Alan Sugar

Image of Alan Sugar
If you lock me in the room with a piano teacher for a year I might be able to knock out a rendition of 'Roll Out The Barrel,' but will I ever be a concert pianist? No.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Teacher
Image of Alan Sugar
I have no patience at all.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Patience
Image of Alan Sugar
I have always been an honest trader. I come from a school of traders where there was honour in the deal. No contracts, just a handshake and that's it, done. That's the way I prefer to do business but it's not always possible these days, sadly.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Business
Image of Alan Sugar
You can't stop people printing what they want to print.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
You've got to admire Sir Richard Branson. He is a completely different style of businessman to me, but you have got to admire what he has achieved.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I don't like paying 50 per cent of tax.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Nobody can honestly say that they never lie.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
The entrepreneurial instinct is in you. You can't learn it, you can't buy it, you can't put it in a bottle. It's just there and it comes out.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I don't make enemies, it's just I'm not afraid to speak my mind, which can sometimes mean people don't like what I am saying.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
There's too much of a culture that exists out there, what I call an expectancy culture, of things being provided.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I like to keep fit.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
My main regret about my years in football was keeping my mouth shut like a little mouse, not daring to speak out because I was told you left the managers to get on with the job and that the chairman must never interfere with the manager's decisions or the performance of his team.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Once you decide to work for yourself, you never go back to work for somebody else.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Among some of the youngsters, I think reality TV has installed that culture into them and inspired a few of them into wanting to be 'TV celebrities.'
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Money is all right but once you have it you learn it's not the be all and end all.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
The only people whose opinions I worry about are my wife, my children, and my employees.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
My mother was a housewife. My father was a garment worker.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I'm a commercial person, not an academic.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Well, it's not hard to be number one entertaining Jew. Some of them are quite bleeding bloody miserable, really.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I don't like this young crudeness now which is supposed to be comedy on Friday nights.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I like things in their proper places.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I like to be a very fair person.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I am tired of hustling.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I'm not that hands-on as a grandfather.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Why work when you can fill out a few forms and get paid for doing nothing?
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Youngsters have got to stop thinking about becoming the next Zuckerberg. It's a trillion-to-one chance. What they need is mater and pater to say, 'Get a job, son.'
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
It will take a brave person to cull the benefits system and analyse who deserves and who doesn't.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
There is a lot of luck in football. Following England is like following Wycombe Wanders or Leyton Orient. You hope for the best and hope you are lucky.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I did not come into football to make money. I had already made millions.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I believe employment regulations for women, whereby the prospective employer is not able to inquire about the interviewee's status regarding children, childcare, or indeed their intention of becoming a parent, are counterproductive.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I have principles and I am not going to be forced to compromise them.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Not everybody needs to go to university; they can get out and start working straight away.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
Look, I'm a member of the House of Lords and I'm the first to admit that I don't understand how one gets new laws through.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I came from a socially deprived background when I was 15, 16 years old, but one thing I knew was one - you don't abuse a policeman, and two - you don't steal things.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
When I was a kid, a policeman was someone you looked up to and respected.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
It is torment to be segregated out because of some bit of clothing that you're wearing.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I get angry when people bring derisory actions against me.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I never experienced any feelings of closeness and caring from my parents.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
I've just got an exceptional memory, if I say so myself.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
In America, everybody thinks they're an entrepreneur. That's the problem. It's not a title that anybody should call oneself.
- Alan Sugar
Image of Alan Sugar
If you enjoy what you do, don't be afraid of expressing your enthusiasm. Enjoyment is infectious.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Enthusiasm
Image of Alan Sugar
A good leader is not necessarily the most popular person in their business, but the best ones are liked because they are respected for their clarity and vision.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Alan Sugar
Effective leadership is about earning respect, and it's also about personality and charisma
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Personality
Image of Alan Sugar
Don't try to blame the rest of the world. The blame only lies with you. Recognize that immediately.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Lying
Image of Alan Sugar
I am not looking for a friend; if I want a friend I'd buy a dog.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Friendship
Image of Alan Sugar
Above all, in order to gain respect, you need to be true to yourself. There is no point in trying to be brutal if it's not in your nature; there is no point in trying to be suave and sophisticated if it doesn't come naturally.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Order
Image of Alan Sugar
An entrepreneur is not what you call yourself, it's what someone calls you in recognition of what you've achieved. I call Richard Branson an entrepreneur. Rupert Murdoch called me one. Anybody who stands up and says: 'I'm an entrepreneur' needs shooting. You'll drive people crazy.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Crazy
Image of Alan Sugar
Success comes more quickly to the entrepreneur that follows his instincts rather than following the progress of his competitors.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Alan Sugar
There are two fools in every marketplace; one asks too little, one asks too much.
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Two
Image of Alan Sugar
I don't make enemies, it's just I'm not afraid to speak my mind, which can sometimes mean people don't like what I am saying
- Alan Sugar
Collection: Mean