Derrick Jensen

Image of Derrick Jensen
Maud Gonne was - excuse me, Maud Gonne was central to the Gaelic literature revival. She wrote plays, and she sang.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
For us to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other and especially to ourselves. The lies are necessary because, without them, many deplorable acts would become impossibilities.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
No matter what we call it, poison is still poison, death is still death, and industrial civilization is still causing the greatest mass extinction in the history of the planet.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
Writing is really very easy. Tap a vein and bleed onto the page. Everything else is just technical.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
Civilization can never be sustainable.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
I think a lot of us are increasingly recognizing that the dominant culture is killing the planet.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that any way of living that's based on the use of non-renewable resources won't last.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
My audience consists mainly of people who already recognize how bad this culture is, and I want to push them to become more radical. It doesn't really matter to me if they are Left or Right.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
I get asked quite often if I'm an anarchist. If they want to put a label on me, that's fine. What is most important to me is to live in a world that is not being murdered.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
People say 'what do you mean' when you talk about 'bringing down civilization.' What I really mean is depriving the rich of the ability to steal from the poor and depriving the powerful of the ability to destroy the planet. That's what I really mean.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
Part of the problem is that we have become so dependent upon this system that is killing and exploiting us, it has become almost impossible for us to imagine living outside of it, and it's very difficult physically for us to live outside of it.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
The stories we are told shape the way we see the world, which shapes the way we experience the world.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
If the world is presented as resources to be exploited, then, more than likely, you're going to exploit the world.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
In all of my books, I've emphasized that the fundamental difference between civilized and indigenous ways of being is that, for even the most open-minded of the civilized, listening to the natural world is a metaphor.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
If you see yourself as entitled to a resource, and if you're not willing or incapable of seeing this other as a being with whom you can and should be in relation with, then you're going to take the resource.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
My great-grandmother grew up in a sod house in Nebraska. When she was a tiny girl - in other words, only four human generations ago - there were still enough wild bison on the Plains that she was afraid lightning storms would spook them and they would trample her home.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
I want you to begin keeping a calendar of who you see and when: the first day each year you see buttercups, the first day frogs start singing, the last day you see robins in the fall, the first day for grasshoppers. In short, I want you to pay attention.
- Derrick Jensen
Image of Derrick Jensen
It's no wonder we don't defend the land where we live. We don't live here. We live in television programs and movies and books and with celebrities and in heaven and by rules and laws and abstractions created by people far away and we live anywhere and everywhere except in our particular bodies on this particular land at this particular moment in these particular circumstances.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Book
Image of Derrick Jensen
Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Civilization
Image of Derrick Jensen
We must learn how to think like the planet.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Thinking
Image of Derrick Jensen
If your homeland were invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Cutting
Image of Derrick Jensen
A culture that values production over life values the wrong things, because it will produce things at the expense of living beings, human or otherwise.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Culture
Image of Derrick Jensen
Question four: What book would you give to every child? Answer: I wouldn't give them a book. Books are part of the problem: this strange belief that a tree has nothing to say until it is murdered, its flesh pulped, and then (human) people stain this flesh with words. I would take children outside and put them face to face with chipmunks, dragonflies, tadpoles, hummingbirds, stones, rivers, trees, crawdads. That said, if you're going to force me to give them a book, it would be The Wind In The Willows, which I hope would remind them to go outside.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Children
Image of Derrick Jensen
We have been too kind to those who are killing the planet. We have been inexcusably, unforgivably, insanely kind.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Environmental
Image of Derrick Jensen
There is a language older by far and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body on body, wind on snow, rain on trees, wave on stone. It is the language of dream, gesture, symbol, memory. We have forgotten this language. We do not even remember that it exists.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Derrick Jensen
All we want, whether we are honeybees, salmon, trash-collecting ants, ponderosa pines, coyotes, human beings, or stars, is to love and be loved, to be accepted, cherished, and celebrated simply for being who we are. Is that so very difficult?
