David Weber

Image of David Weber
I want manned spaceflight, not just back to the Moon, but beyond that. And I want my daughters and my son to have their own July 20, 1969, to remember. Apollo 11 didn't give us wings; it only showed us how far the wings we had would take us.
- David Weber
Image of David Weber
It hadn't really percolated through my brain that I was going to see real, live TV from the surface of the Moon, and boy, oh, boy, had that Saturn V launch been exciting! And then, there it was - late at night, sitting up, watching, and there was Neil Armstrong actually standing on the surface of the Moon.
- David Weber
Image of David Weber
I think it's like that for people who don't remember 1969 first-hand. It's that sense of 'old hat.' Of 'been there, done that.' Space shuttles, space stations, communications satellites, GPS - they're all part of our everyday, taken-for-granted world in 2009, not part of an incredible odyssey.
- David Weber
Image of David Weber
The world's best swordsman doesn't fear the second best; he fears the worst swordsman, because he can't predict what the idiot will do.
- David Weber
Collection: World
Image of David Weber
My duty is not affected by what others may or may not do to discharge their own.
- David Weber
Collection: May
Image of David Weber
Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled, or dead?
- David Weber
Collection: Men
Image of David Weber
It was rumored she held grudges till they died of old age, then had them stuffed and mounted.
- David Weber
Collection: Age
Image of David Weber
She didn't know a lot about politics – yet – but she'd learned enough in her history classes to know politics could always be counted on to make a bad situation worse.
- David Weber
Collection: Class
Image of David Weber
All men begin as good men. What they are taught as children, what is expected of them as young men, is either the armor about that goodness or the flaw that allows evil in.
- David Weber
Collection: Children
Image of David Weber
Oh, bother!,” said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead.
- David Weber
Collection: Piglet
Image of David Weber
Giving orders you know won't be obeyed is one of the best ways I know to destroy your own authority.
- David Weber
Collection: Order
Image of David Weber
Henke sensed her terrifying aptitude for destruction as never before. Henke had feared for her sanity; now she knew the truth was almost worse than that. Honor wasn't insane - she simply didn't care. She'd lost not only her sense of balance but any desire to regain it.
- David Weber
Collection: Honor
Image of David Weber
God, I love the "fine morality" of the wealthy and powerful. You'll spill tears over your own, in a heartbeat. And then never even look twice at people below you, whose very lives are ground under every day, day after day, year after year.
- David Weber
Collection: Powerful
Image of David Weber
I suppose I ought to think up some dramatic, quotable phrase for Public Information and the history books, but I'm damned if any of them come to mind. Besides, admitting the truth wouldn't sound too good. The truth, Russell, is that now the moment's here, I'm scared shitless. Somehow I don't think even Public Information could turn that into good copy.
- David Weber
Collection: Book
Image of David Weber
We will maintain heading until he's committed, then I want a hardskew-turn to starboard. As hard as you can make it, Chief. I want our starboard broadside on him as he passes below us, and then I want to cut down across his stern and stick it right up his kilt. Clear? (Honor Harrington)
- David Weber
Collection: Cutting
Image of David Weber
Son, you'll know you're in love when a woman's voice settles into your spine.
- David Weber
Collection: Son
Image of David Weber
Spies could be invaluable in peacetime, once the fighting actually started, their value dropped steeply. When the swords were out, it was the information your own scouts provided that mattered, not reports from unknown people whose veracity you couldn't prove.
- David Weber
Collection: War