and take off one hat and put on another one. So I'm starting, but it's very sloooow.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
Writing is so... I don't know, it's such a practice, and I feel very unpracticed in it, because I'm not doing it every day. And I really need to do it every day. In other words, you spend all this time writing a movie, and then you stop, and then you're shooting the movie, and then you're cutting, and a year and a half goes by, because in the editing room, you're not writing.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
Obviously, once you're finished, you're like, "Okay, I have to make this a movie now, and I need people - bodies to play these parts, and actors to bring this thing beyond a script." But when I was writing it, I wasn't thinking of actors; I was really thinking about creating three-dimensional characters.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
In terms of my peer group, nobody's parents were dying of old age. There was no dialogue to have among friends. I had that experience, and then 10 years later, I started thinking about writing about it. It's obviously an indelible thing when that happens, and I wasn't looking for material at the time or anything; it just started becoming relevant to me.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Tamara Jenkins
Little projects - not feature - film projects - you know, theater things, writing things, and jobs like doing rewriting for money, stuff like that. I don't recommend it. It's not a schedule that I'd want, although it was really good for me in a lot of ways. I became a better writer.
- Tamara Jenkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
Even in so-called realist or conventional writing there can be defamiliarization.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
In undergraduate classes, I often see writers who are still simply imitating. I mean, we all imitate - that's how we learn to speak or write in the first place - but they're writing a Dean Koontz novel or something.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
Even while I was working on the novel I would also write short stories as relief, just to be in a wieldier world that could negotiated more easily and more quickly. In the novel, I even changed the narrator from a man to a woman.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
In my writing classes, I don't outlaw any genre writing.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
Whether consciously or unconsciously, I felt myself drawn to writing a female character who was pretty flawed and not very virtuous or wonderful or attractive in these ways that throughout literary history we've come to expect female characters to be.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Leni Zumas
I find myself writing protagonists who do feel pretty cut off from others but who want to make connections and aren't very good at it.
- Leni Zumas
Collection: Writing
Image of Regina Taylor
I love that I live a creative life. It is in the work that I do - acting, writing, and directing. It's also in the mindfulness of every part of my life, from a meal that I prepare for family and friends to putting my imagination to work in a garden.
- Regina Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Ted Genoways
The challenge of nonfiction is keeping the attention of a reader over span of time, and to keep the quality of the writing as high as it needs to be to keep people's attention.
- Ted Genoways
Collection: Writing
Image of Anita Loos
I don't think the written word is important in movies anymore and the really great movies are done by great directors who in many cases write their own scripts. I think it's gotten to be more of a visual thing than an audible thing.
- Anita Loos
Collection: Writing
Image of Anita Loos
Sometimes writers of no talent at all can write great acting scenes. Sometimes the very best writers can't write scenes that come to life.
- Anita Loos
Collection: Writing
Image of Dusty Redmon
Just write, if you open the gate it gets better and better.
- Dusty Redmon
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Sheck
Writing involves an acceptance of being on the margin, the threshold, a galvanization out of received notions into a more activated, kinetic, often perilous, seeing.
- Laurie Sheck
Collection: Writing
Image of Lurlene McDaniel
I wanted to write about the third world and had the opportunity to go live in the trenches, so to speak.
- Lurlene McDaniel
Collection: Writing
Image of Bryan Hayes
Before too long I was playing badly out in some bars around Memphis, but as soon as I learned a few chords I started writing my own stuff.
- Bryan Hayes
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Lock
I tell myself that, regardless of what source I draw on, I'm writing a new work for reasons peculiar to me and not an adaptation, and so feel, in the end, justified in singing it my way.
- Norman Lock
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Lock
I had hoped to be a poet, and for a long time I tried to write poetry. My first published pieces were poems.
- Norman Lock
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Lock
I used to teach writing in a federal prison, and for my students' benefit, I would liken the narrative use of this highly personal point of view to a boxer's getting in close to his opponent.
- Norman Lock
Collection: Writing
Image of Norman Lock
I find it only natural for a storyteller to be interested in storytelling and, for anyone who spends the better part of his or her life writing fiction, it is hardly surprising that the pleasures, worries, and mechanics of fiction-making should enter the work.
- Norman Lock
Collection: Writing