Top Writing Quotes Collection - Page 105

Discover a curated collection of Writing quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 105 provides more Writing quotes.

Image of Christine Sneed
Sometimes I do work on a longer manuscript in tandem with one or two shorter pieces - whether it's a short story or an essay (though I don't write many of the latter).
- Christine Sneed
Collection: Writing
Image of Steve Martin
The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer.
- Steve Martin
Collection: Writing
Image of Gage Munroe
If I did get the opportunity to write something cool that people would like, I would jump at the opportunity to make it.
- Gage Munroe
Collection: Writing
Image of Henning Mankell
It was a clear, starry night, dead calm. Whenever I see a sky like that, I wish I could write music
- Henning Mankell
Collection: Writing
Image of Robert Lowell
Sometimes nothing is so solid to me as writing - I suppose that's what a vocation means - at times a torment, a bad conscience, but all in all, purpose and direction.
- Robert Lowell
Collection: Writing
Image of Steven Caple Jr.
I am black, so with my writing and my voice, you get that kind of dialect.
- Steven Caple Jr.
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Hyesoon
I have to reach "the poetry condition" to write. Then it is as if the border around me is thinned or blurred or erased or disappeared or dead.
- Kim Hyesoon
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Hyesoon
It is difficult to disturb the common usage of Korean that is bent to the perspective of a male-oriented society. Korean society is based on both a politics and history that have been disguised as a solid society of solid male poems, a solid written language, fixed rules of how to write literature, and a narrative language.
- Kim Hyesoon
Collection: Writing
Image of Kim Hyesoon
When I first started to write poetry, I used to feel as if my tongue would go numb.
- Kim Hyesoon
Collection: Writing
Image of Dafydd Williams
When I was at McGill medical school, there was a writer, Ted Rosenthal, who used to write for the New York Times - tragically he died of leukemia at a very young age. He talked about how we can have an opportunity to live a lifetime in a moment, in a day, in a month, in a year - when you're confronted with the finite reality of your own existence, all these moments become lifetimes.
- Dafydd Williams
Collection: Writing
Image of Flume
I want to write a score for a film. It can be a proper film, maybe for a film kind of like... I saw that movie 'Drive', or a bit of a 'Blade Runner' vibe. A little bit sci-fi, but I don't know. I've just always wanted to write a score for a film.
- Flume
Collection: Writing
Image of James C Humes
Churchill wrote his own speeches. When a leader does that, he becomes emotionally invested with his utterances...If Churchill had had a speech write in 1940, Britain would be speaking German today.
- James C Humes
Collection: Writing
Image of Pierre Loti
If by chance I seated myself to write, she very slyly, very tenderly, seeking protection and caresses, would softly take her place on my knee and follow the comings and goings of my pen - sometimes effacing, with an unintentional stroke of her paw, lines of whose tenor she disapproved.
- Pierre Loti
Collection: Writing
Image of Vivek Shraya
When I was writing, I wanted every word to be not only deliberate, but musical. Precious.
- Vivek Shraya
Collection: Writing
Image of Vivek Shraya
My intention was never to write a "trans novel" - which is perhaps an effective strategy for writing a trans novel.
- Vivek Shraya
Collection: Writing
Image of Vivek Shraya
Writing about racism requires a directness that writing a love story does not.
- Vivek Shraya
Collection: Writing
Image of Vivek Shraya
I always work with text orally in the writing process, saying passages aloud to measure flow.
- Vivek Shraya
Collection: Writing
Image of Ian Simpson
I don't think my skill level is up there as a musician. I think I'm best at writing in general. The musicians that I know are really good, and I feel like I have a lot to do until I become a musician.
- Ian Simpson
Collection: Writing
Image of Courtney Love
Remember, if you write anything nasty about me, I'll come around and blow up your toilet.
- Courtney Love
Collection: Writing
Image of John McPhee
A writer has to have some kind of compulsive drive to do his work. If you don't have it, you'd better find another kind of work, because it's the only compulsion that will drive you through the psychological nightmares of writing.
- John McPhee
Collection: Writing
Image of John McPhee
Writing is a suspension of life in order to re-create life
- John McPhee
Collection: Writing
Image of John McPhee
I can't stand a sentence until it sounds right.
- John McPhee
Collection: Writing
Image of Roy Kesey
For whatever reason, thus far it's been important to me not to write that kind of collection. Which means that I've spent months playing tic-tac-notecard, trying to get the stories in an order whereby stories that are similar in any given way (diction, narrative stance, setting, plot) are separated by others that aren't.
- Roy Kesey
Collection: Writing
Image of Dumitru Tepeneag
At one point I had a very complicated plan to use the game of chess as a generating structure for writing. I prepared for a long time. I finally wrote two chapters and stopped. It was too complicated and too difficult to write. And who would've read it?
- Dumitru Tepeneag
Collection: Writing
Image of Dumitru Tepeneag
Our Onirisme movement was a synthesis between the Romantic Fantastique and Surrealism. Dimov and I rejected automatic writing. We loved surrealist painters: Chirico, Magritte, Tanguy and especially Brauner (also a Romanian), who never respected the laws that Breton imposed in his manifests.
