Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 63

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 63 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Immanuel Kant the union of two people of different sexes with a view to the mutual possession of each other's sexual attributes for the duration of their lives.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Sex
Image of Michele Bachmann
They can get married. They can marry a man if they're a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they're a man... there are no special rights for people based upon your sex practices. There's no special rights based upon what you do in your sex life. You're an American citizen first and foremost and that's it.
- Michele Bachmann
Collection: Sex
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Nothing is so disgusting to our sex as want of cleanliness and delicacy in yours.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
I don't think there can ever be too many messages about AIDS. If you stop the education process, then people are going to think the problem is all over and done with. They'll think that it's OK to go and have sex again. Education is essential, especially among young people.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of Janet Jackson
You've made love to my mind, now you gotta take me from behind.
- Janet Jackson
Collection: Sex
Image of Dwayne Johnson
With a haircut like that and a face like that, it looks like Billy Ray Cyrus went and had sex with a retarded hyena.
- Dwayne Johnson
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats, though.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of Maureen Johnson
A woman who shaves or otherwise depilates her pubic curls has a profound interest in recreational sex.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Sex
Image of Erica Jong
I've become more conservative about sex as I've gotten older.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Sex
Image of Erica Jong
That was probably the mistake of my generation, that we thought that having sex with anyone would be intimate and it wasn't.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Sex
Image of Garrison Keillor
Marrying for sex is like flying to London for the free peanuts and pretzels. It's not the point of the thing, is it?
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Sex
Image of Erica Jong
I think I've become more cynical about sex. Meaning, I don't think sex in and of itself leads to an epiphany.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Sex
Image of Erica Jong
Sex just as a drive, as a hormonal drive, is not very interesting.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Sex
Image of Erica Jong
Most sex doesn't really bring people together. You have to reach a certain level of connection, I think, and that's pretty rare.
- Erica Jong
Collection: Sex
Image of Eddie Izzard
I'd like to have sex with myself.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Sex
Image of Marc Jacobs
Sex is always good, isn't it? Well, actually it's not always good, but it's always a good thing.
- Marc Jacobs
Collection: Sex
Image of Arianna Huffington
America being behind France in upward mobility is a little bit like France being behind America in Croissants and Afternoon Sex.
- Arianna Huffington
Collection: Sex
Image of Joseph Joubert
Sexes. One has the look of a wound, the other of something skinned.
- Joseph Joubert
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of Michael Jackson
Needless to say, I love the interaction between the sexes; it is a natural part of life and I love women. I just think that when sex is used as a form of blackmail or power, it's a repugnant use of one of God's gifts.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Sex
Image of P. D. James
I find it extraordinary that a straightforward if inelegant device for ensuring the survival of the species should involve human beings in such emotional turmoil. Does sex have to be taken so seriously?
- P. D. James
Collection: Sex
Image of Derrick Jensen
A very poor kid came up to me after a talk and said 'I want to go blow up a factory.' I asked how old he was and he said 17. I said 'have you ever had sex?' He said 'no.' I said 'just remember if you get caught you aren't going to have sex for twenty years at least.' That's not saying that one person having sex is worth the salmon. I'm not saying it's a reason not to act, I'm saying don't be stupid.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Sex
Image of Mick Jagger
It's hard to believe that you did so many drugs for so long. That's what I find really hard. And didn't really consider it. It was eating and drinking and taking drugs and having sex. It was just part of life.
- Mick Jagger
Collection: Sex
Image of Curtis Jackson
I think everyone should be happy. I think a fool is going to go against same sex marriage at this point. Look how long it took him [Obama] to say he was for same sex marriages. You understand? I'm up for it. If everyone else is for it, then hey, to each his own. I don't have personal feelings towards it because I'm not involved in that lifestyle. I want people to be happy. It makes for everything to be better
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Sex
Image of John Irving
I am compulsive about writing, I need to do it the way I need sleep and exercise and food and sex; I can go without it for a while, but then I need it.
- John Irving
Collection: Sex
Image of LL Cool J
All you ladies that are selling your souls, you need to put your hooker vibes on hold.
