Rhea Seehorn

Image of Rhea Seehorn
Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan and the slew of fantastic writers and directors have always geared me towards making a three-dimensional human.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I've had the great fortune of working with incredible people on many shows.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
Everybody is grappling with their own moral compass, and that needle, like any needle, can't just stick. It's always floating a little bit, and depending on where you're standing, it's hard to read.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I do try to stay open and stay as present as you can be.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
It's kind of amazing how well you can get to know someone without talking.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I would love to have read about myself being compared to Lauren Bacall.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I know you're supposed to be thick-skinned in this business, but I'm not. I kind of like to hang on to being vulnerable.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I didn't have cable when 'Breaking Bad' started, so I came to it late and kept waiting for a friend to watch it with, and could not find a single person who was not already into Season 3 and didn't refuse to start watching it from the beginning.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I think most people would struggle to define their whole relationship with just one label - like: my girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, confidantes, whatever - but in those moments, there's true joy in each other.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I personally wear a lot of earth tones - does that make me boring? I don't know. I do like a pop of color, like red shoes or a bright orange jacket.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I try not to get too far ahead of myself.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I want to let all men and women know: Try going to a party or a dinner where you're completely fine with silences, and you don't fill them just to fill them. It's exhilarating and terrifying.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
Just playing someone who's not concerned with people's comfort levels is so freeing.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
The women I grew up with didn't have a different purse to match all their outfits.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I'm often compared to Alan Rickman. I wish.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I don't ever read chat rooms, because if you've got sixteen nice things, number seventeen is always the person that just wants to be contrary.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I've gotten to a place where I'm better at curbing your ego, which usually happens when you're feeling super small and scared about whatever you're seeing, and you want to go read, 'Oh, I hear there's a really good article about me.' I've gotten better about knowing that's not going to end well, usually.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
You can tell when someone on TV who's supposed to be struggling to pay back loans is clearly wearing a Gucci suit or tailored to perfection.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I don't like time off - I would prefer to act maybe 364 days a year.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
If I had a whole other life, I'd be a psychiatrist.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
There are worse things than getting pigeonholed in Hollywood.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
My first love is definitely performing, but I just love storytelling, and that's another aspect of it.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I think I would like directing. I really like coming at the work that way.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I enjoy social media so much, and I love, love, love Twitter.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I love how deceptively simple 'love interest' is, you know? Because it encompasses quite a lot, when you think about it.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
To choose to be silent in any scene sometimes has more notes in my script than when you chose to speak.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I loved Albuquerque! And we were there during monsoon season, which I didn't know was a thing outside of, like, the Far East.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I think part of real intimacy is being able to leave the room mad, and knowing that the other person will be there when you get back.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I root for people who I think authentically love each other and have each other's backs, and there's no questioning that.
- Rhea Seehorn
Image of Rhea Seehorn
Just watching people's ability to adapt, especially young people's, inspires me to accept more in life instead of wishing things were different all the time.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: People
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I used to do a lot of story writing and storytelling coming up through grade school. By the time I got to college, I decided that I wanted to perform as well, and that's where I started.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: Writing
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I used to be much heavier when I first started out acting and did a lot of crash dieting and a lot of crash exercise - a ton for a month before you burned out. Then I made a decision in my twenties to only do things that I can do for life, so everything's kind of in moderation for me.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: Exercise
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I try to be active five to six times a week, and I keep very healthy, but I don't beat myself up on a bad day. If you're working fourteen hours on a set and you need to eat five protein bars, then you just do that. I keep it a regular and normal part of my life as [much as] I can.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: Bad Day
Image of Rhea Seehorn
I exercise a lot. I enjoy exercising. I switch back and forth with cardio and strength training every other day, and I try to do something active every single day. Other than that, I try to make sure I have enough quiet time to myself to recharge every week as well.
- Rhea Seehorn
Collection: Exercise