Buddy Guy

Image of Buddy Guy
I've never missed a gig yet. Music makes people happy, and that's why I go on doing it - I like to see everybody smile.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Music
Image of Buddy Guy
Once I was checking to hotel and a couple saw my ring with Blues on it. They said, 'You play blues. That music is so sad.' I gave them tickets to the show, and they came up afterwards and said, 'You didn't play one sad song.'
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Sad
Image of Buddy Guy
Why did they keep changing guitars and amplifiers when they were perfect? They did the same things with cars, if you ask me. They forgot how to make them right, because they focused on style and bells and whistles.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Car
Image of Buddy Guy
I'm going through a divorce now. This is the second one, and like baseball, I'm not gonna get three strikes. I've been living by myself for five years and I'm very comfortable. I can play my guitar when I want to.
- Buddy Guy
Image of Buddy Guy
Listen to the lyrics - we're singing about everyday life: rich people trying to keep money, poor people tying to get it, and everyone having trouble with their husband or wife!
- Buddy Guy
Image of Buddy Guy
Everyone thinks because you're from the south you know everyone down there, but it's not like that; I never knew nothing about no Mississippi.
- Buddy Guy
Image of Buddy Guy
If you don’t think you have the blues, just keep living.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Buddy Guy
It's kind of hard to keep going sometimes but you just have to believe in what you are and what you can do and that's the way to success.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Believe
Image of Buddy Guy
They say the blues is sad, but when B.B. sings 'I got a sweet little angel, I love the way she spreads her wings,' that don't sound too sad to me!
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Sweet
Image of Buddy Guy
Blues musicians don't retire. They drop.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Musician
Image of Buddy Guy
When I went to Chicago, I'll put it like this: I was looking for a dime and I found a quarter.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Chicago
Image of Buddy Guy
I'm gonna play something so funky you can smell it
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Play
Image of Buddy Guy
Don't be the best in town. Just try to be the best until the best come around.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Trying
Image of Buddy Guy
Blues is like American Express. I don't leave home without it.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Home
Image of Buddy Guy
I love what I'm doing. And the world is so mad at everybody. If I do something to make people smile, I'm going to say, I got you. For that moment, if it don't last, I made you forget about the other thing you might have been thinking about.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Thinking
Image of Buddy Guy
I learn everything I play by listening to somebody else.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Play
Image of Buddy Guy
I can't learn nothing from listening to me. That's something I already know.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Listening
Image of Buddy Guy
If you don't think you've got the blues, just keep living, and if you don't think you're drunk, just keep drinking what you're drinking.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Drinking
Image of Buddy Guy
What I do is when I go to the stage I forget about me.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Forget
Image of Buddy Guy
Your mind is on vacation and your mouth is working overtime.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Vacation
Image of Buddy Guy
So here I am - a 75-year-old man sitting on a bar stool in a blues club, trying to figure out exactly how I got here. Any way you look at it, it's a helluva story.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Men
Image of Buddy Guy
Someone told me once that blues is like whiskey. They keep whiskey in the barrel for so many years, and then they talk about how well it's aged. But I don't think that goes for him. I think this young man has just stepped in there sayin', 'I'm gonna prove you all wrong.' I think he's like a watermelon, man. He's ripe.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Men
Image of Buddy Guy
The jazz and blues clubs are like the jazz and blues musicians - they're disappearing.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Musician
Image of Buddy Guy
When you play the guitar, you don't have to say nothing. The girls would say something to you.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Girl
Image of Buddy Guy
They just said, 'Roll the tape.' No rehearsal or nothing... Muddy [Waters] didn't come in and say 'I wanna rehearse.' He used to look at me and say 'Let's just play the blues. That's all you need to do.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Play
Image of Buddy Guy
Even the disc jockeys are saying, if I play your record, I made you. You got to play for me free.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Play
Image of Buddy Guy
I didn't look up and say, "Oh, man, if I learn how to play a guitar I could make not much money, but I'd make a decent living like Eric Clapton or somebody." There wasn't nothing like that out there.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Men
Image of Buddy Guy
When you catch me playing something at home, it's somebody else's stuff where I can what we call steal licks from, and that's how I taught myself how to play.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Home
Image of Buddy Guy
I said, I'm going to stand up and somebody is going to pay attention to me.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Attention
Image of Buddy Guy
Standing between these two guys you'd have to be me to know how I'm feelin'!
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Two
Image of Buddy Guy
I was denied a record contract for 15 years, so I'm not going to be too picky about what I do. I don't have the juice to say no too many times.
- Buddy Guy
Collection: Years