Top Son Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Son quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Son quotes.

Image of Art Buchwald
The best way to clean up a son's room is to close the door and pretend it's not part of the house.
- Art Buchwald
Collection: Son
Image of Robert Teeter
People just automatically say 'If this guy is George and Barbara Bush's son, we don't have any question about those personal qualities that we were fooled on by Clinton.'
- Robert Teeter
Collection: Son
Image of Sonia Delaunay
About 1911 I had the idea of making for my son, who had just been born, a blanket composed of bits of fabric like those I had seen in the houses of Russian peasants. When it was finished, the arrangement of the pieces of material seemed to me to evoke cubist conceptions and we then tried to apply the same process to other objects and paintings.
- Sonia Delaunay
Collection: Son
Image of George Wigram
When one thinks of the wondrous glory of Christ, how astonishing that He can join with us! But more, when one thinks of His bringing many sons to glory at such a cost, one is lost in adoring amazement.
- George Wigram
Collection: Son
Image of Michael Easton
I watch 'Sons of Anarchy' and 'Game of Thrones' and 'The Walking Dead' and think, 'I want to create that kind of television!
- Michael Easton
Collection: Son
Image of Stan Smith
Son, feelings are what women have. They come from their ovaries.
- Stan Smith
Collection: Son
Image of F. L. Lucas
I have a wife, I have sons; all these hostages have I given to fortune.
- F. L. Lucas
Collection: Son
Image of Georges Clemenceau
My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then.
- Georges Clemenceau
Collection: Son
Image of Carol Klein
For a woman, a son offers the best chance to know the mysterious male existence.
- Carol Klein
Collection: Son
Image of Philip II of Macedon
My son ask for thyself another Kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee
- Philip II of Macedon
Collection: Son
Image of Paul Broca
I would rather be a transformed ape than a degenerate son of Adam.
- Paul Broca
Collection: Son
Image of Mansur Al-Hallaj
In the Name of Allah the Merciful, the Compassionate, Who manifests Himself through everything, the revelation of a clear knowing to whomsoever He wishes, peace be upon you, my son. This praise belongs to Allah Who manifests Himself on the head of a pin to whom He wishes, so that one testifies that He is not, and another testifies that there is none other than He. But the witnessing in the denying of Him is not rejected, and the witnessing in the affirming of Him is not praised.
- Mansur Al-Hallaj
Collection: Son
Image of Giuseppe Verdi
Oh, you happy sons of the North who have been reared at the bosom of Bach, how I envy you!
- Giuseppe Verdi
Collection: Son
Image of Pope Pius XII
The faith of the Church is this: That one and identical is the Word of God and the Son of Mary Who suffered on the Cross, Who is present in the Eucharist, and Who rules in Heaven
- Pope Pius XII
Collection: Son
Image of Michael Savage
The world is upside down, if you can keep your head while everyone around you is losing theirs and blaming it on you, then you will be a man, my son. One of the greatest lines ever written.
- Michael Savage
Collection: Son
Image of Themistocles
The Athenians govern the Greeks; I govern the Athenians; you, my wife, govern me; your son governs you.
- Themistocles
Collection: Son
Image of Averroes
All sciences originated among the sons of Israel, the reason being the existence of prophecy among them which made their perfection in the sciences amazing.
- Averroes
Collection: Son
Image of Peter Abelard
Are you not moved to tears and bitter compassion, when you behold the only Son of God seized by the most impious, dragged away, mocked, scourged, buffeted, spit upon, crowned with thorns, hung upon the infamous cross between two thieves, finally in such a horrible and execrable manner suffering death, for your salvation and that of the world?
- Peter Abelard
Collection: Son
Image of Peter Abelard
The Son of God took our nature, and in it took upon himself to teach us by both word and example even to the point of death, thus binding us to himself through love.
- Peter Abelard
Collection: Son
Image of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Every living creature is the son of the supreme Lord, and He does not tolerate even ants being killed
- A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Collection: Son
Image of Sarada Devi
You see, my son, it is not a fact that you will never face dangers. Difficulties always come, but they do not last forever. You will see that they pass away like water under a bridge.
- Sarada Devi
Collection: Son
Image of Jon Gruden
I call them the Sons of Anarchy Muhammad WilkerSON, Damon HarriSON, Sheldon RichardSON
- Jon Gruden
Collection: Son
Image of Frederick Denison Maurice
The Light of the world is not put out. Now have death and the grave been converted into the great testimonies for life and immortality. Now may each man, who has the sentence of Adam upon him, know that he is a kinsman of the Son of God. Now may he follow Him; and so, when the darkness is thickest around him and within, not walk in it, but see the Light of Life.
- Frederick Denison Maurice
Collection: Son
Image of Edward III of England
Of the Black Prince [his son] at Crécy, 1345: Let the boy win his spurs. [Old English] Also say to them, that they suffre hym this day to wynne his spurres, for if god be pleased, I woll this iourney be his, and the honoure therof.
- Edward III of England
Collection: Son
Image of Stuart Duncan
I like to think of my son as having an extra puzzle piece rather than missing one.
- Stuart Duncan
Collection: Son
Image of Joe
In Prodigal Son, Christine Sutton has penned a tight, brutally honest portrait of a psychopath reminiscent of Theodore Sturgeon's 'Some of Your Blood'. This dark descent into the broken mind of Timothy Robert Shively will send chills down your back. Every word rings true, and every page is dark with menace. Do yourself a favor and pick this one up right now. You can thank me later.
