Zachary Quinto

Image of Zachary Quinto
We are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world. We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Government
Image of Zachary Quinto
It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Equality
Image of Zachary Quinto
We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Great
Image of Zachary Quinto
I find that communication as an actor and person is an important part of who I am. And I'm really drawn into the psychology of those dynamics.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Communication
Image of Zachary Quinto
Parents need to teach their children principles of respect and acceptance.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Respect
Image of Zachary Quinto
Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Equality
Image of Zachary Quinto
It is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
My desire to be valued is manifested in cultivating relationships with my friends and family.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
Other actors are not my concern, and that's their life and that's their journey. Everybody has to get to a point in their own time and their own way.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
Again, as a gay man I look at that and say there's a hopelessness that surrounds it, but as a human being I look at it and say 'Why? Where's this disparity coming from, and why can't we as a culture and society dig deeper to examine that?' We're terrified of facing ourselves.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
The interesting thing about my character Sylar is that my strengths as an actor seemed to go completely against the shape of a character in the shadow.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I believe in the power of intention to change the landscape of our society - and it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action. Jamey Rodemeyer's life changed mine.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I just find that there's something about looking back on interviews, whether for purposes of remembering what I said about something or if it's for posterity when I'm 75.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
Every time I get on an airplane I have a routine. I cover the inside of my nostrils with anti-bacterial ointment. I'm popping Zicam like it's candy. And I drink, literally, from L.A. to New York, six bottles of water.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I came up during the 'Star Wars' generation and that was sort of the thing I plugged into much more. It was a little before my time and I think it was sort of grappling with these intellectual ideas that were a little advanced for my young mind. At the time. But now I have a much deeper appreciation for it.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I don't really approach a character as to whether or not it's good or bad. I just approach a character as to where it lives in me.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
'Heroes' really changed the game for me in a way that nothing before it had.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I try to be as fearless as possible. I don't always succeed, but I like to think I try.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
Gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I recognized that I had a window of opportunity that had opened because of my exposure as an actor.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I'm a big believer in the notion that our greatest potential lies in our darkest parts. To a certain extent it's only in facing those parts of ourselves that we can truly grow, and I think that's true of all of the characters I've played, certainly in the past few years.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I don't immerse myself in the Internet chatter because it opens you up to a whole source of danger.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I think it's like, you know, you can't get ahead of yourself, because no amount of success or exposure or opportunity is going to really matter or be ultimately fulfilling unless you can be totally present in what you're doing right now.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I love when you aren't accountable to anybody or anything, and you can just be wherever you are.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
What scares me? Oh, now that's a big question. I don't know what scares me - cockroaches, nuclear apocalypse. Fear is an interesting thing. It has a place in all of our lives. I try to be as fearless as possible. I don't always succeed, but I like to think I try.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I would love to be a voice in this maelstrom of chaos and obsessive celebrity infatuation that says, 'Let's talk about something that matters'.
