Al Gore

Image of Al Gore
I think the cost of energy will come down when we make this transition to renewable energy.
- Al Gore
Collection: Environmental
Image of Al Gore
The science linking the increased frequency and severity of extreme weather to the climate crisis has matured tremendously in the last couple of years.
- Al Gore
Collection: Science
Image of Al Gore
While President Bush likes to project an image of strength and courage, the real truth is that in the presence of his large financial contributors, he is a moral coward.
- Al Gore
Collection: Strength
Image of Al Gore
A zebra does not change its spots.
- Al Gore
Collection: Change
Image of Al Gore
Consider what kind of car you get. Buy cars and other products that have the least impact environmentally.
- Al Gore
Collection: Car
Image of Al Gore
Our world faces a true planetary emergency. I know the phrase sounds shrill, and I know it's a challenge to the moral imagination.
- Al Gore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Al Gore
I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth, environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
- Al Gore
Collection: Environmental
Image of Al Gore
The day I made that statement, about the inventing the internet, I was tired because I'd been up all night inventing the Camcorder.
- Al Gore
Collection: Funny
Image of Al Gore
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.
- Al Gore
Collection: Failure
Image of Al Gore
Airplane travel is nature's way of making you look like your passport photo.
- Al Gore
Collection: Nature
Image of Al Gore
The ability of big money to shape perceptions - where you have four anti-climate lobbyists for every single member of the House and Senate - is a big factor.
- Al Gore
Collection: Money
Image of Al Gore
As I have said for many years throughout this land, we're borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the future of human civilization. Every bit of that has to change.
- Al Gore
Collection: Future
Image of Al Gore
Civil disobedience has an honourable history, and when the urgency and moral clarity cross a certain threshold, then I think that civil disobedience is quite understandable, and it has a role to play.
- Al Gore
Collection: History
Image of Al Gore
I've learned the importance of changing people's minds at the grassroots level so that whoever does run will have a much better chance of encountering public opinion that reaches a critical mass and brings about a change not only in White House policies but in the Congress and in the state legislatures and all around the world.
- Al Gore
Collection: Chance
Image of Al Gore
Our democracy, our constitutional framework is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people. The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster.
- Al Gore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Al Gore
When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, holler.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
You know the old saying: you win some, you lose some... and then there's that little-known third category.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I think it's harder for people than it should be. But as more and more of us become carbon neutral and change the patterns in our lives to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, we are now beginning to see the changes in policy that are needed.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I drive a hybrid, and we've changed our light bulbs and windows and installed solar panels and geothermal ground source heat pumps and most everything else.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I have absolutely no plans and no expectations of ever being a candidate again.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
We need to remake the Democratic party. We need to remake America.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
If you want your energy bills to go up, you should support an ever greater dependence on foreign oil, because the rate of new discoveries is declining as demand in China and India is growing, and the price of oil and thus the price of coal will go sky high.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Today we're dumping 70 million tons of global-warming pollution into the environment, and tomorrow we will dump more, and there is no effective worldwide response. Until we start sharply reducing global-warming pollution, I will feel that I have failed.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
As president, I will bring all the parties and stakeholders together. I am going to come up with a solution that respects the environment and does not cause an upheaval in the economy.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I am Al Gore, and I used to be the next president of the United States of America.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
The first less is this: take it from me, every vote counts.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
There is an air of unreality in debating these arcane points when the world is changing in such dramatic ways right in front of our eyes because of global warming.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
The Bush-Cheney administration had betrayed some basic American values. So there was hunger for change.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Hey, you know what, I've gotta go on that 'Letterman' show. That show is so lame.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
How could this Y2K be a problem in a country where we have Intel and Microsoft?
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I remember as a boy when the conversation on civil rights was won in the South. I remember a time when one of my friends made a racist joke and another said, 'Hey man, we don't go for that anymore.'
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I pledge to you today that as president, in my first budget, I will introduce the largest increase in special education ever.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally... Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Population growth is straining the Earth's resources to the breaking point, and educating girls is the single most important factor in stabilizing that. That, plus helping women gain political and economic power and safeguarding their reproductive rights.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Consider a clock thermostat, and set it so that you're not using energy when you don't need it, when you're out of your house.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I think George W. Bush has a warm, engaging personality. But, you know, the presidency is more than just a popularity contest.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
The presidency is more than a popularity contest.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I have always been fascinated with those who try to look over the horizon and see things that are coming at us.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I'm naturally an optimist, but my basis for hope is rooted in my understanding of human nature.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
The heart of the security agenda is protecting lives - and we now know that the number of people who will die of AIDS in the first decade of the 21st Century will rival the number that died in all the wars in all the decades of the 20th century.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I did very extensive diligence on Al Jazeera English, the network from which Al Jazeera America is going to be derived, and it's really very clear that they have long since established a reputation for excellence and integrity and objectivity.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
I do genuinely believe that the political system is not linear. When it reaches a tipping point fashioned by a critical mass of opinion, the slow pace of change we're used to will no longer be the norm. I see a lot of signs every day that we're moving closer and closer to that tipping point.
- Al Gore
Image of Al Gore
Science has a culture that is inherently cautious and that is normally not a bad thing. You could even say conservative, because of the peer review process and because the scientific method prizes uncertainty and penalises anyone who goes out on any sort of a limb that is not held in place by abundant and well-documented evidence.
- Al Gore