Geoffrey Canada

Image of Geoffrey Canada
If you are a lousy teacher, you should be fired.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Teacher
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Education is the only billion dollar industry that tolerates abject failure.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Education
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When I first found out that Superman wasn't real, I was about maybe eight. And I was talking to my mother about it. And she was like, 'No, no, no. There's no Superman.' And I started crying. I really thought he was coming to rescue us. The chaos, the violence, the danger. No hero was coming.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Teachers need to be paid like professionals.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
How is it we could have a system where schools could remain lousy for 50 years and yet you do exactly the same thing this year that they did 50 years ago when it didn't work then, and no one feels any pressure to change?
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Poverty places not just one or two obstacles but multiple obstacles in a child's pathway to what we would consider to be regular development - cognitively, intellectually and emotionally.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Kids who are poor often have families that have not really been kept informed about... how important it is to read to your child, to reduce stresses in their life, to use positive incentives and words.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
My own faith was nurtured by my grandmother and her clinging deeply to her faith when she was dying a painful and slow death from cancer.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
I believe that for lots of churches and religious institutions, their main focus on the development of faith among parishioners needs to spread to the community.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
People don't believe or understand that a community can lose hope. You can have a whole community where hopelessness is the norm, where folks don't have faith that things will get better because history and circumstances have proven over 30, 40, or 50 years that things don't get better.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
At a school in Massachusetts where I once worked, we managed early on through consensus. Which sounds wonderful, but it was just a very, very difficult way to sort of manage anything, because convincing everybody to do one particular thing, especially if it was hard, was almost impossible.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Convincing people to give your way a try will work if you neutralize - and sometimes you have to cauterize - the ones who really are against change. They're the kind of person who, if you tell them it's raining outside, they'll fight you tooth and nail.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
The tendency in lots of large organizations is to try and find a comfortable place where you think you can get measured rewards for measured work.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
There's not a day that goes by that I don't draw on my undergraduate background in psychology.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
My contract with my teachers is fair, and is two pages. The union contract is 200 pages. You cannot manage your business when you cannot make any decision without going back to 200 pages worth of stuff.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
We've gotta guarantee all of our kids an education.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
I want my kids to graduate from high school. But that's not enough. I also want them to go to college. Why? Because rich people's kids go to college. And if that's good enough for them, it's good enough for my kids. Because you know what? College graduates don't tend to go to jail as frequently as nongraduates.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
You grow up in America and you're told from day one, 'This is the land of opportunity.' That everybody has an equal chance to make it in this country. And then you look at places like Harlem, and you say, 'That is absolutely a lie.'
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
You go through the Civil Rights struggle, everybody knew the songs - 'We shall overcome.' Everybody would sing it. Music helped us. James Brown, 'Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud.' They helped black people figure out how to navigate what was a very treacherous place in America for them.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Young people will tell you, if you're not prepared to write the most violent, the most misogynistic, the most horrible kinds of rhymes and scenarios, you are not going to get air play.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Good dental care doesn't make you a good student, but if your tooth hurts, it's hard to be a good student.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
People talk about Wall Street greed, but one of the things many people don't understand is that there are a lot of organizations that have been the recipient of largess from the same Wall Street.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
It is important to have permanent safe spaces in Harlem.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When I was growing up, kids used to talk about snitching... It never extended as a cultural norm outside of the gangsters.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
One of the things that sells music is when the artist is looked at as someone who's come up from the streets. Not just any streets, but the toughest, meanest streets of the urban ghetto. And that's called 'street credibility.'
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Lots of boys pick strong messages about who they are and who they want to be from the media.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Video games offer violent messages, and even the sports video games include taunting and teasing.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Movies portray men as tough guys.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Boys want to grow up to be like their male role models. And boys who grow up in homes with absent fathers search the hardest to figure out what it means to be male.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
It's just becoming more acceptable for girls to react violently.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
You don't need someone destroying you when your own people are the worst messengers possible. And this is what black people in America have not come to grips with.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Middle-class families know education begins at birth.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
The system decides you can't run schools in the summer.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
The rates of soda consumption in our poorest communities cannot be explained by individual consumer preferences alone, but rather are linked to broader issues of access and affordability of healthy foods in low-income neighborhoods, and to the marketing efforts of soda companies themselves.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
I graduated from Bowdoin College and went to the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Then I left and took a job teaching really poor inner-city white kids in Boston. It was interesting to me because I'd never been around poor whites before.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When I began working in not-for-profits, it was taking a vow of poverty, which eliminated huge numbers of folks.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
An extended school day gives administrators the ability to ensure children get a well-rounded education.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Many schools today are sacrificing social studies, the arts and physical education so children can cover basic subjects like math, English and science.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
In two-parent households, women have increasingly entered the workplace, and in single-parent households, there is even more of a need for the adults to work. That means parents do not fully control their own schedule and have to scramble to find high-quality after-school options.
- Geoffrey Canada
Image of Geoffrey Canada
I want to be a children’s hero… Children need heroes because heroes give hope; without hope they have no future.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Children
Image of Geoffrey Canada
You have to be prepared to think outside the box...Stand back and think about what we could do creativity. We've got to do that to push the field forward.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Creativity
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When you see a great teacher, you are seeing a work of art.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Education
Image of Geoffrey Canada
One of the saddest days of my life was when my mother told me Superman did not exist. I was like what do you mean he's not real. And she thought I was crying because it’s like Santa Claus is not real and I was crying because there was no one coming with enough power to save us.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Mom
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When kids know that you refuse to let them fail ... they don't give up as easy. So sometimes they don't have it inside, [but] they're like,'You know, I don't want to do this, but I know my mother's going to be mad.'That matters to kids, and it helps get them through.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Mother
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Over the past five years, I've met several presidents, several secretaries of education ... and there is no plan. If you want to save your children, you're going to have to do it yourself. It's just us.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Children
Image of Geoffrey Canada
When the safety of America is threatened, we will spend any amount of money. The real safety of our nation is preparing this next generation so that they can take our place [in] thinking and technology and democracy.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Education
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Build an organization that can tackle the tough things and keep moving.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Moving
Image of Geoffrey Canada
It's easy to have faith when everything is going great. The real test of faith is when you're facing something that only your faith in God will get you through.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Real
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Let's stop teaching to the middle and start teaching to the student.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: Teaching
Image of Geoffrey Canada
Osama Bin Laden is not going to come here and destroy America. Our education system is doing that just fine.
- Geoffrey Canada
Collection: America