Ashley Bell

Image of Ashley Bell
Growing up, I was a huge fan of horror movies. There's nothing more fun than going into a movie with a smile because you know you're going to be scared to death. There's something thrilling about sitting there waiting for a scare to happen.
- Ashley Bell
Collection: Smile
Image of Ashley Bell
I'm a huge LeBron James fan. I love The Heat. He's an incredible basketball player.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
Doing voiceovers is so great because even though many people would think it's just your voice, you really do use all your physicality. I've done everything from playing a butterfly to Alice in Wonderland when she's 10 feet tall, so it allows you to be an actor and build new characters.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
I've been very physical my whole life. I've done a lot of ballet, fencing and karate, and everything.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
My dad does tons of voiceovers; he was Duke in 'G.I. Joe' and 'Transformers' and Handy, Lazy, and Grouchy Smurf, so I grew up with the best bed time stories ever.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
After school, my mom would pick me up and I would just go to visit my dad in the recording studio, and I would see him working with Mark Hamill or hear him doing the 'Transformers' or a 'G.I. Joe' or the 'Rugrats.'
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
My dad had such a cool job. When you're a voiceover actor, it's a whole different skill - you're bringing these huge, larger-than-life monsters and characters to life. And, also, you have to learn accents.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
My dad knows every single accent from being an old Yiddish grandpa to being Indian or Jamaican. It was very cool to grow up with that.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
The chance to play a character with a split personality is an actor's dream.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
It's been said that horror films are experimental forms of art, and I agree. As an actress, you're put in positions and have to experience emotions that are way beyond reality, whether fighting in a post-apocalyptic world or being possessed by the Devil.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
For me, working is the ultimate vacation, for lack of a better word. Its being in-between jobs were it becomes emotional, and brutal, and draining.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
I got into acting for the chance to be many different people and many different characters. I love hiding in a role and doing the research. If there is an opportunity to change my body, I will change my body. I'll slip in and disguise myself in a role. That is a really big treat for me.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
I come from a theater background. I studied acting at NYU and also the Groundlings in L.A.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
Growing up, I always wanted to always be something new. I thought if I was an actress, I would have a chance at doing it all. What's incredible about this profession is every role you play; you learn a different skill set. That really appealed to me.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
I always say horror films are great date movies. In the first twenty minutes, you're going to end up in each other's arms.
- Ashley Bell
Image of Ashley Bell
I love my job. It's such a privilege to be able to play such complicated characters. Growing up, I wanted to be a billion different things. I realized in order for that to happen, I don't have to be them all because the characters I want to play require such research and such a transformation to make that work - that's something that I love doing.
- Ashley Bell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ashley Bell
or The Last Exorcism, I researched a lot of real exorcisms. I watched videos of exorcisms, I listened to tapes, and I read actual accounts of priests' logs. I also looked at a lot of the physicality. I would look into fits of hysteria and look at energies of people in manic, hysteric fits.
- Ashley Bell
Collection: Real
Image of Ashley Bell
When you're playing the devil, you're playing the ultimate evil. There are no boundaries. In doing a film in the horror genre or a psychological thriller, you're really pushed as an actress, you're pushed way outside of your comfort zone. Emotionally, mentally, and physically. That's when things really get fun.
- Ashley Bell
Collection: Fun