Franny Armstrong

Image of Franny Armstrong
I think you just have to turn it around and say we are at this absolute historical moment. No generation has ever been as powerful as us. We have the future of our species in our hands. We could be the generation that people look back on and say, 'They bloody did it!', not 'They didn't bother.'
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Powerful
Image of Franny Armstrong
Doing nothing about climate change is still a fairly common affliction, even in this day and age. What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody's existence on this planet? Clearly we don't really think they should be blown up, that's just a joke for the mini-movie, but maybe a little amputating would be a good place to start?
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Real
Image of Franny Armstrong
I was about seven years old. In my mother's garage I used to create plays and star in them and charge the neighborhood kids five cents to see them. It was a lot of fun.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
After I published my first book, my sister, known as Kali Willows, began writing. She fell as in love with it as I did. She has a number of short stories.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Book
Image of Franny Armstrong
I have my favorite authors, but in reality, my mother did. Though she's never written a book, she paved the way for me to.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
I have precognitive dreams such as the year my brother's apartment caught fire and he lost everything. I'd dreamt it two months before. Alas, though I warned him, it still happened. Thankfully no one was harmed. I also read Tarot cards, mostly for fun.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Dream
Image of Franny Armstrong
I always carry a notepad with me, even on vacation. If I'm on the computer when the story 'hits', I open a Word document and start typing until I get it all out. I've got tons of notes that I never throw out. You never know when a story will strike!
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Vacation
Image of Franny Armstrong
I love using unique names, so I go to a baby names site on the Internet and use the unique names. Sometimes my names have meanings such as 'strong', 'fire', and Phoenix which means dark red and is Greek. It's fun to think of a name meaning and matching it with a name. Even Frances means Victory.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Baby
Image of Franny Armstrong
If you are an intelligent human being then you are interested in climate change because it's the most important issue of our time.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Franny Armstrong
I made my first film McLibel independently but only by accident. I tried to get a commission from all the standard TV broadcasters but because they had been sued by McDonald's in the past none of them would commission me so I ended up making it by credit cards and rich boyfriends (I'm joking - about the boyfriends).
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Past
Image of Franny Armstrong
I realised what a powerful position you are in if you own the rights to your film because then you control the distribution and I ended up getting 25 million viewers for McLibel and that's what it's all about for me.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Powerful
Image of Franny Armstrong
I am not interested in having somebody telling that what I have to water down my message or that some advertising person would not like it.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Water
Image of Franny Armstrong
We have got a very short time to turn climate change around otherwise we will all die.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Climate
Image of Franny Armstrong
When I was ten, my mother told me to write down my feelings. I eventually started writing a book. I wish I'd kept the handwritten text. I recall some of the story, but it was a start into the world of writing.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
I love writing about the military, as I live near an air force base and am inspired by the sacrifices our soldiers make for us. I like to give them a lot of challenges to beat, and show how they live with intrigue and danger.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Military
Image of Franny Armstrong
As a graphic artist, my job on a local paper was creating the advertising as well as working as a journalist on sports and community issues. There are many more jobs I've done in my day, I can't remember them all.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Sports
Image of Franny Armstrong
I'm usually a panster and throw ideas down on computer the second they hit my brain. I even had to get off the treadmill to write down my ideas. It's a great place to 'zone out' and think about my plots and characters.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Writing
Image of Franny Armstrong
I've always loved J.R.R. Tolkein and recently, Christine Feehan and J.K.Rowling. There are many as I'm an avid reader, but those three come to the fore.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Avid
Image of Franny Armstrong
I am a true psychic. In my family it's the norm. My sister and mother are always 'in my head' and say or do the same things I'm doing at the same time.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
I do a lot of research and yes, do know quite a few police officers, friends of mine and my husbands. However, most of my books are researched based on Canadian laws or the laws of each country (ie: Mexico and USA) and I do my best to make them accurate.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Country
Image of Franny Armstrong
Silence is golden for me. I live in the country and hear only my pets, birds, crickets, and the wind in the trees.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Country
Image of Franny Armstrong
I relish the time I have when there are no interruptions. Most often the best time for writing is late at night.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Writing
Image of Franny Armstrong
I'm on Facebook and the Internet EVERY DAY NUMEROUS TIMES A DAY.Sorry about the shouting but I can't help myself. My mother said her dog (a lapdog) never sits on my lap because I always have the laptop on it.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
Franny Armstrong is a mother of three and a grandmother of four. Her husband supports her imagination and has the patience of a saint. She's been writing since she was a child, creating plays to act out in front of the neighborhood children.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Mother
Image of Franny Armstrong
I have always thought that the role of the film-maker is to present the argument persuasively, emotionally and coherently and then it is over to the viewer, they are either convinced or not convinced, moved or not moved and they decide whether they will take action or not.
- Franny Armstrong
Collection: Roles