Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 28

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 28 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of Mark Twain
The law of God, as quite plainly expressed in woman's construction is this: There shall be no limit put upon your intercourse with the other sex sexually, at any time of life. The law of God, as quite plainly expressed in man's construction is this: During your entire life you shall be under inflexible limits and restrictions, sexually. During twenty-three days in every month (in absence of pregnancy) from the time a woman is seven years old till she dies of old age, she is ready for action, and competent. As competent as the candlestick is to receive the candle. Competent every day, competent every night. Also she wants that candle - yearns for it, longs for it, hankers after it, as commanded by the law of God in her heart.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Sex
Image of Mae West
Sex with love is the greatest thing in life. But sex without love--that's not so bad either.
- Mae West
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
I suspect that one of the reasons we create fiction is to make sex exciting.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Stay naked as much as possible, but do not impose your orgiastic will on others. Don't have sex in the lobby - it's usually awkward.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Sex
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Don't have sex in the lobby - it's usually awkward.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Sex
Image of Stevie Nicks
The loneliness of a one night stand is hard to take.
- Stevie Nicks
Collection: Sex
Image of Tom Stoppard
Carnal embrace is sexual congress, which is the insertion of the male genital organ into the female genital organ for purposes of procreation and pleasure. Fermat’s last theorem, by contrast, asserts that when x, y and z are whole numbers each raised to power of n, the sum of the first two can never equal the third when n is greater than 2.
- Tom Stoppard
Collection: Sex
Image of Liam Neeson
I learned my "facts of life" on toilet walls. I'd walk up in school bathrooms and there would be crude drawings and figures engaged in sex. That's how I learned.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Sex
Image of William Makepeace Thackeray
Who has not seen how women bully women? What tortures have men to endure compared to those daily repeated shafts of scorn and cruelty with which poor women are riddled by the tyrants of their sex?
- William Makepeace Thackeray
Collection: Sex
Image of Nora Roberts
Eve talking to someone on her computer and having trouble with the language translator....."I have two like crimes. Your data and your input on Leclerk would be very helpful"Marie pursed her lips and humor danced in her eyes."It says you would like to have sex with me. I don't think that is correct""Oh, for Christ sake" Eve slammed a fist against the machine.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Sex
Image of Nora Roberts
If sex is dignified it's not being done right.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Sex
Image of Nora Roberts
Love is very funny business. And sex - well, let's face it, sex is hysterical.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Sex
Image of Oscar Wilde
Women are a decorative sex. They never have anything to say, but they say it charmingly
- Oscar Wilde
Collection: Sex
Image of Terry Pratchett
A world like that, which exists only because the gods enjoy a joke, must be a place where magic can survive. And sex too, of course.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
When sex desire arises, one simply pays total attention to it, not judging, not saying this is good or bad not saying this is evil, not saying that this is a provocation from the devil. No - no evaluation at all because all valuation belongs to the mind and witnessing is not of the mind. Good, bad - distinctions all belong to the mind, and the witnessing is undivided, one. It is neither good nor bad, it simply is. One pays attention to hunger or to the sex desire, total attention - and total attention is such an energy, it is fire-the hunger simply is burned, the sex desire is simply burned.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
If you are involved totally, sex disappears because sex is a safety valve. When you have energy unused, then sex becomes a haunting thing around you. When total energy is used, sex disappears. And that is the state of brahmacharya, of virya, of all your potential energy flowering.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Rajneesh
If you have really experienced the inner light, sex will disappear. Love will happen to you, but sex will disappear; sexuality will disappear. Love, a very loving personality, will take its place. There will be no desire for sex. If the desire for sex remains, you have not experienced the inner light. Then the inner light is just a projection of the mind.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Sex
Image of Jean Baudrillard
Protect everything, detect everything, contain everything - obsessional society. Save time. Save money. Save our souls - phobic society. Low tar. Low energy. Low calories. Low sex. Low speed - anorexic society.
- Jean Baudrillard
Collection: Sex
Image of Fay Weldon
I learned that sex was not a question of victory or defeat, of pleasure or profit: of a hand's manipulation and a physical response: I learned that in its purest pleasure it belongs to neither of those who practise it, in the same way as a child belongs to neither parent: it is a free spirit: it simply exists.
- Fay Weldon
Collection: Sex
Image of Fay Weldon
The New Women! I could barely recognize them as being of the same sex as myself... They are satiated by everything, hungry for nothing. They are what I wanted to be; they are what I worked for them to be: and now I see them, I hate them.
- Fay Weldon
Collection: Sex
Image of Fay Weldon
I like sex. I've had feedback but men will feed you back anything, won't they?
- Fay Weldon
Collection: Sex
Image of Amos Oz
You know, gynecology has a role; sex is a gift. And literature is not about sending messages.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Sex
Image of Marianne Williamson
Sex is not the ultimate high, but the ultimate high hangs out around sex. The ultimate high is the dance with another person, played so deep down and with such abandon that glee returns to grown-ups.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Sex
Image of Mao Zedong
In order to build a great socialist society it is of the utmost importance to arouse the broad masses of women to join in productive activity. Men and women must receive equal pay for equal work in production. Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole.
- Mao Zedong
Collection: Sex
Image of Nicki Minaj
When I grew up I saw females doing certain things, and I thought I had to do that exactly. The female rappers of my day spoke about sex a lot . . . and I thought that to have the success they got, I would have to represent the same thing. When in fact I didn’t have to represent the same thing.