- Joe
Collection: Son
Image of Bruce Hutchison
Our sons, who so easily recognize our errors, and rightly denounce them, will have to confess their own, later on, and they may be as bad as ours, perhaps worse.
- Bruce Hutchison
Collection: Son
Image of Jennifer Connelly
I feel more comfortable in my own skin now than I ever have...I think there's something about loving Kai [her son] so much, in a way that I've never loved anyone, including myself. Also, I used to spend a lot of time alone, but he's this incredibly social kind of guy, so all of a sudden I'm always having people in and out of my house. It's changed the way I feel as a citizen of the world. And it's really important to me to feel good about what I'm working on, to justify the number of hours I'd have to be away from him.
- Jennifer Connelly
Collection: Son
Image of Ahad Ha'am
We are used to thinking of the Arabs as primitive men of the desert, as a donkey-like nation that neither sees nor understands what is going around it. But this is a GREAT ERROR. The Arab, like all sons of Sham, has sharp and crafty mind . . . Should time come when life of our people in Palestine imposes to a smaller or greater extent on the natives, they WILL NOT easily step aside.
- Ahad Ha'am
Collection: Son
Image of Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
La mort, mon fils, est un bien pour tous les hommes; elle est la nuit de ce jour inquiet qu'on appelle la vie. Bernstein Death, my son, is a good for all; it is the night of this worrisome day that one calls life.
- Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre
Collection: Son
Image of Christopher Cross
I was born the son of a lawless man, always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand.
- Christopher Cross
Collection: Son
Image of John Allen Paulos
A German merchant of the fifteenth century asked an eminent professor where he should send his son for a good business education. The professor responded that German universities would be sufficient to teach the boy addition and subtraction but he would have to go to Italy to learn multiplication and division. Before you smile indulgently, try multiplying or even just adding the Roman numerals CCLXIV, MDCCCIX, DCL, and MLXXXI without first translating them.
- John Allen Paulos
Collection: Son
Image of Michael Dorris
My son will forever travel through a moonless night with only the roar of wind for company.... A drowning man is not separated from the lust for air by a bridge of thought—he is one with it—and my son, conceived and grown in an ethanol bath, lives each day in the act of drowning. For him there is no shore.
- Michael Dorris
Collection: Son
Image of Eddie Cochran
I went to my Congressman and he said quote quote, I'd like to help you son, but you're too young to vote.
- Eddie Cochran
Collection: Son
Image of Brian Andreas
There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my Son though some days I'm louder about other stuff so it's easy to miss that.
- Brian Andreas
Collection: Son
Image of John Gerstner
If the perfect Son of God is unattractive to you, then obviously you are an unattractive person.
- John Gerstner
Collection: Son
Image of Horatius Bonar
Faith is not our saviour. It was not faith that was born at Bethlehem and died on Golgotha for us. It was not faith that loved us, and gave itself for us; that bore our sins in its own body on the tree; that died and rose again for our sins. Faith is one thing, the Saviour is another. Faith is one thing, and the cross is another. Let us not confound them, nor ascribe to a poor, imperfect act of man, that which belongs exclusively to the Son of the Living God.
- Horatius Bonar
Collection: Son
Image of Tom Monaghan
Being in the Marine Corps was the best thing that ever happened to me. It can do a lot for a young guy. I owe a lot to the Marine Corps. If I had a son, I'd want him to be a Marine.
- Tom Monaghan
Collection: Son
Image of John Feldmann
When my son got sick and he was in the hospital, and they took out his kidney when he was less than a year old, I definitely learned that each moment is really precious and I don't want to take anything for granted.
- John Feldmann
Collection: Son
Image of Hasdai ibn Shaprut
Your son at five is your master, at ten your slave, at fifteen your double, and after that, your friend or foe, depending on his bringing up.
- Hasdai ibn Shaprut
Collection: Son
Image of Anita Diament
I pray I die before they day comes when I do not know if my sons are infants or grandfathers.
- Anita Diament
Collection: Son
Image of Bill Goldberg
I am always a competitor and my wife and son have never seen me wrestle.
- Bill Goldberg
Collection: Son
Image of Robert Patrick
Dont shoot where it is, son. Shoot where its going to be.
- Robert Patrick
Collection: Son
Image of Maria Bello
It's not like I prepare anymore, or have to think about my son being dead to get emotional. If you're working with a good actor and you're reacting off of them and you have a good script, it just comes organically. It's just stored in your body. So that emotion will just be brought out of you, as opposed to trying to force it.
- Maria Bello
Collection: Son
Image of Loren Cunningham
The Son of God had missionary supporters
- Loren Cunningham
Collection: Son
Image of Eddie Futch
Sit down, son. It's all over. No-one will ever forget what you did here today
- Eddie Futch
Collection: Son
Image of Charles Dance
I spent a lot of time [between takes] apologising to Peter Dinklage [Dance's on-screen son, Tyrion Lannister] because I treat him appallingly.
- Charles Dance
Collection: Son
Image of Ray Comfort
The friendly preacher who fails to warn of the reality of Hell, betrays the Son of God with a kiss.
- Ray Comfort
Collection: Son
Image of Robbie Coltraine
My sons the same, hes terribly funny. Its a wonderful power to have. Its also fantastically disarming. Women find it unbelievably disarming. You can say the most astonishing things if youre funny. You can tell a woman that shes irresistibly attractive, but do it in such a funny way.
- Robbie Coltraine
Collection: Son