- Zachary Quinto
Image of Zachary Quinto
I think the goal is always to go deeper within myself, and accept myself on deeper levels and to know myself on deeper levels. Whether or not I look for roles that are going to do that for me, I certainly look for the ways in which the roles I get can do that for me.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zachary Quinto
I think we're a little bit more astray, more far afield from true integration and true acceptance.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Acceptance
Image of Zachary Quinto
We just have to have visibility. We have to have acknowledgement. We have to have accountability to how we treat one another.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Accountability
Image of Zachary Quinto
Part of being a psychopath is an ability to dissociate from one reality and create another one, completely.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Reality
Image of Zachary Quinto
I listen to music a lot, if I need to get into a particular space. I do stretching and breathing, and take time to mostly be quiet and find the stillness. I think that's important.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zachary Quinto
I loved auditioning because it was just an opportunity to act. Whether or not I got the job was the next hurdle, but the idea that I would get to act that day was the thing that excited me the most about it.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zachary Quinto
I found myself in a pattern of being attracted to people who were somehow unavailable, and what I realized was that I was protecting myself because I equate the idea of connection and love with trauma and death.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Ideas
Image of Zachary Quinto
It certainly woke me up to how vulnerable we all are. I think I was much more cavalier about it before I started working on the movie [Edward Snowden], and then the more I read the documents themselves and saw just how sweeping and indiscriminate the intrusions into our privacy have been, it made me more aware.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Thinking
Image of Zachary Quinto
I was definitely an extroverted personality at a young age and theater was an outlet for me to channel that energy.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Personality
Image of Zachary Quinto
I met Glenn [ Greenwald] briefly in 2009. We were both guests on Real Time With Bill Maher. I was the show's guest and he was on the panel. But this was before the Snowden stuff happened. I didn't have the opportunity to meet him in preparation for the movie, unfortunately, for various reasons. But I was able to dive into the main articles he's written, and interviews with him, and just the function that the character serves in the movie, that was enough for me.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Real
Image of Zachary Quinto
That idea of comparison is what fans do. That's why fans exist. They believe in something and something connects to them, and they have passionate feelings and opinions about films.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Believe
Image of Zachary Quinto
In light of Jamey [Rodemeyer]'s death -- it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it -- is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Lying
Image of Zachary Quinto
My dad died when I was a kid, so I think it became a place for me to go where my mom knew that I was safe and taken care of and looked after.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Mom
Image of Zachary Quinto
There was a little bit of hesitancy about staying in Pittsburgh and not moving away for college, but that didn't last long. It was right in line with what I wanted, so I auditioned there and it wasn't a tough decision.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Moving
Image of Zachary Quinto
It didn't really change my opinion about [Edward] Snowden all that much, but I definitely feel like as a culture, it gave us information that generated a responsibility to protect ourselves as much as we can and also a responsibility to hold our government accountable to honoring our constitutional rights.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Responsibility
Image of Zachary Quinto
My return to the theater in New York was so specific. I didn't want it to be about leveraging my exposure or my fame, so the first show I did in New York was an ensemble piece at an Off-Broadway theater, and I wanted to make sure that it was just about the play and about the experience.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: New York
Image of Zachary Quinto
Honestly, people told me to. It was weird, I graduated from school, I never thought I'd live in L.A. and I always wanted to be to New York. I assumed that would be my trajectory - that romantic ideal of moving there and doing plays Off-Broadway and being scrappy about it. Then we did a showcase in New York and a showcase in L.A., and for whatever reason the response that I generated in L.A. was significantly more enthusiastic.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: New York
Image of Zachary Quinto
When I got out of school, it used to be that it was theater actors that ended up doing film and television, and you had to come from the theater to be taken seriously in that world.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Taken
Image of Zachary Quinto
I went to high school directly across the street from Carnegie Mellon, actually, and I knew people that were a couple of years older than me that went there. I was able to see shows in the drama department, and hang out there little bit, and it just felt like a natural progression. It was at the top of my list.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Couple
Image of Zachary Quinto
I also feel like the kinds of jobs I want right now - I consider them aspirational. I want to raise the bar for myself, and I am in this interesting spot where I do get offered a lot of things, but frankly, the majority of the things I get offered I'm not really interested in doing. I want to do the things that I have to fight for.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zachary Quinto
It just so happened that J.C.[Chandor] was a first-time feature director, and his script was exactly the kind of thing we were looking for.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Firsts
Image of Zachary Quinto
We [with Neal Dodson and Corey Moosa] were constantly looking for features and looking for ways to get involved with people who were making stuff.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: People
Image of Zachary Quinto
We [with Neal Dodson and Corey Moosa] wanted to draw people in with a dialogue - whether it's a creative process or a social issue or innovation of some kind; whether it was how we told the stories or what stories we told. We produced some online videos.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Issues
Image of Zachary Quinto
I would say auditioning was my real training ground. The technical aspects - like hitting marks and pacing yourself and preparing and dealing with the downtime - the first recurring role I had on 24 was probably the way I learned that stuff.
- Zachary Quinto
Collection: Real