Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 33

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 33 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Emma Watson
this kiss between hermione and ron is highly anticipated, it's been building up for eight films now. and harry potter is not twilight, you know; we're not selling sex.
- Emma Watson
Collection: Sex
Image of Anais Nin
Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy.
- Anais Nin
Collection: Sex
Image of Kate Bornstein
You can support trans-positive legislation, tranny artists, and the inclusion of trannies in your neighborhood, schools, place of worship, whatever. For the long term? Join or initiate some good legal battles against the puritanical laws that exist around sex and gender.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Kate Bornstein
Sex work may be an illegal thing, but it's far from being a bad thing. Quite a few of us on the male-to-female side of the coin have done sex work. I've done it myself for a couple of years. It's a place we can make a living and have some fun doing it. It's a place we seem to fit in.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Kate Bornstein
Both bisexuality and transgender are fluid notions of identity, while lesbian and gay are fixed identities. Some people believe that means there should be two movements: LG and BT. But then what're ya gonna do about SM players? And intersexed folks who want their own I in the alphabet soup of sex and gender related politics?
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Kate Bornstein
Look, nearly everything in the culture says we're freaks. Doing sex work, we're desired; we can get rewarded for being what we've always wanted to be. What's so bad about that? My own notion is I wish sex work would be decriminalized (not legalized, please note the distinction) so that more trannies could get into the field if they wanted to and not get into trouble for it.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Mike Birbiglia
Sex and pizza, they say, are similar. When it's good, it's good. When it's bad, you get it on your shirt.
- Mike Birbiglia
Collection: Sex
Image of Ray Romano
Sex after one child shows down. After twins... ooh... I'll tell you what it is for us. I'll share it with you. Every three months. We don't plan it that way. That's just how it works out. It's the weirdest thing. You know what I do? Every time I have sex, the next day I pay my estimated tax. My quarterlies are due. If it's oral sex, I renew my driver's license.
- Ray Romano
Collection: Sex
Image of Ray Romano
In a way, comedy is like sex. The more noise you hear, the better you think you're doing.
- Ray Romano
Collection: Sex
Image of Lil Wayne
Guns turn you boys into pussies, sex change
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Sex
Image of Amy Poehler
Believe me, blond hair can take you really far, especially with the older men. It can really distract from the face. I am convinced I could have had sex with both Tony Bennett and John McCain if we weren't each happily married at the time we all met.
- Amy Poehler
Collection: Sex
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
Sex to save the friendship? Well if we have to we have to.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Sex
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
I admire the hell out of her. You can't have sex with someone you admire.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Sex
Image of George Bernard Shaw
The sex relation is not a personal relation. It can be irresistibly desired and rapturously consummated between persons who could not endure one another for a day in any other relation.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Sex
Image of Josh Radnor
There's that great Bill Hicks line - the comedian - where he says, "Are you proud to be an American?" "I don't know. It's just where my parents had sex."
- Josh Radnor
Collection: Sex
Image of Amanda Seyfried
I actually grew up thinking that sex was absolutely terrifying and that it would kill you.
- Amanda Seyfried
Collection: Sex
Image of Rainer Maria Rilke
Sex is difficult, yes. But they are difficult things with which we have been charged...If you only recognize this and manage out of yourself, out of your own nature and ways, out of your own experience and childhood and strength to achieve a relation to sex wholly your own (not influenced by convention and custom) then you need no longer be afraid of losing yourself and becoming unworthy of your best possession.
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Collection: Sex
Image of Sherry Argov
Before sex, a man isn't thinking clearly and a woman is thinking clearly. After sex, it reverses. The man is thinking clearly and a woman isn't.
- Sherry Argov
Collection: Sex
Image of Roger Scruton
In all the areas of life where people have sought and found consolation through forbidding their desires-sex in particular, and taste in general-the habit of judgment is now to be stamped out.
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Sex
Image of Jean Baudrillard
Images have become our true sex objects. It is this promiscuity and the ubiquity of images, this viral contamination of images which are the fatal characteristics of our culture.
- Jean Baudrillard
Collection: Sex
Image of Bertrand Russell
Nine-tenths of the appeal of pornography is due to the indecent feelings concerning sex which moralists inculcate in the young; the other tenth is physiological, and will occur in one way or another whatever the state of the law may be.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Sex
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Feminism is the result of a few ignorant and literal-minded women letting the cat out of the bag about which is the superior sex. Once women made it public that they could do things better than men, they were, of course, forced to do them.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Sex
Image of Marcel Proust
Physical love, so unjustly decried, forces everyone to manifest even the smallest bits of kindness he possesses, of selflessness,that they shine in the eyes of all who surround him.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Sex
Image of Saadi
Much contention and strife will arise in that house where the wife shall get up dissatisfied with her husband.
- Saadi
Collection: Sex
Image of Barack Obama
It's time to recognize that under the equal protection clause of the United States [Constitution], same-sex couples should have the same rights as anybody else.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Sex
Image of Mary Ruefle
Every time it starts to snow, I would like to have sex.
- Mary Ruefle
Collection: Sex
Image of Chris Brown
If men or women don't feel [the way I do], then don't live your life that way. Whatever works for your relationship. It's not just sex. I feel like that about dinner, about taking care of who you're with.
- Chris Brown
Collection: Sex
Image of Mike Tyson
I got a imam, I got a rabbi, I got a priest, I got a reverend - I got 'em all. But I don't want to be holier-than-thou. I want to help everybody and still get some (sex).
