Eddie Izzard

Image of Eddie Izzard
I just believe in the goodwill of people, the power of people to do something positive.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Positive
Image of Eddie Izzard
Cats have a scam going - you buy the food, they eat the food, they go away; that's the deal.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Pet
Image of Eddie Izzard
I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
So the American government lied to the Native Americans for many, many years, and then President Clinton lied about a relationship, and everyone was surprised! A little naive, I feel!
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Relationship
Image of Eddie Izzard
Religion and philosophy, philosophy and religion - they're two words which are both... different. In spelling.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Religion
Image of Eddie Izzard
Never put a sock in a toaster.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
I like my coffee like I like my women. In a plastic cup.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Women
Image of Eddie Izzard
If there is a God, his plan is very similar to someone not having a plan.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
Comedy is a great weapon of attack. It's not a great weapon of support.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I'm a one-man idiot.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
If you've never seen an elephant ski, you've never been on acid.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I'd be happy to be taken as a woman - and that's what I was initially trying to do when I started throwing on dresses and stuff. But that wasn't going to happen because everyone kept calling me sir. So I thought I'd change the method and just start wearing what I wanted to wear.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I wanna live 'til I die, no more, no less.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
They tend to come out a colour called 'Pants left in wash'
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
Boy bands should be exploded from a great height. They're just pretty people singing music written by others.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
MAC gave me 55 lipsticks to test. These are the same lipsticks I got caught stealing by the police when I was 15. How ironic.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I don't know what it's like in the U.S. but immigrants in the U.K. do the jobs the citizens won't do.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
Animals in the wild are lean, and I think we should be too.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I mean, sometimes... a comedian becomes an actor, and they just don't deliver, because the bottom line of comedy is to be funny, and the bottom line of acting is to be truthful, and they get that mixed up sometimes, or don't even notice that that's the thing.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I try to keep performing as much as possible - I just like to. I used to take huge gaps off between gigs, now I just like to do stand-up gigs as much as I can.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
If you go down as a comedian's comedian, that's basically meaning other comedians are hopefully feeling that you're doing okay.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I wanted to be less well-known in comedy.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I felt audiences are happier to take comedy people who play darker people because there's a link between the psychosis of comedy and the psychosis of being a twisted character.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
In stand-up it really helps to play yourself and talk about your own feelings. You cannot fail to be original if you're just talking about what you think about X, Y and Z. Unless you've got a twin brother who's also a stand-up.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I try to just talk about human stories and what I think about religion or teapots or whatever.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I use a Bruce Lee technique: 'The way of no way.' He had the idea that he would learn everything, so that whoever he had to fight, he could improvise anything. The best way of starting a gig is just to not think of anything - to clear your mind, not in an empty Zen state, but more just to go on and see where you go.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
My stand-up is quite good now, people say. It's just like a big conversation each time. Every gig is a rehearsal.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I'm quite good at taking in information so I voraciously inhale Wikipedia - which may have some things wrong in it, but I think is generally more information than we had before. Last tour we didn't have Wikipedia. And then Discovery Channel and History Channel. I can take it in and retain what I think are the most important facts.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
There was no religion in my life growing up. Did God invent us or did we invent God?
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
Well, comedy is a great weapon of attack. It's not a great weapon of support.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
If you get anything creative going, then the work and play thing is the same thing, I feel.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
I don't believe that competitions are important.
- Eddie Izzard
Image of Eddie Izzard
They’re not women’s clothes. They’re my clothes. I bought them.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Clothes
Image of Eddie Izzard
If you've never seen an elephant ski, then you've never been on acid.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and monkeys do too (if they have a gun).
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
So then there was the Greek, Socrates, he was great... He invented questioning. Before Socrates, no questioning. Everyone sort of went, ''Yeah, I suppose so.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Greek
Image of Eddie Izzard
But with dogs, we do have "bad dog." Bad dog exists. "Bad dog! Bad dog! Stole a biscuit, bad dog!" The dog is saying, "Who are you to judge me? You human beings who’ve had genocide, war against people of different creeds, colors, religions, and I stole a biscuit?! Is that a crime? People of the world!" "Well, if you put it that way, I think you’ve got a point. Have another biscuit, sorry.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
Honey bees are amazing creatures. I mean, think about it, do earwigs make chutney?
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Mean
Image of Eddie Izzard
Performance enhancing drugs are banned in the Olympics. OK, we can swing with that. But performance 'debilitating' drugs should not be banned. Smoke a joint and win the 100 metres, fair play for you. That's pretty good. Unless someone's dangling a Mars bar off in the distance.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Distance
Image of Eddie Izzard
Before birds get sucked into jet engines, do they ever think, Is that Rod Stewart in first class?
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Thinking
Image of Eddie Izzard
If you can be your own force of nature and have a positive heart, then you can actually do something good in the world.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Heart
Image of Eddie Izzard
The Death Star is just full of British actors opening doors and going,Oh... I... oh... What is it Lieutenant Sebastian? It's just the Rebels, sir... they're here. My God, man! Do they want tea? No, I think they're after something a bit more than that, sir. I don't know what it is, but they've brought a flag. Damn, that's dash cunning of them.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Stars
Image of Eddie Izzard
Father, bless me for I have sinned, I did an original sin… I poked a badger with a spoon.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Father
Image of Eddie Izzard
There's two positions in snowboarding. One is looking cool and the other is DEAD!
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Funny
Image of Eddie Izzard
You’ve got to believe you can be a standup before you can be a standup. You have to believe you can act before you can act. You have to believe you can be an astronaut before you can be an astronaut. You’ve got to believe.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Believe
Image of Eddie Izzard
We stole countries with the cunning use of flags. Just sail around the world and stick a flag in. "I claim India for Britain!" They're going "You can't claim us, we live here! Five hundred million of us!" "Do you have a flag …? "No..." "Well, if you don't have a flag, then you can't have a country. Those are the rules... that I just made up!
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Country
Image of Eddie Izzard
You have no control over your cat! You can't say to your cat, "Cat, heel! Stay! Wait! Lie down! Roll over!" 'Cause the cat's just gonna be sitting there going, "Interesting words ... have you finished?" While you're shouting all this to your cat, your dog's next to you, going ... [mimes obeying all commands] "What the hell are you doing? I'm talking to the cat!" "Oh, I'm sorry!"
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Dog
Image of Eddie Izzard
I like my coffee hot and strong. Like I like my women: hot and strong...with a spoon in them.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Strong
Image of Eddie Izzard
America is the new Roman Empire. Remember what happened to Rome.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Rome
Image of Eddie Izzard
I want to be a taxidermist! I wanna fill animals with sand. I wanna get more sand into an animal than anybody has ever bloody got in one. I wanna fill a rat with the entire Gobi Desert, so it’s really quite tight.
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Animal