Emily Susan Rapp

Image of Emily Susan Rapp
The most precious love is often the kind that isn't returned, and that is given freely.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Love Is
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
Although I don't think love is quantitatively measured - in other words, I don't believe that you "don't know love until you have a child," that whole thing - I do believe it is qualitatively different.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Children
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
Nonfiction ties your hands a bit, and just like writing poetry in rhyme, it can force you to make more brutal decisions in terms of word choice, plot, etc.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I do write fiction, and I find it more difficult, but also more liberating. On the one hand, you can make up the story, but you have to make up the story.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I love poetry, but I find it so difficult to write well.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I write one poem a year, usually in January or February.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
It's terrible to know that no matter how you try to help your child, his condition will worsen.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Children
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
Think of how much we stress about living up to our "potential," and how it creates anxiety and terror in people; in short, stops them from living their life as fully as they might out of fear and self-loathing.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Stress
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I don't believe in God, but I do believe in that chaotic reality, and also this: that none of us knows anything about anything. Period.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Believe
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
People romanticize, I think, this notion of life. But life at all costs is not life, it's ego-extension.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Thinking
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I have been, earlier in my life, a lazy writer. I'd spend three hours at the gym to avoid writing, or I'd just find other distractions - reading, doing laundry, talking on the phone, etc. But suddenly I was like a laser beam: I was relentlessly focused, sometimes to the detriment of other things.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Reading
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I honestly turned to writing because I didn't know what else to do, and because a friend had gently suggested it.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Writing
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I do believe that great love brings with it the terror and possibility of great loss.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Believe
Image of Emily Susan Rapp
I think it's more important to concentrate on trying to be, simply, happy. Once you've known deep despair, you feel even more motivated to be as happy as possible. That's how I feel.
- Emily Susan Rapp
Collection: Thinking