Top Wall Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of Wall quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more Wall quotes.

Image of Abbi Glines
I sank down onto the bed against the headboard and leaned back. I crossed my legs underneath me. "Then we'll talk." I said with a smile. Rush sat down onto the bed and leaned back against the wall. A deep chuckle came from his chest and I watched as a real smile broke out on his face. "I can't believe I just begged a female to sit and talk to me." In all honesty, I couldn't either.
- Abbi Glines
Collection: Wall
Image of Roger Scruton
The first effect of modernism was to make high culture difficult: to surround beauty with a wall of erudition.
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Wall
Image of Sara Teasdale
But oh, to him I loved Who loved me not at all,I owe the little open gate That led thru heaven's wall.
- Sara Teasdale
Collection: Wall
Image of Jacqueline Woodson
You have those walls up all around you...Come a day you gonna want to tear them down brick by brick and gonna find that the cement is all hard. What you gonna do then?
- Jacqueline Woodson
Collection: Wall
Image of Margaret Thatcher
Socialism's results have ranged between the merely shabby and the truly catastrophic - poverty, strife, oppression and, on the killing fields of communism, the deaths this century of perhaps 100 million people. Against that doctrine was set a contrary, conservative belief in a law-governed liberty. It was this view which triumphed with the crumbling of the Berlin Wall. Since then, the Left has sought rehabilitation by distancing itself from its past.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Wall
Image of Helen Thomas
We've got to break through the wall of secrecy. It's America's fate.
- Helen Thomas
Collection: Wall
Image of Obert Skye
Stupid deer," I said, embarrassed about being startled. "We need a ladder." "I think they're easier to shoot with a rifle." "I'm not talking about the deer," I said, hitting Milo on the back of his shoulder. "We need a ladder to look over the wall." "Or a catapult," Milo said seriously.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Wall
Image of Ambrose Bierce
PRISON, n. A place of punishments and rewards. The poet assures us that - stone walls do not a prison make.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Pattinson
I'm not particularly good at coping with it. I just cope. I just leave my brain at the door and just stand there. I can get the screaming more than I get the photo things. That's the worst, when you have this wall of photographers. I've never understood the logic in how they do it. Everybody shouts at the same time, and you're trying to do a logical thing, looking from the left to the right. And they almost always end up looking disappointed with you afterwards.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Wall
Image of Felicia Day
We knew how important it was to have a DP, because most web videos are horrible, because they shoot against a white apartment wall with no directional mic, you know? Those simple things, like knowing you have to have a sound guy, and that a YouTube video needs as much color as possible.
- Felicia Day
Collection: Wall
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Ego is just a feeling of having a wall between you and others. There is no wall. You belong to me and I belong to you. You are accepted the way you are.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Wall
Image of Edna St. Vincent Millay
And what are you that, missing you, I should be kept awake As many nights as there are days With weeping for your sake? And what are you that, missing you, As many days as crawl I should be listening to the wind And looking at the wall? I know a man that’s a braver man And twenty men as kind, And what are you, that you should be The one man in my mind? Yet women’s ways are witless ways, As any sage will tell,— And what am I, that I should love So wisely and so well?
- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Collection: Wall
Image of Salman Rushdie
You can find shame in every house, burning in an ashtray, hanging framed upon a wall, covering a bed. But nobody notices it any more.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Reich
Anyone believing the TPP is good for Americans take note: The foreign subsidiaries of U.S.-based corporations could just as easily challenge any U.S. government regulation they claim unfairly diminishes their profits - say, a regulation protecting American consumers from unsafe products or unhealthy foods, investors from fraudulent securities or predatory lending, workers from unsafe working conditions, taxpayers from another bailout of Wall Street, or the environment from toxic emissions.
- Robert Reich
Collection: Wall
Image of Joel Salatin
What happens is all these things we're seeing – campylobacter, E coli, mad cow, listeria, salmonella, that weren't even in the lexicon 30 years ago – that is the industrial paradigm exceeding its efficiency. So these Latin squiggly words that we're learning to say – bovine spongiform encephalopathy – are nature's language screaming to us: ENOUGH! And the question then is: what will it take for us to listen? And my contention is that Wall Street is still wearing conquistador mentality and uniforms, and nobody is listening to the pleadings of nature saying: 'Enough.'
- Joel Salatin
Collection: Wall
Image of Viola Davis
At the end of the day, nobody can tell you how to tackle failure or how to handle change. The world is very good at encouraging you to go along with the status quo and at basking in your successes. But when you hit a wall in your personal life, and you screw up, people don't give you a chance to navigate your way through it and tap into what's extraordinary about you.
- Viola Davis
Collection: Wall
Image of RuPaul
I always felt like an outer-space alien. I was always breaking the fourth wall.
- RuPaul
Collection: Wall
Image of Karl Pilkington
I always have a problem liking things that I'm told I should like. This has been the problem with most of the Wonders I have seen so far. The fact that this one is called the 'Great' Wall of China annoys me. I'll decide if it's great or not. It might end up being the 'All Right Wall of China' to me.
- Karl Pilkington
Collection: Wall
Image of Terry Pratchett
at least nine-tenths of all the original reality ever created lies outside the multiverse, and since the multiverse by definition includes absolutely everything that is anything, this puts a bit of a strain on things. Outside the boundaries of the universe lie the raw realities, the could-have-beens, the might-bes, the never-weres, the wild ideas, all being created and uncreated chaotically like elements in fermenting supernovas. Just occasionally where the walls of the worlds have worn a bit thin, they can leak in.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Wall
Image of Jim Butcher
The only good thing about having your back to the wall is that it makes it really easy to choose which way you're going to go.
- Jim Butcher
Collection: Wall
Image of Horace
The avarice person is ever in want; let your desired aim have a fixed limit.
