Fred Thompson

Image of Fred Thompson
I think that there is a relatively small number of people who are pushing for independence in Taiwan.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Independence
Image of Fred Thompson
Let's not overlook, though, what we do know about the campaign finance scandal, and the fact the Chinese were involved in our presidential campaign and our congressional campaigns.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Finance
Image of Fred Thompson
Sometimes you have to, as I say, build bridges where you can - but draw lines where you must.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
There's a lot more to competence than a law degree and a modicum of courtroom skill.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
We have some real political differences among us, but we all share the same goals: clean air and water, injury free workplaces, safe transportation systems, to name a few of the good things that can come from regulation.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
That is, while we believe that cost-benefit analysis is an important tool to inform agency decision making, the results of the cost-benefit analysis do not trump existing law.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
China is one of the world's greatest proliferators of weapons of mass destruction to these rogue nations.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
And when we draw lines in the sand with regard to certain basic things that are vital to our interest and to the interest of democracy and our friends around the world, we have to be willing to back that up.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
And I believe in the 13 years Judge Roberts was there, he never turned down a request to give some assistance on a pro-bono case, and this was no different.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
And it's difficult for the average American to understand why something like that could be so important and why a little small place like Taiwan would be so important to the PRC.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
But if the Chinese mainland, the PRC, attacked Taiwan, we'd be obligated to come to their aid.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
But obviously, we can't afford to make some bad long-term decisions with regard to basic commitments our country has - trade those away for some short-term assistance that may or may not be there a month from now.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
Clearly, the Chinese know that we want a good relationship with them.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
For a long time in American history, people didn't even come up before the Senate. They didn't come before the Judiciary Committee, and up until about 1923, something like that.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
For example, lead paint in old houses can be a greater threat to children's health than lead that may be under some industrial site where there are no children.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
Hopefully, we can build bridges, but we also have to draw lines.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
I think that the justices were totally answering the way that they should. I think that the senators, as best I could tell, for the most part, Democrat and Republican, respected that.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
In the end, we may be hurting the very people we should be concerned about - the inner-city poor, those who already have to live with many risks in their daily lives, those who do not have clout here in Washington.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
Nobody wants to open a business near a Superfund site and risk being sued.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
So China will be having to make some choices as to whose side it wants to be on. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a major improvement in our relationship with them, if they choose correctly.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
So if you look back over the long history of China, they've never tried to take over the world, but they've been quite aggressive in their own neighborhood... in carrying out their own purposes and interests in their sphere of the world.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
Superfund was passed with the good intention of cleaning up America's toxic waste sites.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
The problem is that agencies sometimes lose sight of common sense as they create regulations.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
We also have to ask if we focusing on the most important priorities.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
We just ask the agency to make reasonable and honest decisions, and the public deserves no less.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
We're hoping for the best, but we need to prepare for the worst.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
We've made some mistakes in this country in times past - the Korean conflict proceeding that, some say proceeding the Persian Gulf War, where we were ambiguous as to what we would do.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
While we believe there are fruitful opportunities to update and improve old rules, we do not want to set up a review process that could create a litigation morass.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
You can't substitute promise after promise with known violators of prior promises at the expense of protecting ourselves or setting an example.
- Fred Thompson
Image of Fred Thompson
After two years in Washington, I often long for the realism and sincerity of Hollywood.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Witty
Image of Fred Thompson
This country has shed more blood for the freedom of other people than all the other nations in the history of the world combined, and I'm tired of people feeling like they've got to apologize for America.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Country
Image of Fred Thompson
Study: 60% of young Americans plan to buy firearms. The other 40% were confused, saying they thought they were free under Obamacare.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Confused
Image of Fred Thompson
The University of North Carolina-Greensboro has ordered a Christian club to allow non-Christians as leaders. While we're at it, let's put high school dropouts in charge of the University.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Christian
Image of Fred Thompson
A [person] who Never quits is never defeated.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Success
Image of Fred Thompson
This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Lucky
Image of Fred Thompson
Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Son
Image of Fred Thompson
A new report shows that medicare and Medicaid made more than $50 Billion in bad payments during fiscal year 2011. Under Obamacare, that'll become known as 'Tuesday.'
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Medicare And Medicaid
Image of Fred Thompson
Global warming experts are saying that sea levels could rise 20 feet. Apparently their strategy for surviving this is to stand on top of a pile of government research grant money.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Feet
Image of Fred Thompson
A new survey shows that the American public is more conservative now than at any point since 1952. The bad news is that all the liberals that died since then are still voting.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Voting
Image of Fred Thompson
A new report shows that, in Virginia, gun violence has fallen as the sale of firearms has soared to a new record. In other news, a recent study shows that most criminals don't like getting shot at.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Gun
Image of Fred Thompson
Every foreign policy of every major nation involves reason, common sense, carrots and sticks. You can't have all carrots and no sticks.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Common Sense
Image of Fred Thompson
America needs a president who understands the nature of the world we live in.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: America
Image of Fred Thompson
If we have more people on the receiving end of government - more people as the middle class becomes sucked in more and more to these entitlement programs, for example - then we're going to be in a place where it's going to be hard to go back. It's going to be hard to go back again. It's going to be hard to take away stuff. It's not impossible.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Class
Image of Fred Thompson
Nobody wants to open a business near a Superfund site and risk being sued
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Business
Image of Fred Thompson
So if you look back over the long history of China, they've never tried to take over the world, but they've been quite aggressive in their own neighborhood... in carrying out their own purposes and interests in their sphere of the world
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Long
Image of Fred Thompson
I'm not above acting like a seal every once in a while and waiting for the next fish, I just don't want to do it all the time.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Waiting
Image of Fred Thompson
Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Country
Image of Fred Thompson
We, as a nation, cannot wait for the Pearl Harbor of the information age. We must increase our vigilance to tackle this problem before we are hit with a surprise attack.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Waiting
Image of Fred Thompson
There's nothing hard about acting except the long hours.
- Fred Thompson
Collection: Government