Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 26

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 26 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Oliver Jackson-Cohen
I think it's a blessing that the show [Dracula] is on a network because it forces everyone to use their imaginations and be creative. The power of suggestion comes back. So, in the sex scenes, no one is ever fully naked, but I feel the suggestion is so much sexier.
- Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Collection: Sex
Image of Timo Tjahjanto
I always wanted to do something that revolves around the darker side of sex, the pressure of it.
- Timo Tjahjanto
Collection: Sex
Image of Donald Verrilli Jr.
I did think Justice [Antony] Kennedy's opinion on Lawrence was critical to that because it really, what Lawrence in one sense was, of course, about consensual sex being something that the government can't regulate. But really in a more fundamental sense, what it was saying, "Look. Gay people are normal people, and they get to live normal lives. They're not criminals by virtue of the fact of being gay."
- Donald Verrilli Jr.
Collection: Sex
Image of J. L. King
When a DL man is out having sex with men, he's not debating whether or not he's gay or bisexual. He has only one thing on his mind: Let me do this and get home to my woman before she wakes up, gets off work, comes home, or starts missing me.
- J. L. King
Collection: Sex
Image of J. L. King
A man knows what he likes, so sex with some men is like sex with a mind reader, someone who knows exactly how you like it.
- J. L. King
Collection: Sex
Image of Jon Kyl
Our courts provide a neutral forum for the adjudication of disputes under the law, not based on economic or political power, on race, on sex or any other personal characteristics.
- Jon Kyl
Collection: Sex
Image of Alfred Kinsey
Males do not represent two discrete populations, heterosexual and homosexual. The world is not to be divided into sheeps and goats. Not all things are black nor all things white. It is a fundamental of taxonomy that nature rarely deals with discrete categories. Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeon-holes. The living world is a continuum in each and every one of its aspects. The sooner we learn this concerning human sexual behavior, the sooner we shall reach a sound understanding of the realities of sex.
- Alfred Kinsey
Collection: Sex
Image of Alfred Kinsey
The history of medicine proves that in so far as man seeks to know himself and face his whole nature, he has become free from bewildered fear, despondent shame, or arrant hypocrisy. As long as sex is dealt with in the current confusion of ignorance and sophistication, denial and indulgence, suppression and stimulation, punishment and exploitation, secrecy and display, it will be associated with a duplicity and indecency that lead neither to intellectual honesty nor human dignity.
- Alfred Kinsey
Collection: Sex
Image of Alfred Kinsey
It is ordinarily said that criminal law is designed to protect property and to protect persons, and if society's only interest in controlling sex behavior were to protect persons, then the criminal codes concerned with assault and battery should provide adequate protection. The fact that there is a body of sex laws which is apart from the laws protecting persons is evidence of their distinct function, namely that of protecting custom.
- Alfred Kinsey
Collection: Sex
Image of Alfred Kinsey
The very general occurrence of the homosexual in ancient Greece, and its wide occurrence today in some cultures in which such activity is not taboo suggests that the capacity of an individual to respond erotically to any sort of stimulus, whether it is provided by another person of the same or opposite sex, is basic in the species.
- Alfred Kinsey
Collection: Sex
Image of Nikki S. Lee
What does it mean to go deeper? Taking pictures when you're more emotional or sorrowful, or having sex? I just want to have really boring snapshots - people just standing in front of a camera taking pictures with a smile.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Sex
Image of Alan Jay Lerner
The female sex has no greater fan than I, and I have the bills to prove it.
- Alan Jay Lerner
Collection: Sex
Image of Erin Davie
One of the things that fascinated people about the twins, and one of the first things that comes to people's minds when they see Siamese Twins is: well, how do you have sex?
- Erin Davie
Collection: Sex
Image of Konnie Huq
In this [show] business you do something rock 'n' roll and then that's it, finished, heads roll. It's best not to take drugs, go to sex dungeons or cause controversy. And those who've done it - Russell Brand, Angus Deayton, whoever - they've really paid for it, even if what they've done is quite trivial.
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Sex
Image of Peter Blegvad
Anyone who grew up in the psychedelic '60s probably experienced their share of hypnagogic fireworks. Just as sex got me hooked on anatomy, so drugs were probably what first got me interested in entoptic phenomena, phosphenes, and hypnagogic imagery.