- Dumitru Tepeneag
Collection: Writing
Image of Thomas Bidegain
Each time I had an internship to do or an essay to write, I would always do it in the field of cinema. Nobody in my family worked in film and nobody could understand it.
- Thomas Bidegain
Collection: Writing
Image of Danny Fox
Sometimes I just want to sit and write at a clean table and not get paint all over my hands.
- Danny Fox
Collection: Writing
Image of Morgan James
I think that's the hardest part for an artist is finding their voice and learning how to write, finding what they have to say that is unique.
- Morgan James
Collection: Writing
Image of Morgan James
Being a better songwriter, that's top of the list because I think that is a very intimidating, difficult task. I really admire people that just continue to write and get stronger.
- Morgan James
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Hyde
Though I feared I would have no progress when I put down the drink, [my writing] hasn't changed. The creative search, and the fragments that I collect, reflects that.
- Karl Hyde
Collection: Writing
Image of Karl Hyde
I needed it to have experiences I could write about. I thought I was someone who had nothing to say.
- Karl Hyde
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Hecker
I'm trying to find a way to make music work as a living. People used to make their living selling albums. Those days are over! It's kind of an odd time. I guess it's kind of like writing.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Hecker
I take the literary or textual aspect really seriously and I really enjoy writing weird album titles. I did a PhD; I enjoy writing.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Writing
Image of Tim Hecker
I really support criticism as a craft and as a vocation. People who devote as much time to thinking about sound through writing as I do practicing and forming it, the whole system of journalism seems to not yield rewards sustainable as a craft. So few can spend enough time to be serious about it and approach it with confidence and a kind of depth. And that's good on one level, because you have some leveling, that's kind of maybe leveled the petty fiefdoms of undeserving people but it's also made it hard to make a living as a writer.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Pierce
I don't know if embarrassed is the right word, about pop, but I prefer the abstract and the distorted in music. And I keep writing these proper melodies and harmonies, and they're the bits that get thrown out of the records! And I have quite a collection.
- Jason Pierce
Collection: Writing
Image of Jason Pierce
In an odd way I thought I was lowering the bar for myself, in saying, well, I'll make a pop album. But in a way it's kind of harder to make pop music. It's like the more abstract you get with music, you get into that emperor's new clothes thing, where you can go anywhere, and just claim that your audience may not be prepared to go with you. But with pop music, I think everybody understands the form, everybody knows what it's meant to do. So I would say it's harder to write that kind of music.
- Jason Pierce
Collection: Writing
Image of Lidija Dimkovska
When I write, I usually follow my most inner voice, sometimes called stream of consciousness.
- Lidija Dimkovska
Collection: Writing
Image of Lidija Dimkovska
I cannot and don't really want to control my mind, soul, or heart when I write and must recognize that I don't think about the readers at that moment of writing.
- Lidija Dimkovska
Collection: Writing
Image of Bucky Pope
I generally write music first and then hum out the vocal. Sometimes I'll take a phrase that I use as a placeholder and just write around that.
- Bucky Pope
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Foos
What I find interesting and heartening, though, is that there does seem to be a shift in the subject matter being written about by women that is doing well in the culture. We're seeing more women writing dystopian fiction, more women writing novels set post-apocalyptic settings, subjects and themes that used to be dominated by men.
- Laurie Foos
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Foos
I don't see the direct correlation between my personal life and the novel I'm writing until I'm at the end of the novel or very close to it.
- Laurie Foos
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Foos
Fundamentally I think we all write the kinds of work we'd most like to read. Or we try to.
- Laurie Foos
Collection: Writing
Image of Laurie Foos
I've realized that with each novel I seem to set out a kind of puzzle for myself. And I am never sure in the process of writing a first draft how it's all going to turn out.
- Laurie Foos
Collection: Writing
Image of Brianna Taylor
I definitely use life experiences. For me, it's extremely hard to write about something I don't know anything about. If I've never been angry, then I can't write about being angry. We're human beings so we all have emotions. To just have that knowledge, it definitely helps me out as a singer songwriter.
- Brianna Taylor
Collection: Writing
Image of Paul Marcarelli
I've never been able to write for myself. I was doing a lot. I produced The Green, I wrote it - I didn't see myself in the world of this film. I'm sure there are elements of dark corners of my psyche that found their ways on screen; you didn't need my mug up there. There was enough of my essence in the story as it plays out without me acting in it.
- Paul Marcarelli
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicole Atkins
When you are going through something that heavy, for me anyway, I couldn't imagine writing about anything else. I always tend to write about what's most prevalent in my mind.
- Nicole Atkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Nicole Atkins
I went to college in North Carolina, and that's how I learned how to play music. I learned how to play guitar when I was 12, and I was always in bands, but the first time I ever started writing my own music was being surrounded by a lot of songwriter friends in North Carolina.
- Nicole Atkins
Collection: Writing
Image of Boti Bliss
I would say that I am proud of my performance from Cracker and I think a lot of that was due to the writing was just so good. It's so rare that you get such good writing these days but it was awhile ago.
- Boti Bliss
Collection: Writing