Nikki S. Lee

Image of Nikki S. Lee
My work is really simple, actually. I'm just playing with forms of changing.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Simple
Image of Nikki S. Lee
People think a big camera and big lighting will make art, and I want to break that rule. If you have a great concept, it can be art.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Art
Image of Nikki S. Lee
I don't want to carry big things around with me. I'm lazy. The snapshot camera, you just carry it around and take the picture. You don't need to think about anything. People in the street are not going to wait for you with a big camera. They would freak out. With a snapshot camera, they are comfortable.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Thinking
Image of Nikki S. Lee
My life and work are not separate. I just have more roles than other people. And I have photographs.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: People
Image of Nikki S. Lee
Just because I use the photographic medium, that doesn't mean I'm a photographer.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Mean
Image of Nikki S. Lee
What does it mean to go deeper? Taking pictures when you're more emotional or sorrowful, or having sex? I just want to have really boring snapshots - people just standing in front of a camera taking pictures with a smile.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Sex
Image of Nikki S. Lee
As for the fashion world, the one thing I respect is its shallowness: it's so deep - it's so serious. It can be hard to get that kind of shallowness because of its depth and seriousness.
- Nikki S. Lee
Collection: Fashion