- Peter Blegvad
Collection: Sex
Image of Klaus Kinski
The flamenco of the Gypsy has nothing to do with the flamenco for tourists. Real flamenco is like sex.
- Klaus Kinski
Collection: Sex
Image of Elise Valmorbida
The sex was so passionate it bordered on violence. It was not vanilla. It was passion as suffering
- Elise Valmorbida
Collection: Sex
Image of Mallory Ortberg
As long as you don't think he's just pretending not to mind for your sake, it sounds like he has truly accepted that blow jobs are too difficult and painful for you to perform, and he's still very satisfied with your sex life. Take him at his word.
- Mallory Ortberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Daryl Wein
I think women become more wrapped up emotionally in men when sex is involved. And I think men have a much easier time of having innocuous, meaningless sex for pleasure. It's just how we're built genetically.
- Daryl Wein
Collection: Sex
Image of Lauren Iungerich
I have noticed a common denominator among my smart and successful single friends, who tend to over-analyze and underestimate the opposite sex far more than their peers.
- Lauren Iungerich
Collection: Sex
Image of Ruba Nadda
I always say, I'm a woman, I can't change my sex. I can't get angry about it. I'm too busy desperately trying to get my movies made. It's hard work. There are no short cuts. If there were, I would have found them by now.
- Ruba Nadda
Collection: Sex
Image of Laura Bates
The idea that feminism is a 'battle of the sexes' about blaming all men and setting up a 'gender war' is a handy, controversial media hook. But it doesn't reflect reality.
- Laura Bates
Collection: Sex
Image of Laura Bates
Feminism means believing that everybody should be treated equally regardless of their sex. Which happens to include the right to wear whatever you want, for your own reasons, without being forced or pressured into wearing what's considered societally required because of your sex.
- Laura Bates
Collection: Sex
Image of Charles Barkley
Listening to a woman is almost as bad as losing to one. There are only three things that women are better at than men: cleaning, cooking, and having sex.
- Charles Barkley
Collection: Sex
Image of Jackie Mason
I always thought music was more important than sex—then I thought if I don't hear a concert for a year-and-a-half it doesn't bother me.
- Jackie Mason
Collection: Sex
Image of Adam Reed
I think the animation helps divorce the violence from reality. The sex certainly doesn't look all that realistic. I think the fact that it's animated, we get some leeway because of that.
- Adam Reed
Collection: Sex
Image of Karl Marlantes
Victory in combat is like sex with a prostitute. For a moment you forget everything in the sudden physical rush, but then you have to pay your money to the woman showing you the door. You see the dirt on the walls and your sorry image in the mirror.
- Karl Marlantes
Collection: Sex
Image of Luis Negron
I think as a writer, it's important to show the other part of being gay, not only the sex part.
- Luis Negron
Collection: Sex
Image of Anna Biller
Plenty of women say, "I'm just going to make myself into a sex object." But they often can't stay afloat doing that. They can't maintain their sanity. Some women can, but many cannot. They think they can, but self-objectification is really dangerous.
- Anna Biller
Collection: Sex
Image of Kathleen Rooney
Not to give too big of a spoiler, but I never find myself thinking, for example, Oh, remember that crazy time I stumbled on that closeted Republican candidate's sex tape?
- Kathleen Rooney
Collection: Sex
Image of Penny Marshall
Next to sex my favorite thing is laughing - it's part of sex. Make me laugh - I'll love you.
- Penny Marshall
Collection: Sex
Image of Grace Dunham
The things that I want to see happen get no play in mainstream American politics. My primary interests are the legalization of sex work and prison abolition.
- Grace Dunham
Collection: Sex
Image of Phoebe Waller-Bridge
I am comfortable talking about sex scenes and stuff, but to me, when it's physically explicit, I do feel prudish and uncomfortable.
- Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Collection: Sex
Image of Tim McGraw
I worked so hard for that first kiss, and a heart don't forget.
- Tim McGraw
Collection: Sex
Image of Margaret Mead
Those social behaviors which automatically preclude the building of a democratic world must go - every social limitation of human beings in terms of heredity, whether it be of race, or sex, or class. Every social institution which teaches human beings to cringe to those above and step on those below must be replaced by institutions which teach people to look each other straight in the face.
