Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Kate Bush
The more I think about sex, the better it gets!
- Kate Bush
Collection: Sex
Image of Richard Jeni
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there. Type in 'Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire'and the computer will say, 'Specify type of goat.'
- Richard Jeni
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan McClary
Sexuality ... is at the same time the most personal of realms and also the realm most carefully constrained by social order.
- Susan McClary
Collection: Sex
Image of Matilda Joslyn Gage
When all humanity works for humanity, when the life-business of men and women becomes one united partnership in all matters which concern each, when neither sex, race, color, or previous condition is held as a bar to the exercise of human faculties, the world will hold in its hands the promise of a millennium which will work out its own fulfillment.
- Matilda Joslyn Gage
Collection: Sex
Image of Matilda Joslyn Gage
History is full of wrongs done the wife by legal robbery on the part of the husband. I hesitate not to assert that most of this crime of child murder, abortion, infanticide, lies at the door of the male sex.
- Matilda Joslyn Gage
Collection: Sex
Image of Judy Grahn
The tribal attitude said, and continues to say, that Gay people are especially empowered because we are able to identify with both sexes and can see into more than one world at once, having the capacity to see from more than one point of view at a time. And that is also an Indian way of seeing.
- Judy Grahn
Collection: Sex
Image of Simon Gray
Extra-marital sex is as overrated as pre-marital sex. And marital sex, come to think of it.
- Simon Gray
Collection: Sex
Image of Thomas Dolby
Smother me in your hot sauce woman until smoke comes from your thighs.
- Thomas Dolby
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Burns
I look on the opposite sex with something like the admiration with which I regard the starry sky on a frosty December night. I admire the beauty of the Creator's workmanship, I am charmed with the wild but graceful eccentricity of the motions, and then I wish both of them goodnight.
- Robert Burns
Collection: Sex
Image of Leonard Michaels
Adultery is not about sex or romance. Ultimately, it is about how little we mean to one another.
- Leonard Michaels
Collection: Sex
Image of Artie Shaw
That's the clarinet I used to use... but it's just a piece of wood, you know, with holes in it and they put these clumsy keys on it and you're supposed to try to take that and manipulate it with throat muscles and chops... and try to make something happen that never happened before. And when you do, you never forget it. It beats sex, it beats anything.
- Artie Shaw
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Cavill
I'll never accept that I'm a sex symbol. That will mean that someone is a bit too fond of himself. If it happens, I think it's certainly going to be odd. People shouldn't see me as a sex symbol. I'm really just Henry. I'm just telling a story. I could be playing an incredibly unpleasant character who's not sexually attractive at all in my next movie. So I've no expectations at all.
- Henry Cavill
Collection: Sex
Image of Jeremy Clarkson
The Suzuki Wagon R should be avoided like unprotected sex with an Ethiopian transvestite
- Jeremy Clarkson
Collection: Sex
Image of Abraham Flexner
We feel strongly that the spirit characteristic of America at its noblest, above all the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any conditions as to personnel other than those designed to promote the objects for which this institution is established, and particularly with no regard whatever to accidents of race, creed, or sex.
- Abraham Flexner
Collection: Sex
Image of Christopher Rice
I don't want to judge anyone's sex life - but I worry that those are the only options we are giving to our young people.
- Christopher Rice
Collection: Sex
Image of Will Durst
How did sex come to be thought of as dirty in the first place? God must have been a Republican.
- Will Durst
Collection: Sex
Image of Belva Ann Lockwood
I do not believe in sex distinction in literature, law, politics, or trade-or that modesty and virtue are more becoming to women than to men, but wish we had more of it everywhere.
- Belva Ann Lockwood
Collection: Sex
Image of Anatole Broyard
Sex almost always disappoints me in novels. Everything can be said or done now, and that's what I often find: everything, a feeling of generality or dispersal. But in my experience, true sex is so particular, so peculiar to the person who yearns for it. Only he or she, and no one else, would desire so very much that very person under those circumstances. In fiction, I miss that sense of terrific specificity.
- Anatole Broyard
Collection: Sex
Image of Liz Cheney
Same sex marriage must be decided by the states, and by the people in the states, not by judges and not even by legislators, but by the people themselves.
- Liz Cheney
Collection: Sex
Image of Franklin Graham
This is God's standards [against same-sex marriage and abortions]. And just because public opinion may have changed or somebody takes a poll - this is just one of the issues. And it doesn't matter what people say or what people think. It doesn't matter about the opinion polls. It's what God says, and God says this is a sin. And it's a sin against him, and he's going to judge sin.
- Franklin Graham
Collection: Sex
Image of Emma Bull
Sex without love is like a goddamn business transaction. And sometimes both parties feel as if they got a good deal, but that doesn't make it any less so.
- Emma Bull
Collection: Sex
Image of Ghostface Killah
Scooby snack. Jurassic. Plastic. Gas. Booby Trap
- Ghostface Killah
Collection: Sex
Image of George Burns
Sex after 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope. Even putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill.
- George Burns
Collection: Sex
Image of Christabel Pankhurst
People are led to reason thus: a woman who is a wife is one who has made a permanent sex bargain for her maintenance; the woman who is not married must therefore make a temporary bargain of the same kind.