- LL Cool J
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
I've dodged so many bullets. Not just because of unsafe sex, but because of the amount of drugs I did, the amount of alcohol, the amount of work I was doing. I started the Elton John AIDS Foundation because I got so lucky.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
Basically, I wanted redemption for the way I lived my life beforehand, and that was the drugs, the drink, the loose sex, whatever.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of Elton John
I want a love that don't mean a thing.
- Elton John
Collection: Sex
Image of D. H. Lawrence
The true unconscious is the well-head, the fountain of real motivity. The sex of which Adam and Eve became conscious derived fromthe very God who bade them be not conscious of it.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Sex
Image of Monica Lewinsky
The jokes that take my last name and equate them to a sex act ... is a really cruel thing to do.
- Monica Lewinsky
Collection: Sex
Image of Russell Baker
Skinny women don't enjoy being told they're skinny nowadays. They enjoy telling you how they got that way, as though starvation were an achievement.
- Russell Baker
Collection: Sex
Image of Stephen King
Women's lib, Frannie had decided, was nothing more nor less than an outgrowth of the technological society. Women were at the mercy of their bodies. They were smaller. They tended to be weaker. A man couldn't get with child, but a woman could---every four-year-old knows it. And a pregnant woman is a vulnerable human being. Civilization had provided an umbrella of sanity that both sexes could stand beneath.
- Stephen King
Collection: Sex
Image of David Letterman
Newt Gingrich is against same-sex marriage. Well, actually, he's against same-marriage sex.
- David Letterman
Collection: Sex
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If I were a Catholic, I'd be asking what's going on here. I really would. "The pope also broke with his predecessors by suggesting that Catholic lawmakers are free to vote for same-sex marriage and civil unions."
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Jack LaLanne
Sex is the greatest driving force on this planet. Christ, why are we living if we can't have a little fun? Sex is giving, and the more you give, the better lover you are.
- Jack LaLanne
Collection: Sex
Image of Zoe Lister-Jones
I think a lot of women, in the way that they might attach emotion to sex, attach emotion to food, in a different way than men.
- Zoe Lister-Jones
Collection: Sex
Image of C. S. Lewis
A woman means by Unselfishness chiefly taking trouble for others; a man means not giving trouble to others...thus, while the woman thinks of doing good offices and the man of respecting other people's rights, each sex, without any obvious unreason, can and does regard the other as radically selfish.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Sex
Image of David Letterman
I know you're on the Atkins diet, but could you stop eating bacon during sex?
- David Letterman
Collection: Sex
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Here's what consent is at Ohio State. After you and your partner decide that you're gonna make out or have sex, you agree to do it, then you have to agree on why. "Consent is the act of knowingly, actively and voluntarily agreeing explicitly to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be freely given and can be withdrawn at any time."
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Same-sex marriage is so ingrained in the culture now that when you're talking about regular, good old-fashioned marriage, you have to say "opposite-sex marriage" to let people know what you're talking about. Just describing, just talking about "marriage" doesn't let anybody know what you mean anymore. You have to specify opposite-sex marriage.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of J. G. Ballard
People will begin to explore all the sidestreets of sexual experience, but they will do it intellectually. . . . Sex won't take place in the bed, necessarily--it'll take place in the head!
- J. G. Ballard
Collection: Sex
Image of D. H. Lawrence
Sex is the one thing you cannot really swindle; and it is the centre of the worst swindling of all, emotional swindling.... Sex lashes out against counterfeit emotion, and is ruthless, devastating against false love.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Sex
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
The drive to propagate our race has also propagated a lot of other things
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Lil' Kim
I think that a woman should be in love. I think that love makes the sex greater. Or even if you just really, really like that person.
- Lil' Kim
Collection: Sex
Image of Lil' Kim
I do not have too much sex. I hardly have any sex, O.K.? A lot of people get the wrong perception of me.
- Lil' Kim
Collection: Sex
Image of Franklin P. Adams
An extravagance is something you buy which is no earthly use to your wife.
- Franklin P. Adams
Collection: Sex
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Writers have problems writing sex scenes, because writing one really well is pornography.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Sex
Image of Rush Limbaugh
What does it say about the college co-ed Sandra Fluke, who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex...
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Sex