Top Speech Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Speech quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Speech quotes.

Image of Noah Webster
Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God.
- Noah Webster
Collection: Speech
Image of William Shakespeare
Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounc'd it to you, trippingly on the tongue.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Speech
Image of Richard M. Nixon
There is no such thing as a nonpolitical speech by a politician.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Speech
Image of Aeschylus
When a tongue fails to send forth appropriate shafts, there might be a word to act as healer of these.
- Aeschylus
Collection: Speech
Image of Friedrich Schiller
Speech is always bolder than action.
- Friedrich Schiller
Collection: Speech
Image of Glenn Greenwald
Beyond all the other reasons not to do it, free speech assaults always backfire: they transform bigots into martyrs.
- Glenn Greenwald
Collection: Speech
Image of George Orwell
Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
- George Orwell
Collection: Speech
Image of Mark Twain
The best and most telling speech is not the actual impromptu one but the counterfeit of it.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Speech
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
None love to speak so much, when the mood of speaking comes, as they who are naturally taciturn.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Speech
Image of Ingrid Bergman
when one never speaks, one has nothing to say because one has too much to say.
- Ingrid Bergman
Collection: Speech
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
New ways I go, a new speech comes to me; weary I grow, like all creators, of the old tongues. My spirit no longer wants to walk on worn soles.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Speech
Image of Pablo Neruda
She did not speak for speech was unknown to her.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Speech
Image of Louis D. Brandeis
Fear of serious injury cannot alone justify suppression of free speech and assembly.
- Louis D. Brandeis
Collection: Speech
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
I am speechless: I have no speech
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Speech
Image of Mark Twain
None but the dead have free speech.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Speech
Image of Hope Solo
Speech is the image of actions
- Hope Solo
Collection: Speech
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Remember that thought is speech before God.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Speech
Image of Horace
When you have well thought out your subject, words will come spontaneously.
- Horace
Collection: Speech
Image of J. K. Rowling
I forgot Dumbledore trashed Hogwarts, refused to resign and ran off to the forest to make speeches to angry trolls.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Speech
Image of Agnes Repplier
Neatness of phrase is so closely akin to wit that it is often accepted as its substitute.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Speech
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
And Thought leapt out to wed with Thought Ere Thought could wed itself with Speech.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Speech
Image of Salman Rushdie
Free speech is life itself.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Speech
Image of Virginia Woolf
Speech is an old torn net, through which the fish escape as one casts it over them.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Speech
Image of Dennis Miller
Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
- Dennis Miller
Collection: Speech
Image of Salman Rushdie
A figure of speech is a shifty thing; it can be twisted or it can be straight.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Speech
Image of Camille Paglia
If someone offends you by speech, you must learn to defend yourself by speech.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Speech
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Speech is for the convenience of those who are hard of hearing; but there are many fine things which we cannot say if we have to shout.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Speech
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
It is most difficult to speak when we are ashamed of being silent.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Speech
Image of Martin Farquhar Tupper
Speech is the golden harvest that followeth the flowering of thought.
- Martin Farquhar Tupper
Collection: Speech
Image of John Stuart Mill
There is never any fair and thorough discussion of heretical opinions... The greatest harm done is to those who are not heretics, and whose whole mental development is cramped and their reason cowed, by the fear of heresy.
- John Stuart Mill
Collection: Speech
Image of Margaret Thatcher
I have never knowingly made a non-controversial speech in my life.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Speech
Image of Joseph Addison
I have but nine-pence in ready money, but I can draw for a thousand pounds.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Speech
Image of Ambrose Bierce
Slang is the speech of him who robs the literary garbage carts on their way to the dumps.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Speech
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Eloquence: saying the proper thing and stopping.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Speech
Image of Plautus
It is a tiresome way of speaking, when you should despatch the business, to beat about the bush.
- Plautus
Collection: Speech
Image of May Sarton
Poetry finds its perilous equilibrium somewhere between music and speech.
- May Sarton
Collection: Speech
Image of Robert Orben
Humor is the most honest of emotions. Applause for a speech can be insincere, but with humor, if the audience doesn't like it there's no faking it.
- Robert Orben
Collection: Speech
Image of Plautus
You drown him by your talk.
- Plautus
Collection: Speech
Image of William Shakespeare
First Witch He knows thy thought: Hear his speech, but say thou nought.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Speech
Image of Laurence J. Peter
A free press is one that prints a dictator's speech but doesn't have to.
- Laurence J. Peter
Collection: Speech
Image of David Nicholls
She realises that if she is to save the show she is going to have to improvise a rousing speech, one of the many Henry V moments that make up her working life.
- David Nicholls
Collection: Speech
Image of Wislawa Szymborska
They say the first sentence in any speech is always the hardest. Well, that one's behind me, anyway.
- Wislawa Szymborska
Collection: Speech
Image of Donald Trump
I thought he [Tim Kaine] was terrible. I thought his speech was terrible.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Speech
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
It is a great misfortune not to possess sufficient wit to speak well, nor sufficient judgment to keep silent.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Speech
Image of Lord Byron
There is no traitor like him whose domestic treason plants the poniard within the breast that trusted to his truth
- Lord Byron
Collection: Speech
Image of John Hagee
What is the point of having free speech if you have nothing to say?
- John Hagee
Collection: Speech
Image of Fidel Castro
I have reached the conclusion, a bit late perhaps, that speeches should be short.
- Fidel Castro
Collection: Speech
Image of Winston Churchill
Haven't you learned yet that I put something more than whisky into my speeches.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Speech