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Stars
Image of Derrick Jensen
Stand with me. Stand and fight. I am one, and we would be two. Two more might join and we would be four. When four more join we will be eight. We will be eight people fighting whom others will join. And then more people. And more. Stand and fight.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Derrick Jensen
To be clear, civilization is not the same as society. Civilization is a specific, hierarchical organization based on 'power over.' Dismantling civilization, taking down that power structure, does not mean the end of all social order. It should ultimately mean more justice, more local control, more democracy, and more human rights, not less.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Mean
Image of Derrick Jensen
I've since come to understand the reason school lasts thirteen years. It takes that long to sufficiently break a child's will. It is not easy to disconnect children's wills, to disconnect them from their own experiences of the world in preparation for the lives of painful employment they will have to endure.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Children
Image of Derrick Jensen
Surely by now there can be few here who still believe the purpose of government is to protect us from the destructive activities of corporations. At last most of us must understand that the opposite is true: that the primary purpose of government is to protect those who run the economy from the outrage of injured citizens.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Running
Image of Derrick Jensen
I am only so beautiful as the character of my relationships, only so rich as I enrich those around me, only so alive as I enliven those I greet.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Derrick Jensen
All the mega corporations on the planet make their obscene profits off the labor and suffering of others, with complete disregard for the effects on the workers, environment, and future generations. We have a straightforward proposal: if they want public money, we want public control. It's that simple.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Simple
Image of Derrick Jensen
Where will you drive your own picket stake? Where will you choose to make your stand? Give me a threshold, a specific point at which you will finally stop running, at which you will finally fight back.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Running
Image of Derrick Jensen
You can rarely prove something to someone who does not want to see it proven, and even more to the point, you can almost never prove something to someone who has financial or ideological reasons to not see it proven.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Doe
Image of Derrick Jensen
Many Indians have told me that the most basic difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that Westerners view the world as dead, and not as filled with speaking, thinking, feeling subjects as worthy and valuable as themselves.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Thinking
Image of Derrick Jensen
A wonderful thing happens when you give up on hope, which is that you realize you never needed it in the first place. You realize that giving up on hope doesn't kill you, nor did it make you less effective. In fact it made you more effective, because you ceased relying on someone or something else to solve your problems - you ceased hoping your problems somehow get solved, through the magical assistance of God, the Great Mother, the Sierra Club, valiant tree-sitters, brave salmon, or even the Earth itself - and you just began doing what's necessary to solve your problems yourself.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Mother
Image of Derrick Jensen
Within this culture wealth is measured by one's ability to consume and destroy.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Culture
Image of Derrick Jensen
We are members of the most destructive culture ever to exist. Our assault on the natural world, on indigenous and other cultures, on women, on children, on all of us through the possibility of nuclear suicide and other means--all these are unprecedented in their magnitude and ferocity.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Suicide
Image of Derrick Jensen
By deafening ourselves to the emotional consequences of violence we have become confused by its relationship to sex. We have come to believe that violence equals aggression, and we have come to base our model of sexuality on our model of violence... converting an act of aggression into an act of consensual sexuality.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Sex
Image of Derrick Jensen
Civilization is not and can never be sustainable.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Civilization
Image of Derrick Jensen
All writers are propagandists.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Propagandist
Image of Derrick Jensen
Violence, and evil, doesn't always come dressed in black, and it doesn't always look like Charles Manson. Nor does it always come to us as obvious and arrogant[...]. Often it comes to us with the simple plea to be reasonable.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Simple
Image of Derrick Jensen
To pretend that civilization can exist without destroying its own landbase and the landbases and cultures of others is to be entirely ignorant of history, biology, thermodynamics, morality, and self-preservation.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Self
Image of Derrick Jensen
If you only had a limited time to life (which is of course the case), how would you spend your time?
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Limited Time
Image of Derrick Jensen
So many indigenous people have said to me that the fundamental difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that even the most open-minded westerners generally view listening to the natural world as a metaphor, as opposed to the way the world really is. Trees and rocks and rivers really do have things to say to us.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Rocks
Image of Derrick Jensen
The global industrial economy is the engine for massive environmental degradation and massive human (and nonhuman) impoverishment.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Environmental
Image of Derrick Jensen
Love does not imply pacifism.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Doe
Image of Derrick Jensen
Those in power have made it so we have to pay simply to exist on the planet. We have to pay for a place to sleep, and we have to pay for food. If we don't, people with guns come and force us to pay. That's violent.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Sleep
Image of Derrick Jensen
Every morning when I awake I ask myself whether I should write or blow up a dam. I tell myself I should keep writing, though I'm not sure that's right
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Morning
Image of Derrick Jensen
The pretense that humans are superior to nonhumans is entirely unsupportable. I have seen no compelling evidence that humans are particularly more "intelligent" than any other creature. I have had long and fruitful relationshis with many nonhuman animals, both domesticated and wild, and have reveled in the bouquet of radically different intelligences - different forms, not different "quantities" that they have introduced to me, each in his or her own time, in his or her own way.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Intelligent