Sebastian Horsley

Image of Sebastian Horsley
I am not an intellectual. An intellectual is someone who looks at a sausage and thinks of Picasso, whereas I just say 'pass the mustard'.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I keep the shutters closed because I like to work in a hermetic environment. I like mirrors. When you look out of the window, all you see is ugliness, but when you look in the mirror all you see is beauty.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I live my life like an open book, even though it's open on the wrong page.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
The universe is neither friendly nor hostile. It is merely indifferent. This makes me ecstatic.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
You may look back on your life and accept it as good or evil. But it is far, far harder to admit that you have been completely unimportant; that in the great sum of things, all a man's endless grapplings are no more significant than the scuttlings of a cockroach.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I don't talk, I quote. I can't help it. It's better to be quotable than honest.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
If I want to dislike women, I should be allowed to. As it happens, I love them. Women to me are privately worshipped and publicly disdained.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Why shouldn't I be allowed to say stupid, outrageous things?
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I consider myself to be very correct and proper: an upright citizen.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Think of how many boring, blameless lives are brightened by the blazing indiscretion of me.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I like to remind myself that every morning I'm making a choice to live.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I used to have about a hundred suits in my late twenties and early thirties when my stock was riding high and I was rich.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I like living sparsely. In the main room, there's no furniture - no tables, no chairs, no coffee table - not even a decaffeinated coffee table.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I do a lot of things for effect, which is not to say I am superficial, but that I know how to put ideas across.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I think you are born, and I think you die. I have a pragmatic nature, but I yearn to believe.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
My grandfather was a practising Quaker. My father was a nihilist. But nihilism, if you like, is the beginning of faith anyway.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
My theory is that the way you cope with the depths will ascertain the heights that you reach - they are intimately connected - and if you have a lust for life, you are also going to have a lust for death.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
An artist has to go to every extreme, to stretch his sensibility through excess and suffering in order to feel and to communicate more.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Pain can be vitalising; it gives intensity in the place of vagueness and emptiness. If we don't suffer, how do we know that we live?
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
The problem with compassion is that it is not photogenic.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I regret everything. But so what? At least I have cause.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Being a dandy is a condition rather than a profession. It is a defense against suffering and a celebration of life.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Dandyism is a lie which reveals the truth, and the truth is that we are what we pretend to be.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
If someone thinks I'm posh, it just shows how lowly they are. Some people think I went to Eton. I'm far too stupid to get into Eton.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Everyone says Oscar Wilde was a dandy, but he wasn't - he was an aesthete. He took pleasure in food and stuff like that. Dandyism is much more austere - much more Calvinistic, more neurotic - it oscillates between narcissism and neurosis.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
If I hear that people are litigious, I immediately dismiss them.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
A woman is supposed to have curves like an old Bentley, not like some old bike.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I am half-Byronic, half-moronic; part-shaman, part-showman.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
People who have a reputation for being evil are usually good.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I am a fraud. I have cobbled together my personality from hundreds of little bits. I am simultaneously the most genuine and the most artificial person you will ever meet.
- Sebastian Horsley
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Being well-dressed gives a feeling of inward tranquility which psychoanalysis is powerless to bestow.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Fashion
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Unhappiness lies in that gap between our talents and our expectations.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Lying
Image of Sebastian Horsley
It's better to be quotable than honest, I don't speak, I quote. I am a fraud. I have cobbled together my personality from hundreds of little bits. I am simultaneously the most genuine and the most artificial person you will ever meet.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Personality
Image of Sebastian Horsley
An artist has to go to every extreme, to stretch his sensibility through excess and suffering in order to feel and to communicate more. I have always been fascinated by blood. Pain can be vitalizing; it gives intensity in the place of vagueness and emptiness. If we don't suffer, how do we know that we live?
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Pain
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Self-pity is the most destructive of all narcotics.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Sebastian Horsley
You may look back on your life and accept it as good or evil. But it is far, far harder to admit that you have been completely unimportant; that in the great sum of things all a man's endless grapplings are no more significant than the scuttlings of a cockroach. The universe is neither friendly nor hostile. It is merely indifferent. This makes me ecstatic. I have reached a nirvana of negativity. I can look futility in the face and still see promise in the stars.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Stars
Image of Sebastian Horsley
People either hate me or dislike me - but I realized that people aren't against you, they are for themselves. We're all prejudiced in favor of ourselves.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Hate
Image of Sebastian Horsley
There's a lot of noise about me that stops a lot of people from listening, but the good side is if you expose yourself like that, you're left with only good people who can see through you-you get rid of all the wankers.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: People
Image of Sebastian Horsley
But really death seems the least awful thing that can happen to someone
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Awful
Image of Sebastian Horsley
The problem I've got is that I really, really like drugs. I love everything about them. It is horrific being sober all the time-utterly awful.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Drug
Image of Sebastian Horsley
Getting old is horrible, but it is interesting . . . one of the things I've realized is that growing old is compulsory, but growing up is optional.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I can count all the lovers I've had on one hand...if I'm holding a calculator.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Hands
Image of Sebastian Horsley
People are obsessed by happiness, but there are a lot of other invigorating experiences available.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: People
Image of Sebastian Horsley
One of the many troubles of growing older is that it gets progressively harder to find a famous historical figure who hadn't yet amounted to anything by the time he was your age.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Historical
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I am desperate for attention. But everyone else is too. Everyone has fantasies of fame and greatness. Life for most people is a process of shedding those fantasies.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Greatness
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I am half-Byronic, half-moronic; part-shaman, part-showman; half-Nazi, half-Liberace.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Half
Image of Sebastian Horsley
[…] life is just the misery left between abortion and euthanasia […]
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Abortion
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I have wanted only one thing to make me happy. That thing is everything.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Make Me Happy
Image of Sebastian Horsley
I didn't want to tell Mother I worked as a journalist. She thought I was a prostitute. Locking yourself in a room and inventing characters and conversations which do not exit is no way for a grown man to behave.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Mother
Image of Sebastian Horsley
To be worthy of assassination takes more than some crappy little book.
- Sebastian Horsley
Collection: Book