- Horace
Collection: Wall
Image of Horace
It is your concern when your neighbor's wall is on fire.
- Horace
Collection: Wall
Image of Jim Rohn
The same wall that keeps out your disappointment also keeps out the sunlight of enriching experiences. So let life touch you. The next touch could be the one that turns your life around.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Wall
Image of Virginia Woolf
Writing is still like heaving bricks over a wall.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Wall
Image of Laozi
The reality of the building does not consist in the roof and walls, but in the space within to be lived in.
- Laozi
Collection: Wall
Image of Samuel Beckett
Finished, it's finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished. Grain upon grain, one by one, and one day, suddenly, there's a heap, a little heap, the impossible heap. I can't be punished any more. I'll go now to my kitchen, ten feet by ten feet by ten feet, and wait for him to whistle me. Nice dimensions, nice proportions, I'll lean on the table, and look at the wall, and wait for him to whistle me.
- Samuel Beckett
Collection: Wall
Image of Tony Robbins
The same protection you create for yourself becomes the wall that imprisons you.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Wall
Image of Carey Mulligan
I never had posters on my wall and when I meet actors that I really admire, it's exciting because I get to work with them.
- Carey Mulligan
Collection: Wall
Image of Carey Mulligan
I did Wall Street, and then everything that happened with An Education took me up until March. I didn't want to work during that because there was just so much stuff. I didn't realize you had to go to so many parties. It was a nightmare! I had to go to all these parties! The glamour!
- Carey Mulligan
Collection: Wall
Image of Gabrielle Zevin
There's a strange sort of quiet when you're dying. It's as if you're in a glass room, and the walls keep getting thicker and thicker.
- Gabrielle Zevin
Collection: Wall
Image of Christina Rossetti
I lock my door upon myself, And bar them out; but who shall wall Self from myself, most loathed of all?
- Christina Rossetti
Collection: Wall
Image of L. Frank Baum
The Scarecrow watched the Woodman while he worked and said to him "I cannot think why this wall is here nor what it is made of." "Rest you brains and do not worry about the wall," replied the Woodman, "when we have climbed over it we shall know what is on the other side.
- L. Frank Baum
Collection: Wall
Image of J. Lynn
I want you. Bad. Right now. Against the wall. On my bed. The floor and maybe in the bathroom later. I have a shower stall and a Jacuzzi we could put to really good use. I know you'd like it.
- J. Lynn
Collection: Wall
Image of J. K. Rowling
Everything was curved to fit the walls: the stove, the sink and the cupboards, and all of it had been painted with flowers, insects and birds in bright primary colours.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Wall
Image of Pablo Picasso
I understand how you could see something in the root of a tree, a crack in the wall, in an eroded stone or pebble. But marble? It comes off in blocks and doesn't evoke any image. It does not inspire.
- Pablo Picasso
Collection: Wall
Image of Katherine Applegate
My life is flashing lights and pointing fingers and uninvited visitors. Inches away, humans flatten their little hands against the wall of glass that separates us.The glass says you are this and we are that and that is how it will always be.
- Katherine Applegate
Collection: Wall
Image of Donald Trump
They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. They are rapists. We need to build a wall.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Wall
Image of Claudia Gray
The library would've cheered me up, most days. I loved the heavy oaken tables, the high walls stacked with books to the ceiling, the musty smell of old pages and the heavy brass fixtures that had gone dark with age and wear.
- Claudia Gray
Collection: Wall
Image of Arundhati Roy
We ought to say, "Occupy Wall Street, not Iraq," "Occupy Wall Street, not Afghanistan," "Occupy Wall Street, not Palestine." The two need to be put together. Otherwise people might not read the signs.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Wall
Image of Yevgeny Zamyatin
O, mighty, divinely delimited wisdom of walls, boundaries! I is perhaps the most magnificent of all inventions. Man ceased to be a wild animal only when he build the first wall. Men ceased to be a wild man only when we built the Green Wall, only when, by means of that wall, we isolated our perfect machine world from the irrational, ugly world of trees, birds, and animals.
- Yevgeny Zamyatin
Collection: Wall
Image of Robert Rauschenberg
I like photographs of anything uninteresting. Maybe just two doors on a wall... The point is to be uninteresting.
- Robert Rauschenberg
Collection: Wall
Image of Nalini Singh
You almost died.” “But you brought me back.” She cupped his face in her hands. “I always knew you were there. Death didn't have a chance against the Wall.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Wall
Image of Cornel West
You can see it in terms of the obsession on Wall Street with not just profits but greed, more profit, more profit.
- Cornel West
Collection: Wall
Image of Vandana Shiva
If you read Wall Street’s reports, they don’t talk of soya bean as originating in China. They don’t talk of soya bean as soya bean. They talk of Monsanto soya. Monsanto soya is protected by a patent. It has a patent number. It is therefore treated as a creation of Monsanto, a product of Monsanto’s intelligence and innovation.
- Vandana Shiva
Collection: Wall
Image of Terry Pratchett
I don't want unnecessary violence, sergeant," said Blouse. "Right you are, sir!" said the sergeant. "Carborundum! First man comes through that door runnin', I want him nailed to the wall!" He caught the lieutenant's eye, and added: "But not too hard!
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Wall
Image of Aaron Sorkin
The hardest thing for me is getting started. If I'm writing a script, really 90 per cent of it would be just walking around, climbing the walls, just trying to put the idea together. Then the final 10 per cent would be writing it.
- Aaron Sorkin
Collection: Wall
Image of Chris Rock
Unlike flying or astral projection, walking through walls is an earthbound pursuit.
- Chris Rock
Collection: Wall
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
If you take pride in your attainment or become discouraged because of your idealistic effort, your practice will confine you by a thick wall.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Wall