Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Julie Burchill
When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women.
- Julie Burchill
Collection: Sex
Image of Anthony Kennedy
There are some forty thousand children in California, according to the red brief, that live with same-sex parents, and they want their parents to have full recognition and full status. The voice of those children is important in this case, don't you think?
- Anthony Kennedy
Collection: Sex
Image of Paula Gunn Allen
I am not especially defined by my sex life, nor complete without it.
- Paula Gunn Allen
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Fairlie
Gluttony and Lust are the only sins that abuse something that is essential to our survival.
- Henry Fairlie
Collection: Sex
Image of Margaret Cho
I think sex is really about the self, and really a self-reflection.
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Sex
Image of Nan Goldin
The camera is as much a part of my everyday life as talking or eating or sex.
- Nan Goldin
Collection: Sex
Image of Virginia Gildersleeve
There was danger at times that women might not be judged by the highest standards, but more leniently because of their sex. "She is a remarkably good chemist--for a woman," you might hear a man say. It seemed to me essential, if the ablest young women scholars were to achieve the best work of which they were capable, that they should be held to the most rigorous standards. ...To advance, a woman must do at least as good work as her male colleagues, usually better.
- Virginia Gildersleeve
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan Mitchell
Ireland regards sex, when she regards it at all, with an entirely primitive and practical eye.
- Susan Mitchell
Collection: Sex
Image of Christian Finnegan
Pimp stands for Positive Intellectual Motivated Person. It has nothing to do with selling sex for money.
- Christian Finnegan
Collection: Sex
Image of Christine de Pizan
Men who have slandered the opposite sex have usually known women who were cleverer and more virtuous than they are.
- Christine de Pizan
Collection: Sex
Image of Mortimer Zuckerman
Law practice is the exact opposite of sex:even when it's good, it's bad.
- Mortimer Zuckerman
Collection: Sex
Image of Nelson Rodrigues
Every shy person is a potential sex offender.
- Nelson Rodrigues
Collection: Sex
Image of Glenda Jackson
The important thing in acting is to be able to laugh and cry. If I have to laugh, I think of my sex life. If I have to cry, I think of my sex life.
- Glenda Jackson
Collection: Sex
Image of Berti Vogts
Sex before the game? No problem. But I won't allow it at half-time
- Berti Vogts
Collection: Sex
Image of Mary C. Ames
The woman born to physical subjection and degradation can never seek or use knowledge as her birthright. Never till she holds her sex in honor, as man holds his, can she be his equal, even in her own realm.
- Mary C. Ames
Collection: Sex
Image of Helen Nielsen
When a man mentally undresses a woman it's merely sex; but when a woman mentally dresses a man he's in dire danger of matrimony.
- Helen Nielsen
Collection: Sex
Image of Alice von Hildebrand
Unwittingly, the feminists acknowledge the superiority of the male sex by wishing to become like men.
- Alice von Hildebrand
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Solow
Everything reminds Milton of the money supply. Well, everything reminds me of sex, but I keep it out of the paper.
- Robert Solow
Collection: Sex
Image of Woody Allen
That (sex) was the most fun I ever had without laughing.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Sex
Image of Patricia Schroeder
[When asked, as a prospective Presidential candidate, whether she had ever committed adultery:] No. But then most congresswomen don't have 25-year-old lifeguards throwing themselves at their feet around this place.
- Patricia Schroeder
Collection: Sex
Image of Jennifer Beals
Politics is a lot like sex - if you want something, you have to ask for it, if they're not doing it right you've got to speak up and show them and if you still don't get what you want, then there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself.
- Jennifer Beals
Collection: Sex
Image of JWoww
I am like a praying mantis, after I have sex with a guy I will rip their heads off.
- JWoww
Collection: Sex
Image of Midge Decter
Women's Liberation calls it enslavement but the real truth about the sexual revolution is that it has made of sex an almost chaotically limitless and therefore unmanageable realm in the life of women.
- Midge Decter
Collection: Sex
Image of Richard M. Weiner
Whenever I have a birthday, I think back over the past year, how I've spent my time, what I've accomplished, what regrets I have, how I've tried to make the world a better place, and what exactly I've been doing with my life over the past 365 days, and I think to myself: 'Man, I wish I'd gotten laid more'.
