Konnie Huq

Image of Konnie Huq
Let's have a People's Vote to safeguard gender equality and continue the drive towards a fairer world for us all.
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Equality
Image of Konnie Huq
I've worn a chainmail suit to swim with sharks, glided over Cirencester with a James Bond-style paramotor strapped to my back, eaten hippo steaks and had a bat dive down my bra. And all the while, I had to face the camera and smile.
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Smile
Image of Konnie Huq
A problem shared is a problem halved, but as with so many problems affecting women - periods, menopause, post-natal depression - we often feel embarrassed, as if we're moaning or just plain wrong to air them.
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Women
Image of Konnie Huq
Imagine owning a one million pound coin. Where would you put it? The pressure. I never even take my wedding rings off after the time I lost one for days, only to find it in a random trouser pocket.
- Konnie Huq
Collection: Wedding
Image of Konnie Huq
I used to watch TV in the days that I was on TV. But in that time, streaming has come along. So I can honestly say, I have no idea what's on real-time TV.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I remember as a kid liking long, funny words. And often being into things like that can be perceived as square. But actually, as we know now that we're adults, it's really cool. The more knowledge you have, the better.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I think relaxation is escaping from your everyday encounters. You can read the words on a page and be transported to somewhere else. And the more consumed you are with it, the more you're cocooned.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
When I was growing up, I always felt a bit like I didn't quite fit in, a feeling that perhaps still lingers in the background to this very day. I was the small brown girl in the big white suburb.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Mental health really is a search to be happy, I think that's what people want in life - and if you're happy you're winning.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
If you're broke and you're living on the street and you're happy, you're still winning compared to someone who is rich and depressed, because your mental wellbeing is still there.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My parents were first-generation immigrants. My mum wore a sari but at school and as a teenager and in my 20s I wanted to fit in.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
There were no small brown kids as the centre of the children's fiction I grew up with.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Being a 'Blue Peter' presenter is not well paid.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My husband has a wife who is happy to wander round in old leggings held up with worn elastic. I'm happy with who I am and I'm more concerned with other issues and trying any way I can to make a better world for our children.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
No one went to the ballot box to vote for something worse than the status quo.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
A Final Say referendum on the Brexit that actually lies in front of us will give everyone a tangible and decisive vote. I and most people, Brexiteers and Remainers alike, want the same thing - the best for the UK.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
In the UK we have general elections roughly every four or five years because we know circumstances, situations and therefore opinions change over time.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
In a 24/7 landscape of rolling news, social media, phone alerts and notifications it's all too easy to feel numbed by all the shouting.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
A serious economic downturn will undermine women's rights on multiple levels. And it is the women who are already the most disadvantaged, that will be hit hardest of all.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Increased tariffs and a weakened pound would mean higher food prices, hurting the poorest families - and the women trying to make ends meet at the heart of them - the most.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Most people don't go around talking about their miscarriages. It's not really something you shout about. What's more, people often feel embarrassed or even guilty about them.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Having seen many of my friends go through the trial of trying month after month to conceive, then finally the joy of getting pregnant followed by the heartbreak of miscarriage, I know how lonely and isolating it can be to have to go back to square one carrying that heartbreak with you.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
When they do actually get pregnant, most expectant mothers understandably keep the whole thing a secret because of how fragile the first four months can be.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'm all for education - in fact, I have spent my career extolling its virtues.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
About the only useful thing my economics degree taught me was that, in all decisions in life, you have to do a cost-benefit analysis.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
The thing about local government is they want to hear what local people think, but for the most part, their systems are so long, dull and bureaucratic that people only get involved when there's an issue they really care about.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
When we oldies were kids, there was little on offer, food wise, particularly for people with restricted diets.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Growing up in a Muslim family, I didn't eat pork and was tactically vegetarian at school in a bid to avoid accidentally dining on swine, a galling prospect.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Back in humanity's hunter-gatherer days, you only ate meat if you'd recently made a kill, which required a huge amount of effort, and was therefore relatively rare. There's a reason humans only have one set of incisors to rip our meat apart: we're not supposed to eat the stuff at every meal.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
If, as statistics suggest, millennials' diets are more plant-based than ever, and we continue to bring up our kids to eat less or no meat, the future could be bright - the future could be vegan.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Growing up as the youngest daughter to immigrant parents, it was instilled in me from an early age to not be wasteful and to be respectful of money and possessions.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I was mindful that clothes, objects and items had all been designed and manufactured. Thought had gone into those processes, so to mindlessly treat everything without care or as disposable was disrespectful. Things should be valued.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
In all aspects of our society we overcomplicate things under the guise of making things easier and simpler, when in fact we are doing the opposite.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
We rip out a perfectly good kitchen worth thousands of pounds, only to replace it with another costing roughly the same. The old one has to be disposed of, the new one had to be made. From raw materials, factory processes and transportation the extra effort is substantial. Overcomplication.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Never mess with other people's kids. You will never win. It's the child's word against yours and they have parental reinforcements as back-up. You just can't triumph.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Forget quantitative easing - I've always thought the idea of injecting virtual money into the system is an accident waiting to happen.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Motivation levels differ person to person, as does the time since failing new year resolutions.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
You see, the thing about us humans is we overcomplicate things. To eat, our food manufacturing processes work on a huge scale, clearing land, rearing livestock, killing it, packaging it. Go big, only to shrink it all back down to small enough to shove in our mouths.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
By fermenting tiny single-cell organisms we will be able to synthesise all manner of foodstuffs in the future, everything from pasta to eggs, fish and meat. Small tweaks in the process will enable production of different proteins used to replicate food we already eat.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
An emergency on the labour ward needs to be addressed within minutes or else lifelong disability or even death can follow for the baby or mother.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
Ethnic minority women generally have poorer outcomes from their pregnancy compared to white women.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
We need to take back control of our political process. We know so much more about what Brexit will mean, and the health implications, especially for those who are already in a disadvantaged position.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I wear mascara, eyeliner, a bit of foundation and blusher. I always think lip gloss makes you appear properly made-up. Slap it on and suddenly you look glamorous.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My first ever interview for 'Blue Peter' was a film with JK Rowling.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
One minute you're up a mountain, the next you're down a well. One minute you're with Tony Blair, the next you're with McFly. Ten years feels like two years when you're in the 'Blue Peter' bubble.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I grew up as a Muslim: it was quite a conservative upbringing; I didn't wear mini-skirts. But my mum and dad had a good sense of humour and were creative. I guess all of that shaped me.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
I'm the youngest of three children and grew up in Ealing, west London. My eldest sister, Nutun, is nine years older than me, and my middle sister, Rupa, is three years older.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My dad moved to Britain from Bangladesh in the 1960s to work as an actuary for Prudential. However, after seeing an empty retail space in Soho, he decided to open an Asian restaurant instead, despite not having any business experience.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
My mum is your archetypal Asian mum, always feeding people. If there was no food in the cupboard, she'd still manage to rustle up a feast - Bangladeshi food such as pilau rice, curry and korma.
- Konnie Huq
Image of Konnie Huq
From a young age I was really into pop music because I had these two older sisters who were into it, and I wanted to be like them. They liked Wham! and so I was really into them too.
- Konnie Huq