- Margaret Mead
Collection: Sex
Image of Amber Hollibaugh
When people give up sex and give up love or they only have love in the context of tradition then I think we're missing the opportunity of saying to each other building community, building desire in community gives all of us the possibility of learning how to be who we always were terrified we'd find out we were, and then not be ashamed of it and to not have our desire and our love embedded in shame is a profound thing and it's part of what drives the movement.
- Amber Hollibaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Amber Hollibaugh
We're targeted as LGBTQ people because we make people nervous around sex and we practice desire or have the possibility of practicing desire in magical and very, very profound ways. We shouldn't be giving up the possibility of articulating the claim of our body and the claim of our desire as something distinctive and erotically profound.
- Amber Hollibaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Amber Hollibaugh
Sex may be private in the way that you make love, but it's not private in the context of the world we live in.
- Amber Hollibaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Amber Hollibaugh
If I'm fighting for the possibility of having a kind of desire and possibility, that right now is not too likely, it gives me a different kind of engagement with the future, than if I say, "sex doesn't matter; it's private."
- Amber Hollibaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Amber Hollibaugh
Frankly, sex work and stripping is very good if you have radical politics. You can go to meetings all night long.
- Amber Hollibaugh
Collection: Sex
Image of Damian Barr
I cut a lot of cringy sex stuff and a lot of stuff I thought was too personal. I think secret gardens are very special. I think we all have to have them. I think the secret of memoirs is keeping those parts of yourself off the page, which makes what you do share more valuable.
- Damian Barr
Collection: Sex
Image of Myrna Loy
I admire some of the people on the screen today, but most of them look like everybody else. In our day we had individuality. Pictures were more sophisticated. All this nudity is too excessive and it is getting very boring. It will be a shame if it upsets people so much that it brings on the need for censorship. I hate censorship. In the cinema there's no mystery. No privacy. And no sex, either. Most of the sex I've seen on the screen looks like an expression of hostility towards sex.
- Myrna Loy
Collection: Sex
Image of Bianca Balti
Every religion you are, every ethnicity you are, every sex you are, if you're gay or straight. You should be considered as equal as anybody else. That's super-simple, but apparently we have to still march for it.
- Bianca Balti
Collection: Sex
Image of James McBride
Testosterone is a sex hormone, and I think it is the most social of hormones. The major social effect of testosterone is to orient us toward issues of sex and power. By the end of puberty testosterone levels in males are 8 to 10 times higher than in females, but decrease with age.
- James McBride
Collection: Sex
Image of Micheline Aharonian Marcom
I never feel like I am "using" a voice, rather I am listening to a voice and recording it as faithfully as it comes to me and as I can. I think that the female sex is much maligned, even in our supposedly sexually "open" society. It is the site of a woman's pleasure, and the source of (most) children's entry into the world, and an ancient symbol of power and fecundity, and we are directly or indirectly told in modern times that it's dirty, shameful, ugly, odorous, and to be hidden away.
- Micheline Aharonian Marcom
Collection: Sex
Image of Sune Rose Wagner
Unfortunately people sometimes suppress their lust. And it's not only sex. It could be lusting for anything really, anything that's supposedly very bad for you but can be good for you, too.
- Sune Rose Wagner
Collection: Sex
Image of Ellen Battelle Dietrick
Persistently leavening public opinion, in a grossly superstitious age, with the theological doctrine of popular preachers, that woman is a sex of superior wickedness and inferior mentality, could have but one general result throughout Christendom.
- Ellen Battelle Dietrick
Collection: Sex
Image of Edwin Diamond
Television has borrowed from the carnival midway the barker's tease: "Coming Up Next: a Perfect 10" (Sex? Bo Derek? No, the weatherman comes on to say that tomorrow will be nice).
- Edwin Diamond
Collection: Sex
Image of Bakari Kitwana
Unfortunately there is a standard set for it that precedes hip-hop. It would be great if corporate America didn't do this, but there is a huge market for sex and violence and anti-Black representations in America and the world that doesn't begin or end with hip-hop.
- Bakari Kitwana
Collection: Sex