Top Our World Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Our World quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Our World quotes.

Image of Pema Chodron
We feel that we have to be right so that we can feel good. We don’t want to be wrong because then we’ll feel bad. But we could be more compassionate toward all these parts of ourselves. The whole right and wrong business closes us down and makes our world smaller. Wanting situations and relationships to be solid, permanent, and graspable obscures the pith of the matter, which is that things are fundamentally groundless.
- Pema Chodron
Collection: Our World
Image of Thomas Berry
During this period (of technological confinement / [and language]) the human mind has been placed in its narrowest confines it has experienced since consciousness emerged from its Paleolithic phase. Even the most primitive tribes have a larger vision of the universe, of our place and functioning within it, a vision that extends to celestial regions of space and to interior depths of the human in a manner far exceeding the parameters of our world of technological confinement.
- Thomas Berry
Collection: Our World
Image of Ban Ki-moon
Many say our world is at a tipping point. If we do not act together, if we do not act responsibly, if we do not act now, we risk slipping into a cycle of poverty, degradation, and despair.
- Ban Ki-moon
Collection: Our World
Image of Frederick Buechner
Here and there even in our world, and now and then, even in ourselves, we catch glimpeses of a New Creation, which, fleeting as those glipmses are apt to be, give us hope both for this life and for whatever life may await us later on.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Our World
Image of George W. Bush
The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Our World
Image of Hillary Clinton
Parenthood has the power to redefine every aspect of life - marriage, work, relationships with family and friends. Those helpless bundles of power and promise that come into our world show us our true selves- who we are, who we are not, who we wish we could be.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Our World
Image of Scott D. Anthony
We've got some great big problems in our world. We have to figure out how to feed 10 billion people. Too many people can't access clean water, quality healthcare, and reasonable education. We have to figure out what to do about climate change, income inequality, and more. Innovators need to rise to the challenge!
- Scott D. Anthony
Collection: Our World
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
Now is the time to divest and invest to let our world leaders know that we, as individuals and institutions, are taking action to address climate change, and we expect them to do their part this December in Paris at the U.N. climate talks.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Our World
Image of Le Corbusier
Our world, like a charnel-house, is strewn with the detritus of dead epochs.
- Le Corbusier
Collection: Our World
Image of Stewart D. Friedman
In my talks in organizations around the world I ask, "What kind of leadership do we need now?" The most common responses are "adaptable," "flexible," and "innovative." This isn't surprising, in light of how fast and overwhelming is the pace of change in our world.
- Stewart D. Friedman
Collection: Our World
Image of Nelly Furtado
In our world, it's a big deal when you have a favourite collaborator and share them.
- Nelly Furtado
Collection: Our World
Image of Plato
We are too feeble and sluggish to make our way out to the upper limit of the air. If someone could reach the summit, or put on wings and fly aloft, when he put up his head he would see the world above, just as fishes see our world when they put up their heads out of the sea; and if his nature were able to bear the sight, he would recognize that that is the true heaven.
- Plato
Collection: Our World
Image of Suzanne Collins
In our world, I rank music somewhere between hair ribbons and rainbows in terms of usefulness.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Our World
Image of Riane Eisler
Women represent 70 percent of the 1.3 billion people in our world who live in absolute poverty. Consequently, as Joan Holmes, president of the Hunger Project, points out, any realistic efforts to change patterns of chronic hunger and poverty require changing traditions of discrimination against women.
- Riane Eisler
Collection: Our World
Image of Wes Craven
Many, many things are dangerous in our world, commercials and TV are dangerous, and so is the world of sitcoms. But nobody does anything about them because they're turning in alot of money.
- Wes Craven
Collection: Our World
Image of Michael Crichton
The purpose of history is to explain the present - to say why the world around us is the way it is. History tells us what is important in our world, and how it came to be. It tells us what is to be ignored, or discarded. That is true power - profound power. The power to define a whole society.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Our World
Image of Edwidge Danticat
AIDS was something that was put upon us [as haitians], and we were immediately identified with it. That is unfair. That is unjust. I always say, "We are all people living with AIDS." It's not like you can avoid it. It's part of our world.
- Edwidge Danticat
Collection: Our World
Image of Jon Foreman
The biggest problem facing our world today is a lack of hope and a lack of meaning. [It's] basically just a postmodern world in which there is no right or wrong, no better or worse.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Our World
Image of John Eldredge
We are not inviting—we are guarded. Most of our energy is spent trying to hide our true selves, and control our worlds to have some sense of security.
- John Eldredge
Collection: Our World
Image of Michael Craig-Martin
When I look at the objects that I draw, it seems to me so obvious about the contemporary world - these are our world.
- Michael Craig-Martin
Collection: Our World
Image of Kofi Annan
In an era of global abundance, our world has the resources to reduce dramatically the massive divides that persist between rich and poor, if only those resources can be unleashed in the service of all peoples.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Our World
Image of George Eliot
We are all humiliated by the sudden discovery of a fact which has existed very comfortably and perhaps been staring at us in private while we have been making up our world entirely without it.