- Christabel Pankhurst
Collection: Sex
Image of Rei Kawakubo
Comme des Garcons is a gift to oneself, not something to appeal or to attract the opposite sex
- Rei Kawakubo
Collection: Sex
Image of Allison Williams
A lot of guys I know loved Sex and the City. They’ll take it to their grave, but they watched every episode of it.
- Allison Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Rakim
Everything derives from the mind. From sex to the way you want people to perceive you to anything in life, it all derives from the mind. If people start realizing this and get deeper into themselves they'll realize there's nothing that they can't do.
- Rakim
Collection: Sex
Image of Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
We are justified in believing that the success of this movement for equality of the sexes means more progress toward equality of the races.
- Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
Collection: Sex
Image of Sandra Brown
Should men and women be equal in all things? Absolutely. But I'm old-fashioned in that I like the differences between the sexes. My male characters are neither Neanderthals nor Prince Charmings. They're flawed.
- Sandra Brown
Collection: Sex
Image of Dorothy Allison
Behind my carefully buttoned collar is my nakedness, the struggle to find clean clothes, food, meaning, and money. Behind sex is rage, behind anger is love, behind this moment is silence, years of silence.
- Dorothy Allison
Collection: Sex
Image of Tony Goldwyn
My sex scenes with @kerrywashington are f****** hot!
- Tony Goldwyn
Collection: Sex
Image of Margaret Cavendish
But if our sex would but well consider and rationally ponder, they will perceive and find that it is neither words nor place that can advance them, but worth and merit.
- Margaret Cavendish
Collection: Sex
Image of Marc Crawford
The most important thing is playoff mean success
- Marc Crawford
Collection: Sex
Image of Cherrie Moraga
Our strategy is how we cope--how we measure and weigh what is to be said and when, what is to be done and how, and to whom and towhom and to whom, daily deciding/risking who it is we can call an ally, call a friend (whatever that person's skin, sex or sexuality). We are women without a line. We are women who contradict each other.
- Cherrie Moraga
Collection: Sex
Image of Beverly LaHaye
One of the most devastating enemies of the family is radical sex education in the public school. It is more explicit than necessary for the good of the child. Too much sex education too soon causes undue curiosity and obsession with sex.
- Beverly LaHaye
Collection: Sex
Image of Margot Anand
Forget about sex. Just play first. Dance, sing, read to each other, breathe together - communicate. Don't count on sex to be the door to intimacy. It's the other way around: first develop intimacy skills. Then make love to enjoy them.
- Margot Anand
Collection: Sex
Image of Cam'ron
Y'all get crimey crimey, grimy grimy. But those with a tiny hiney thay get whiny whiny
- Cam'ron
Collection: Sex
Image of Raquel Welch
When I was 13, I saw him [Elvis] perform live and I suddenly understood what sex is all about. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.
- Raquel Welch
Collection: Sex
Image of Raquel Welch
Myra Breckenridge is the antithesis of sex symbol. Shes revolutionary; shes a warrior.
- Raquel Welch
Collection: Sex
Image of Raquel Welch
As far as I've been alive, women have always been more or less the symbol of sexuality rather than the male. We don't see the naked male body, as the symbol of sex.
- Raquel Welch
Collection: Sex
Image of Andrew Schneider
There can be no spirituality, no sanctity, no truth without the female sex.
- Andrew Schneider
Collection: Sex
Image of Andrew Schneider
Well, you're either lovers or you're wanting to be lovers or you're trying not to be lovers so you can be friends, but any way you look at it, sex is always looming in the picture like a shadow, like an undertow.
- Andrew Schneider
Collection: Sex
Image of Emilia Clarke
Don’t do drugs, don’t have sex, and don’t touch your eyebrows.
- Emilia Clarke
Collection: Sex
Image of Elinor Glyn
To have "It", the fortunate possessor must have that strange magnetism which attracts both sexes. He or she must be entirely unselfconscious and full of self-confidence, indifferent to the effect he or she is producing, and uninfluenced by others. There must be physical attraction, but beauty is unnecessary.
- Elinor Glyn
Collection: Sex
Image of Isabella Rossellini
When I took my clothes off in Blue Velvet, I wanted to convey the brutality of sex abuse. I wanted to look like a quartered cow hanging in a butcher shop as well as disturbingly appealing.
- Isabella Rossellini
Collection: Sex
Image of Carrie Chapman Catt
Roll up your sleeves, set your mind to making history, and wage such a fight for liberty that the whole world will respect our sex.
- Carrie Chapman Catt
Collection: Sex
Image of Carrie Chapman Catt
Everybody counts in applying democracy. And there will never be a true democracy until every responsible and law-abiding adult in it, without regard to race, sex, color or creed has his or her own inalienable and unpurchasable voice in government.
- Carrie Chapman Catt
Collection: Sex
Image of Carrie Chapman Catt
The world taught women nothing skillful and then said her work was valueless. It permitted her no opinions and said she did not know how to think. It forbade her to speak in public and said the sex had no orators. It denied her the schools, and said the sex had no genius. It robbed her of every vestige of responsibility, and then called her weak. It taught her that every pleasure must come as a favor from men and when, to gain it, she decked herself in paint and fine feathers, as she had been taught to do, it called her vain.
- Carrie Chapman Catt
Collection: Sex
Image of Brendon Ayanbadejo
If Britney Spears can party it up in Vegas with one of her boys and go get married on a whim and annul her marriage the next day, why can't a loving same sex couple tie the knot?
- Brendon Ayanbadejo
Collection: Sex