Felicia Day

Image of Felicia Day
I guess I just always had this idea that I would go to Hollywood. I had the typical 'get up and go' attitude that you have to have in order to make the brave step into the big city.
- Felicia Day
Collection: Attitude
Image of Felicia Day
Social media is an amazing tool, but it's really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact.
- Felicia Day
Collection: Amazing
Image of Felicia Day
Voice acting is very different from live-action. You only have one tool to convey emotion. You can't sell a line with a look. It's all about your vocal instrument.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Every single job is a challenge. You are walking into a new set, a new character, creating a world and trying to get comfortable to do your best work.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I would never let somebody say that they're me. That would be the ultimate betrayal of what I stand for.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
There is definitely a way in which women are raised to be less proactive, less business-oriented, and less willing to jump into creative no man's land. I think media has more of an influence on how we perceive gender identity than anything else.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Comic-Con has become more of a pop cultural festival, and to not be included feels like you're missing the biggest celebration of the year.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I have a little obsessive-compulsive personality. You can tell because I played online games for eight hours a day.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'd been in Hollywood for five years before I started writing 'The Guild.' I worked enough to pay all my bills. So I was very lucky in that respect. Most people don't make a living acting.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Every quirky girl doesn't have to be the best-friend character. It's a very limiting and self-fulfilling prophecy. People only write things that will get green-lit, so they write to those stereotypes.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Just because you have star power and a huge marketing budget, you can see from some professional web series, it doesn't equal views.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I've played pretty much every single-player RPG there is, has been, ever will be. But as far as the MMOs go, especially with the voice chat, it becomes like hanging out with your friends in a chat channel, and you're playing at the same time. So it becomes a lot more social than people would probably think.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I love sitcoms, and I grew up on sitcoms. That's my tasty junk food.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
My dad was in the military, yeah. He was in the Air Force, and he was a doctor, so he would go places for six months here, and two years there. And I was home-schooled because I played the violin, and I did a lot of competitions.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Basically, my socialization as a child didn't come from any schooling; it came from being in theater and meeting people online.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
When I carve out time to game, it's because I rationalize that I 'deserve it,' so I relish every minute of that 2-3 hour session.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'll be in a series for three or four episodes, but then I'll be off the series, and downtime, as an actor, is a little more than most people understand. Most of the time you're just sitting around taking coffee with friends.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'm very persistent; I know the Internet very well, because I grew up on the Internet. I had Internet when there was just dial-up, and the Internet was my social outlet.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'm a big champion of people doing things outside the system.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I think the more web video there is, the more press you'll get, as well as all the people who want to tell stories that haven't been told before but can't do that on TV because different stories are a risk.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I believe you are never past the point of creating opportunities for yourself.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I learned that lack of budget can be overcome by fan passion if you can get your content to the people who like what you do.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Geek and Sundry has an eclectic line-up of shows all targeted around things I love: Comics, Tabletop Games, Books and more.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
The substance of what it means to be a geek is essentially someone who's brave enough to love something against judgment. The heart of being a geek is a little bit of rejection.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
At no point am I ever threatened by people who question who I am, or why I like the things I do, or my legitimacy. Because I know who I am very strongly, and I think that's what geek culture can reinforce.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I was a huge fan of video games; I wanted to write something, and I saw the tools at my fingertips to upload a video to my audience, and that's why I'm here today. I think that freedom and the lack of gatekeepers, combined with people's passion, is what really the true spirit of Internet geekdom is about.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
For the vlogging channel, I wanted to build the infrastructure and build up all the personalities in a way that felt like weren't just forcing the audience to watch everyone we have.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I don't appeal to everyone well. I appeal to fewer people in a much stronger way. That's what fandom is to me, and what creates fans for everything I make.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Now that we've transitioned to more Smart TVs, where people are broadcasting their cable box, I hope that Geek & Sundry is something that people will click on in the future, knowing that they're going to get content that they love.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I've read every single fantasy novel there is. I mean, I would challenge a lot of people to read more fantasy novels than I have.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'm super excited about gaming always. That's the thing that I geek out over; those are the vlogs that I'm surfing if I'm not already playing a game at night.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
'TableTop' is packed with gaming celebrities and independent game creators. This is a huge subculture that really doesn't have a vehicle to rally around or educate people with.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
When I go to a web video meeting and look around, at least half the show runners are women. And a lot are actors-cum-writers who are frustrated with the situation of being a woman actor in Hollywood and have decided to create their own show.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'd been on 'Buffy' - that is an amazing community, the Joss Whedon fans.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Sustaining an audience with a web series is an impossible task.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I could go off into the wilderness and write fantasy novels for the rest of my life and probably be happy; but I always want to challenge myself.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Nobody sets out to break new ground. I think change comes when people have no other choice.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I think Hollywood has seen what fandom can do for a project. You can definitely see that when you go to Comic-con.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I think the whole definition of a geek is somebody being passionate and focused, and being proud of saying that they're passionate and focused, on a narrow range of subjects.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I still do commercial work as an actor, which I love, because it's very quick, and it definitely pays my bills.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I always enjoyed acting. My aunt was actually an actress.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I came from a dance background, so that's what I did my whole teenage years. I was at the dance studio a lot. It just becomes your social scene and part of your life.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I think every role is always exciting and intimidating. I've never had a role where I wasn't intimidated by it.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Whether you're a Twitter follower, a YouTube subscriber or a Facebook friend, natural social instinct is to collect people and to not kind of see them later. But unfortunately, with social media, you collect them and they're in your life, whether you really want them or not.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
On Tumblr, I'm really careful about not following too many things. I enjoy going on there to discover new things more than anywhere else now.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
Surprisingly, I think if you're known on the Internet, you're probably an introvert.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I actually did go through severe depression and anxiety attacks where I couldn't sleep for weeks. It was definitely several months of being not myself.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
People don't appreciate that when you're on the Internet, it's a 24/7 job. Even if you're not releasing episodes, your show is living and breathing on the Internet because there's a community around it. Ninety percent of the work is after the web series is shot, and you have to constantly maintain your community, because it's all you have.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
I'm in a very fortunate position, in that if I had an idea, and I could do it on a web budget, I could probably get it made; it's just a question of finding the time to really develop it, because I don't want to make anything that I don't believe in 100 percent.
- Felicia Day
Image of Felicia Day
That's what I love about the Internet. Even if it's small-scale and you're just posting on a forum, that's an uncensored expression. That's what I love.
- Felicia Day