Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 32

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 32 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Chris Hardwick
I would say that nerds, as a rule, are much more sexually active than the average person. There's a lot of anxiety and stress in the nerd brain, so sex is good for that.
- Chris Hardwick
Collection: Sex
Image of William J. Brennan
Our statute books gradually became laden with gross, stereotyped distinctions between the sexes and, indeed, throughout much of the 19th century the position of women in our society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes.
- William J. Brennan
Collection: Sex
Image of John Updike
Sex ages us. Priests are boyish, spinsters stay black-haired until after fifty. We others, the demon rots us out.
- John Updike
Collection: Sex
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
There are abusive practices that have been used in connection with various mental attitudes or feelings. Over-medication in respect to depression is an example that comes to mind. The aversive therapies that have been used in connection with same-sex attraction have contained some serious abuses that have been recognized over time within the professions.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Sex
Image of Haruki Murakami
To sleep with a woman: it can seem of the utmost importance in your mind, or then again it can seem like nothing much at all. Which only goes to say that there's sex as therapy (self-therapy, that is) and there's sex as pastime.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Sex
Image of Sarah Jessica Parker
I'm a person who's been in a long-term relationship. It's not surprising that a lot of my friends - whether they're in same-sex relationships or not, whether they're married officially or just in a long-term relationship - have really interesting and various stages in their relationship. My life is looking at these friendships and saying, "Wait a minute, isn't this something really interesting? How can I explore this?"
- Sarah Jessica Parker
Collection: Sex
Image of Gregory David Roberts
The best revenge, like the best sex, is performed slowly, and with the eyes open.
- Gregory David Roberts
Collection: Sex
Image of Phyllis Schlafly
The persistent advocates of contraceptive-style sex education have become more and more resourceful in using taxpayer funds to impose their casual-sex attitudes and explicit-sex instruction on other people's children.
- Phyllis Schlafly
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Miller
What holds the world together, as I have learned from bitter experience, is sexual intercourse.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Sex
Image of Henry Miller
Everybody says sex is obscene. The only true obscenity is war.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Sex
Image of Virginia Woolf
At any rate, when a subject is highly controversial-and any question about sex is that-one cannot hope to tell the truth. One can only show how one came to hold whatever opinion one does hold.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Sex
Image of Greg Behrendt
Drinking, eating, shopping, revenge, rebound sex, drugs or whatever your poison may be will number the pain - but that's all.
- Greg Behrendt
Collection: Sex
Image of Jaclyn Moriarty
The Irish people didn't get on that well with each other either. They hated the Catholics, was the main issue, as I see. You can't blame them for that. If I understand correctly, Catholics do not believe in contraception. So, you know, sex is not relaxing.
- Jaclyn Moriarty
Collection: Sex
Image of Dennis Rodman
It's just like we do over here in America, right? It's amazing that we have presidents over here do the same thing, right? It's amazing that Bill Clinton could do one thing and have sex with his secretary and really get away with it and still be powerful.
- Dennis Rodman
Collection: Sex
Image of Emo Philips
Sex is logically impossible after marriage. You have to overcome the paradox of Not this again, and Hey, where did you learn that?
- Emo Philips
Collection: Sex
Image of Emo Philips
Recently, I've ventured into the mammal family - so that's good for my sex life.
- Emo Philips
Collection: Sex
Image of Flannery O'Connor
On the subject of the feminist business, I just never think...of qualities which are specifically feminine or masculine. I suppose I divide people into two classes: the Irksome and the Non-Irksome without regard to sex. Yes and there are the Medium Irksome and the Rare Irksome.
- Flannery O'Connor
Collection: Sex
Image of Simone de Beauvoir
Virginia Woolf thought a lot about her own sex when she wrote. In the best sense of the word, her writing is very feminine, and by that I mean that women are supposed to be very sensitive to all the sensations of nature, much more so than men, much more contemplative. It's this quality that marks her best works.
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Sex
Image of Joseph Addison
Nothing makes a woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity; whether it be that we always prize those most who are hardest to come at, or that nothing besides chastity, with its collateral attendants, truth, fidelity, and constancy, gives a man a property in the person he loves, and consequently endears her to him above all things.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
In the name of celibacy, sex has been repressed for centuries and you have become just full of sexuality. Rather than transcending it you are boiling within.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Thomas Szasz
Masturbation: the primary sexual activity of mankind. In the nineteenth century it was a disease; in the twentieth, it's a cure.