- Nicki Minaj
Collection: Sex
Image of Laurence Olivier
Autograph-hunting is the most unattractive manifestation of sex-starved curiosity.
- Laurence Olivier
Collection: Sex
Image of Madame de Stael
There are women vain of advantages not connected with their persons, such as birth, rank, and fortune; it is difficult to feel less the dignity of the sex. The origin of all women may be called celestial, for their power is the offspring of the gifts of Nature; by yielding to pride and ambition they soon destroy the magic of their charms.
- Madame de Stael
Collection: Sex
Image of John Travolta
I like talking about sex. Especially when I'm horny, but even when I'm not.
- John Travolta
Collection: Sex
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
Do not let anyone, of any sex, tell you that your intuitions and insights, your wisdom and your understandings, are somehow second-rate or not to be trusted.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Sex
Image of George Bernard Shaw
When God created man and woman, he did not take a patent. That's why any imbecile has been able to do so ever since.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Sex
Image of George Bernard Shaw
We are not taught to think decently on sex subjects, and consequently we have no language for them except indecent language.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Sex
Image of Russell Simmons
There is a subject - there is a research that says a man thinks about sex every 12 seconds. And so when an artist expresses something that's sexual in music it is a reflection of our reality. If we want that reality changed, then we have to do things that affect the core.
- Russell Simmons
Collection: Sex
Image of John Wayne
I eat as much as I ever did, I drink more than I should, and my sex life is none of your goddamned business.
- John Wayne
Collection: Sex
Image of Kristen Stewart
I know [people talk about sex now all the time] But do they really talk about it personally?
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Sex
Image of Chuck Palahniuk
A comedy ends with a wedding, and a tragedy ends with a funeral: you always have to juxtapose sex and death.
- Chuck Palahniuk
Collection: Sex
Image of Stevie Wonder
I think honestly, SOME people who think they’re gay, they’re confused. People can misconstrue closeness for love. People can feel connected, they bond. I’m not saying all [gay people are confused]. Some people have a desire to be with the same sex. But that’s them.
- Stevie Wonder
Collection: Sex
Image of Doug Stanhope
Raccoons don't need to do poppers in order to come while they're having anonymous same-sex interludes in a highway rest area.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Sex
Image of Tamora Pierce
And now you're off to Port Caynn. Watch them sailor lads. They'll have your skirts up and a babe in your belly afore you know what you're about." "Everyone keep warning me about sailors," I complained. "Why can't someone tell the sailors to stay clear of me?" Granny snorted. "Oh, you're the fierce one now! Just take care no one else catches you unawares and knocks you on the nob!
- Tamora Pierce
Collection: Sex
Image of Rob Bell
Love is giving up control. It’s surrendering the desire to control the other person. The two—love and controlling power over the other person—are mutually exclusive. If we are serious about loving someone, we have to surrender all the desires within us to manipulate the relationship.
- Rob Bell
Collection: Sex
Image of Camille Paglia
In sex, man is driven into the very abyss which he flees. He makes a voyage to non-being and back.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Sex
Image of Camille Paglia
Sex is the point of contact between man and nature, where morality and good intentions fall to primitive urges.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Sex
Image of Camille Paglia
The saints, many of them women, warred with themselves as well as God. The body has its own animal urges, just as there are attractions and repulsions in sex that modern liberalism cannot face.
- Camille Paglia
Collection: Sex
Image of Fulton J. Sheen
The modern man, finding that Humanism and Sex both fail to satisfy, seeks his happiness in Science ... But Science fails too, for it is something more than a knowledge of matter the soul craves.
- Fulton J. Sheen
Collection: Sex
Image of Gore Vidal
Sex is a continuum. You go through different phases along life's way... and if you don't, you've been sort of cheated.
- Gore Vidal
Collection: Sex
Image of John Dos Passos
Isn't it curious how completely ignorant we all are of the most important part of our bodily mechanism. It is really criminal. Yet there is no nation in the world that doesnt surround sex with fantastic walls. Of course ours are sillier than any-but not much.
- John Dos Passos
Collection: Sex
Image of Saint Francis de Sales
Marital intercourse is certainly holy, lawful and praiseworthy in itself and profitable to society, yet in certain circumstances it can prove dangerous, as when through excess the soul is made sick with venial sin, or through the violation and perversion of its primary end, killed by mortal sin; such perversion, detestable in proportion to its departure from the true order, being always mortal sin, for it is never lawful to exclude the primary end of marriage which is the procreation of children.
- Saint Francis de Sales
Collection: Sex
Image of Saint Francis de Sales
Frequent not the company of immodest persons, especially if they be also impudent, as is generally the case; ...these corrupted souls and infected hearts scarcely speak to any, either of the same or a different sex, without causing them to fall in some degree from purity; they have poison in their eyes and in their breath, like basilisks. On the contrary, keep company with the chaste and virtuous; often meditate upon and read holy things; for the word of God is chaste, and makes those also chaste that delight in it.
- Saint Francis de Sales
Collection: Sex
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
There are certain bodily functions of mine which I will not allow to be supervised. One of these is eating. Nobody's going to license me to do this. Another one is bodily disposals. I will defecate and urinate when I damn well please and as the spirit -and the physical necessity -moves me. And my sex life is peculiarly my own. I will engage in sexual activity with a consenting male any time and any place I damn well please.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Sex
Image of Madalyn Murray O'Hair
It doesn't seem to occur to men that woman might be a worthwhile end in herself, or to see to it that she has a proper sexual release. And, to him, sex appeal is directly proportional to the immensity of a woman's tits.
- Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Collection: Sex