- Richard M. Weiner
Collection: Sex
Image of Sky Ferreira
Sex is one of God's gifts, just use it right.
- Sky Ferreira
Collection: Sex
Image of Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The veil deliberately marks women as private and restricted property, nonpersons. The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and a Muslim veil blinkers both your vision and your destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race but of a sex.
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Collection: Sex
Image of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
All the acquisitions or losses wrought by nature on individuals, through the influence of the environment in which their race has long been placed, and hence through the influence of the predominant use or permanent disuse of any organ; all these are preserved by reproduction to the new individuals which arise, provided that the acquired modifications are common to both sexes, or at least to the individuals which produce the young.
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
Collection: Sex
Image of Mark Tobey
There has been 32 isms since the advent of cubism, yet after all there are essentially the same two old strings, the Romantic and the Classical. We've just be confused by the storm. Science and psychology have played a great part to say nothing of sex.
- Mark Tobey
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Howard
I am happy to debate the past with the Prime Minister... I have a big dossier on his past, and I did not even have to sex it up.
- Michael Howard
Collection: Sex
Image of Sherilyn Fenn
People who think they know me would be surprised that my whole life doesn't revolve around sex.
- Sherilyn Fenn
Collection: Sex
Image of Carol Tavris
[Sexual] fantasies, like children, are most interesting to the people who have them.
- Carol Tavris
Collection: Sex
Image of Lisa Lampanelli
Usually I'm on top to keep the guy from escaping.
- Lisa Lampanelli
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan Blackmore
The sale of sex in modern societies is not about spreading genes. Sex has been taken over by the memes.
- Susan Blackmore
Collection: Sex
Image of Leontyne Price
A healthy sex life. Best thing in the world for a woman's voice.
- Leontyne Price
Collection: Sex
Image of Alison Jolly
If sex evolved so that your children are not condemned to be just like you, intelligence evolved so that you are not condemned to be just like yourself.
- Alison Jolly
Collection: Sex
Image of Paul Outerbridge
If exposure of a nude body is thought to incite relations between the sexes, well, what of it. We want a large population anyway.
- Paul Outerbridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Nelson Algren
And never, ever, no matter what else you do in your whole life, never sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own.
- Nelson Algren
Collection: Sex
Image of Dick Cavett
Why are sex and violence always linked? I'm afraid they'll blur together in people's minds - sexandviolence - until we can't tell them apart. I expect to hear a newscaster say, "The mob became unruly and the police were forced to resort to sex."
- Dick Cavett
Collection: Sex
Image of Angela Carter
Cities have sexes: London is a man, Paris a woman, and New York a well-adjusted transsexual.
- Angela Carter
Collection: Sex
Image of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Sexuality throws no light upon love, but only through love can we learn to understand sexuality.
- Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
Collection: Sex
Image of Galen
After coitus every animal is sad, except the human female and the rooster.
- Galen
Collection: Sex
Image of Galen
All animals are sad after coitus except the female human and the rooster.
- Galen
Collection: Sex
Image of Louis Auchincloss
It's very rare that a character comes to mind complete in himself. He needs additional traits that I often pick from actual people. One way you can cover your tracks is to change the sex.
- Louis Auchincloss
Collection: Sex
Image of John Diamond
Sex problems never are, they are troubles of the heart.
- John Diamond
Collection: Sex
Image of Jimmy Carr
Remember to never answer a phone during sex, even if you hilariously answer with 'I can't talk now, I'm going into a tunnel'.
- Jimmy Carr
Collection: Sex
Image of Julia Ormond
Sex, love and death are universal and timeless dramatic themes.
- Julia Ormond
Collection: Sex
Image of Talaat Pasha
It was at first communicated to you that the Government, by order of the Jemiet had decided to destroy completely all the Armenians living in Turkey...An end must be put to their existence, however criminal the measures taken may be, and no regard must be paid to either age or sex nor to conscientious scruples.
- Talaat Pasha
Collection: Sex
Image of Helen Gurley Brown
Sex is one of the three best things out there, and I don't even know what the other two are.
- Helen Gurley Brown
Collection: Sex