- Thomas Szasz
Collection: Sex
Image of Bertrand Russell
Joy of life... depends upon a certain spontaneity in regard to sex. Where sex is repressed, only work remains, and a gospel of work for work's sake never produced any work worth doing.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Sex
Image of Scott Adams
He was tenser than Jesse Jackson on Father's Day.
- Scott Adams
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan Sontag
Self-respect. It would make me lovable. And it's the secret to good sex.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Sex
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Encourage your children to come to you for counsel with their problems and questions by listening to them every day. Discuss with them such important matters as dating, sex, and other matters affecting their growth and development, and do it early enough so they will not obtain information from questionable sources.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Sex
Image of Mark Twain
In German, a young lady has no sex, but a turnip has
- Mark Twain
Collection: Sex
Image of Victoria Woodhull
The will of the entire people is the true basis of republican government, and a free expression . . . by the public vote of all citizens, without distinctions of race, color, occupation, or sex, is the only means by which that will can be ascertained.
- Victoria Woodhull
Collection: Sex
Image of Lorrie Moore
Later I would come to believe that erotic ties were all a spell, a temporary psychosis, even a kind of violence, or at least they coexisted with these states.
- Lorrie Moore
Collection: Sex
Image of Pat Robertson
My personal feeling is that oral sex is against nature.
- Pat Robertson
Collection: Sex
Image of Tom Waits
I dunno when I started writing really. I was, like, filling out applications and stuff real early. Last name first, first name last, sex. 'occasionally' , stuff like that. Then I was writing letters, filling out forms, writing on bathroom walls.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Sex
Image of Wilhelm Reich
It is obvious that the fascist mass pestilence, with its background of thousands of years, cannot be mastered with social measures corresponding to the past three hundred years. The discovery of the natural biological work democracy in international human intercourse is the answer to fascism. This will be no less true even if not one of the living sex-economists, orgone biophysicists or work democrats should live to see its general functioning and its victory over the irrationalism in social life.
- Wilhelm Reich
Collection: Sex
Image of Wilhelm Reich
The sexual drive is nothing but the motor memory of previously remembered pleasure.
- Wilhelm Reich
Collection: Sex
Image of George Bernard Shaw
A pornographic novelist is one who exploits the sexual instinct as a prostitute does. A legitimate sex novel elucidates it or brings out its poetry, tragedy, or comedy.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Sex
Image of Haruki Murakami
If she did experience sex-or something close to it-in high school, I'm sure it would have been less out of sexual desire or love than literary curiosity.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Sex
Image of Haruki Murakami
Sex is an extremely subtle undertaking, unlike going to the department store on a Sunday to buy a thermos.
- Haruki Murakami
Collection: Sex
Image of Vladimir Putin
Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Sex
Image of Philip Yancey
Unless we love natural goods - sex, alcohol, food, money, success, power - in the way God intended, we become their slaves, as any addict can attest.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
Transform your sex into love, and transform your love into prayer
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Britney Spears
I'm going to have sex when it feels right but at the moment ? I just don't feel ready, Justin is very understanding.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Sex
Image of Britney Spears
I don't believe in sex before marriage. I go out with boys, and we kiss, but that's it.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Sex
Image of Britney Spears
My main goal is to wait until I'm married to have sex. I would never, personally, be able to (have an abortion), because down the road it would always haunt me.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Sex
Image of Britney Spears
I want to wait to have sex until I'm married. I do. I want to wait, but it's hard. I just want to live my life.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Sex
Image of Mae West
You may think you're in love when the passions of sex get hold of you, but if you didn't love the man before, you won't love him after. Like him, maybe, but not love him.
- Mae West
Collection: Sex
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
I don't know what anybody else in the world would want to thank America for, but man, it [jazz] works. What I like about it - and what public health people ought to like about it - it's safe sex.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Sex
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
A really hard laugh is like sex-one of the ultimate diversions of existence.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Sex
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
Everybody lies about sex. People lie during sex. If it weren't for lies, there'd be no sex.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Sex
Image of Adrienne Rich
I'd call it love if love didn't take so many years but lust too is a jewel.
- Adrienne Rich
Collection: Sex
Image of John Stuart Mill
The legal subordination of one sex to another - is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement; and that it ought to be replaced by a system of perfect equality, admitting no power and privilege on the one side, nor disability on the other.
- John Stuart Mill
Collection: Sex