- George Eliot
Collection: Our World
Image of Jon Foreman
Our world spins upside down and sometimes we have to lose our grip on the things we value in this life in order to grab on to true life.
- Jon Foreman
Collection: Our World
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The ancestor of every action is thought; when we understand that we begin to comprehend that our world is governed by thought and that everything without had its counterpart originally within the mind.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Our World
Image of Jacqueline Novogratz
We need moral leadership and courage in our world.
- Jacqueline Novogratz
Collection: Our World
Image of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Fortunately for us and our world, young people are not easily discouraged. The hopes of the world rest on the fresh outlook of young people
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Collection: Our World
Image of Martha Gellhorn
In more than half the nations of our world, torture certifies that the form of government is tyranny. Only tyranny, no matter how camouflaged, needs and employs torturers. Torture has no ideology.
- Martha Gellhorn
Collection: Our World
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
We should take comfort in two conjoined features of nature: first, that our world is incredibly strange and therefore supremely fascinating, second, that however bizarre and arcane our world might be, nature remains potentially comprehensible to the human mind.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Our World
Image of Jerry Garcia
The world has to tell us. In other words, we don't have an agenda or a battle plan or a map or a direction or anything. We're just going along, and our world is telling us.
- Jerry Garcia
Collection: Our World
Image of Billy Graham
The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West . . . But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Our World
Image of Billy Graham
While our world is shaking and crumbling, we need to realize that one thing will never change, and that is God. He is the same today as he was ten million years ago, and will be the same ten million years from today.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Our World
Image of Germany Kent
At the end of the day, we all live in this world together and to practice bringing peace onto social media is a huge step into bringing peace into our world.
- Germany Kent
Collection: Our World
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Happiness, in one sense, is a function of how closely our world conforms to the infinite variety of human preference.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Our World
Image of Jay Samit
Our world's future is far more malleable and controllable than most people realize.
- Jay Samit
Collection: Our World
Image of Al Gore
Unless we act boldly and quickly to deal with the underlying causes of global warming, our world will undergo a string of terrible catastrophes.
- Al Gore
Collection: Our World
Image of Brian Greene
...quantum mechanics—the physics of our world—requires that you hold such pedestrian complaints in abeyance.
- Brian Greene
Collection: Our World
Image of Shakti Gawain
Individually and collectively, we are shifting from a position of fear into surrender and trust of the intuitive. The power of the feminine energy is on the rise in our world.
- Shakti Gawain
Collection: Our World
Image of Malcolm Gladwell
Our world requires that decisions be sourced and footnoted, and if we say how we feel, we must also be prepared to elaborate on why we feel that way...We need to respect the fact that it is possible to know without knowing why we know and accept that - sometimes - we're better off that way.
- Malcolm Gladwell
Collection: Our World
Image of Che Guevara
Arms cannot be regarded as merchandise in our world. They should be delivered to the peoples asking for them for use against the common enemy without any charge at all, and in quantities determined by the need and their availability.
- Che Guevara
Collection: Our World
Image of Jill Soloway
Many of the trans women who are in our world are also in Caitlyn's Jenner world. And yes I've definitely spoken to her multiple times, talked to her, socialized with her. It's a small community when all is said and done, the trans community in Los Angeles. So everybody really knows each other and everybody's in contact.
- Jill Soloway
Collection: Our World
Image of Billy Graham
Our World has becoime a neighbourhood without becoming a brotherhood.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Our World
Image of David Wolfe
Harmful bacteria, viruses, calcium-forming micro-organisms, and candida are part of our world. Unfortunately, so are toxic chemicals, including everything from pesticides to car pollution to nuclear radiation to most municipal tap waters.
- David Wolfe
Collection: Our World
Image of Saint Augustine
The one who is our very Life descended into our world, and bore our death, and slew it with the abundance of His own life. Thundering, He called out to us to return to Him in heaven.
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Our World
Image of Gary Hamel
What's true for churches is true for other institutions: the older and more organized they get, the less adaptable they become. That's why the most resilient things in our world - biological life, stock markets, the Internet - are loosely organized.
- Gary Hamel
Collection: Our World
Image of Sam Harris
Mahavira, the Jain patriarch, surpassed the morality of the Bible with a single sentence: Do not injure, abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture, or kill any creature or living being. Imagine how different our world might be if the Bible contained this as its central precept.
- Sam Harris
Collection: Our World
Image of Sam Harris
What would our world be like if we ceased to worry about 'right' and 'wrong,' or 'good' and 'evil,' and simply acted so as to maximize well-being, our own and that of others? Would we lose anything important?
- Sam Harris
Collection: Our World
Image of Kathy Acker
It was only when we were in that bed, high above the world - then I thought the birds could have been circling around our bodies circled around each other - that we made our world totally separated from everything else. It was the only way we could be together.
- Kathy Acker
Collection: Our World
Image of W. H. Auden
Our claim to our own bodies and our world is our catastrophe.
- W. H. Auden
Collection: Our World
Image of Fred Hoyle
It is no more likely that our world has evolved out of chaos than that a hurricane, blowing through a junk yard, should create a Boeing.
- Fred Hoyle
Collection: Our World