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Sex
Image of John Steinbeck
What freedom men and women could have, were they not constantly tricked and trapped and enslaved and tortured by their sexuality! The only drawback in that freedom is that without it one would not be a human. One would be a monster.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Sex
Image of Robin Jones Gunn
The next thing I want to say is that God's way is always the best way. It's the only way, really. And God's word clearly says he created sex for one man and one woman to share only inside the commitment of marriage
- Robin Jones Gunn
Collection: Sex
Image of John Wayne
But don't get me wrong. As far as a man and a woman is concerned, I'm awfully happy there's a thing called sex. It's an extra something God gave us. I see no reason why it shouldn't be in pictures. Healthy, lusty sex is wonderful.
- John Wayne
Collection: Sex
Image of Gloria Steinem
I can't mate in captivity.
- Gloria Steinem
Collection: Sex
Image of David Deida
You can open to God through sex. By learning to open your heart and body while embracing and trusting all energies from rough ravishment to sublime gentleness, you can open to be lived by the mystery that lives the entire universe. You can open to be lived by love with no limits, so you are alive as love, offering the deepest gifts of your heart spontaneously and without hesitation, in every moment, at work, with your family and friends, as well as in bed with your lover.
- David Deida
Collection: Sex
Image of David Deida
Without a conscious life-purpose a man is totally lost, drifting, adapting to events rather than creating events. Without knowing his life-purpose a man lives a weakend, impotent existence, perhaps even becoming even sexually impotent or prone to mechanical and disinterested sex.
- David Deida
Collection: Sex
Image of Anne Bronte
To represent a bad thing in its least offensive light is, doubtless, the most agreeable course for a writer of fiction to pursue; but is it the most honest, or the safest? Is it better to reveal the snares and pitfalls of like to the young and thoughtless traveller, or to cover them with branches and flowers? Oh, reader! if there were less of this delicate concealment of facts--this whispering "Peace, peace," when there is no peace, there would be less of sin and misery to the young of both sexes who are left to wring their bitter knowledge from experience.
- Anne Bronte
Collection: Sex
Image of Serena Williams
I really hope that I can be helpful in that journey because I do believe that women deserve the same pay. We work just as hard as men do. I've been working, playing tennis, since I was three years old. And to be paid less just because of my sex - it doesn't seem fair.
- Serena Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Serena Williams
I've never dated anybody. It's good to get experience under your belt but you should never get wild or go crazy. If I can't see myself with this person for life -- I can't be bothered. I can't waste my time. I have some really good men friends but I believe in no sex before marriage. No fornicating. Stuff like that. I really believe in that. I mean, I'm not perfect. It's hard to live by the Bible standards but I'm really comfortable with me.
- Serena Williams
Collection: Sex
Image of Philip Roth
Sex is all the enchantment required. Do men find women so enchanting once the sex is taken out? Does anyone find anyone that enchanting unless they have sexual business with them? Who else are you enchanted by? Nobody.
- Philip Roth
Collection: Sex
Image of Philip Roth
No matter how much you know, no matter how much you think, no matter how much you plot and you connive and you plan, you're not superior to sex. It's a very risky game.... It's sex that disorders our normally ordered lives.
- Philip Roth
Collection: Sex
Image of Richard Steele
Age in a virtuous person, of either sex, carries in it an authority which makes it preferable to all the pleasures of youth.
- Richard Steele
Collection: Sex
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Joseph Addison
It is always to be understood that a lady takes all you detract from the rest of her sex to be a gift to her.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Sex
Image of Carl Sagan
Scientists can routinely predict a solar eclipse, to the minute, a millennium in advance. You can go to the witch doctor to lift the spell that causes your pernicious anaemia, or you can take Vitamin B12. If you want to save your child from polio, you can pray or you can inoculate. If you're interested in the sex of your unborn child, you can consult plumb-bob danglers all you want . . . but they'll be right, on average, only one time in two. If you want real accuracy . . . try amniocentesis and sonograms. Try science.
- Carl Sagan
Collection: Sex
Image of China Mieville
No one ever got into science fiction for the sex or prestige. They got into it because they love it.
- China Mieville
Collection: Sex
Image of John Stuart Mill
In early times, the great majority of the male sex were slaves, as well as the whole of the female. And many ages elapsed, some of them ages of high cultivation, before any thinker was bold enough to question the rightfulness, and the absolute social necessity, either of the one slavery or of the other.
- John Stuart Mill
Collection: Sex
Image of Anna Quindlen
It is this that, finally, I will try to teach my sons about sex, after I've explained fertile periods and birth control and all the other mechanics that are important to understand but never really go to the heart of the matter: I believe I will say that when you sleep with someone you take off a lot more than your clothes.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Sex
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
I always thought I'd write when I retired - when I turned 65. But by the time I was 33, to tell you the truth, I was a little bored with drugs and sex, and I thought I'd do the writing thing.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Justin Bieber
I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs and swearing. I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older. But I want to be someone who is respected by everybody.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Moore
I think if you were to sever the connection between arousal and shame, you might actually come up with something liberating and socially useful. It might be healthier for us, and lead to a situation such as they enjoy in Holland, Denmark, or Spain, where they have pornography all over the place - quite hardcore pornography - but they do not have anywhere the incidence of sex crimes.
- Alan Moore
Collection: Sex