Carl Honore

Image of Carl Honore
You don't have to work for Google, or any of the other firms encouraging staff to pursue personal projects on company time, to use slowness to unlock your creativity. Anyone can do it. Start by clearing space in your schedule for rest, daydreaming and serendipity. Take breaks away from your desk, especially when you get stuck on a problem.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Space
Image of Carl Honore
In this media-drenched, multitasking, always-on age, many of us have forgotten how to unplug and immerse ourselves completely in the moment. We have forgotten how to slow down. Not surprisingly, this fast-forward culture is taking a toll on everything from our diet and health to our work and the environment.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Diet
Image of Carl Honore
To me, Slow parenting is about bringing balance into the home. Children need to strive and struggle and stretch themselves, but that does not mean childhood should be a race. Slow parents give their children plenty of time and space to explore the world on their own terms.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Parenting
Image of Carl Honore
Slow parents understand that childrearing should not be a cross between a competitive sport and product-development. It is not a project; it's a journey. Slow parenting is about giving kids lots of love and attention with no conditions attached.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Parenting
Image of Carl Honore
Everywhere, people are discovering that doing things more slowly often means doing them better and enjoying them more. It means living life instead of rushing through it. You can apply this to everything from food to parenting to work.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Parenting
Image of Carl Honore
Our obsession with speed, with cramming more and more into every minute, means that we race through life instead of actually living it. Our health, diet and relationships suffer. We make mistakes at work. We struggle to relax, to enjoy the moment, even to get a decent night's sleep.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Diet
Image of Carl Honore
Slow travel now rivals the fly-to-Barcelona-for-lunch culture. Advocates savour the journey, travelling by train or boat or bicycle, or even on foot, rather than crammed into an airplane. They take time to plug into the local culture instead of racing through a list of tourist traps.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Travel
Image of Carl Honore
We're so marinated in the culture of speed that we almost fail to notice the toll it takes on every aspect of our lives - on our health, our diet, our work, our relationships, the environment and our community.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Diet
Image of Carl Honore
In our fast-forward culture, we have lost the art of eating well. Food is often little more than fuel to pour down the hatch while doing other stuff - surfing the Web, driving, walking along the street. Dining al desko is now the norm in many workplaces. All of this speed takes a toll. Obesity, eating disorders and poor nutrition are rife.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Food
Image of Carl Honore
Whether it's mending a failing company, fighting corruption, tackling disease, or rebuilding a marriage, the hardest problems defy just-add-water remedies. Indeed, slapping on a Band-Aid when surgery is needed usually just makes things worse.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Marriage
Image of Carl Honore
Smaller families mean we have more time and money to lavish on each child. Parents are more anxious because small families give them less experience of parenting and put their genetic eggs in fewer baskets.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Parenting
Image of Carl Honore
The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections--with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds
- Carl Honore
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Carl Honore
By slowing down at the right moments, people find that they do everything better: They eat better; they make love better; they exercise better; they work better; they live better.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Motivation
Image of Carl Honore
Technology enables us to work every minute of every day from any place on the planet.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Technology
Image of Carl Honore
In this media-drenched, data-rich, channel-surfing, computer-gaming age, we have lost the art of doing nothing, of shutting out the background noise and distractions, of slowing down and simply being alone with our thoughts.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Art
Image of Carl Honore
My life had become an endless race against the clock. I was always in a hurry, scrambling to save a minute here, a few seconds there. My wake-up call came when I found myself toying with the idea of buying a collection of One-Minute Bedtime Stories Snow White in 60 seconds. Suddenly it hit me: my rushaholism has got so out of hand that I'm even willing to speed up those precious moments with my children at the end of the day. There has to be a better way, I thought, because living in fast forward is not really living at all. That's why I began investigating the possibility of slowing down.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Children
Image of Carl Honore
Spending more time with friends and family costs nothing. Nor does walking, cooking, meditating, making love, reading or eating dinner at the table instead of in front of the television. Simply resisting the urge to hurry is free.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Reading
Image of Carl Honore
I love all this stuff. I look at all the gadgets that come out and I think, ‘Oh, this fix works for me. But the rest don’t.’ I’m not genuflecting in front of the God of Newness.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Thinking
Image of Carl Honore
The greatest thinkers in history certainly knew the value of shifting the mind into low gear. Charles Darwin described himself as a slow thinker. Einstein was famous for spending ages staring into space in his office at Princeton University.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Space
Image of Carl Honore
Much better to do fewer things and have time to make the most of them.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Fewer
Image of Carl Honore
This is where our obsession with going fast and saving time leads. To road rage, air rage, shopping rage, relationship rage, office rage, vacation rage, gym rage. Thanks to speed, we live in the age of rage.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Vacation
Image of Carl Honore
The time has come to challenge our obsession with doing everything more quickly.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Challenges
Image of Carl Honore
In our hedonistic age, the Slow movement has a marketing ace up its sleeve: it peddles pleasure. The central tenet of the Slow philosophy is taking the time to do things properly, and thereby enjoy them more.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Carl Honore
I could be working 300 hours a week. I just say no. The power of slow is the power of no. I can’t go to every party I get invited to. I can’t do every work thing.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Party
Image of Carl Honore
Fast isn't turning us into Masters of the Universe, It's turning us into Cheech and Chong.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Masters
Image of Carl Honore
Out of the Slow Food movement has grown something called the Slow Cities movement, which has started in Italy but has spread right across Europe and beyond. And in this, towns begin to rethink how they organize the urban landscape so that people are encouraged to slow down and smell the roses and connect with one another.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Europe
Image of Carl Honore
I always felt through writing that I wanted to rotate the world slightly.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Writing
Image of Carl Honore
I never wanted to be a public figure. I feel that I always have to dampen down people's expectations. They expect me to be an oracle, wave a magic wand, sprinkle some slow, sparkly dust on them, to make everything all right.
- Carl Honore
Collection: Dust