Robby Mook

Image of Robby Mook
My earliest memory campaigning was going to the dump to get petition signatures or handing out literature.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
Where I grew up in Vermont, there is no municipal garbage removal. You have to bring your trash to the dump every weekend. Something like three hours on Saturday morning, the entire town goes in. It is actually a very efficient place to do politics. I would go to the garbage dump, get petitions signed, give out literature, talk to voters.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
A lot of campaign lexicon is very militaristic - even the term 'campaign.'
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
I love Greek history. I love Roman history.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
I think good campaigns generally, but I think particularly presidential campaigns, they're about the voters, and they're about the future. And I think it's hard to be a successful candidate who talks about the future who isn't hopeful, who isn't optimistic, and doesn't offer a vision, right?
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
90 percent of the cost of malaria drugs has come down because of the work of the Clinton Foundation. There are over 10 million people around the globe today receiving life-saving HIV and AIDS drug treatments because of the Clinton Foundation.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
We look at Donald Trump: his bottom line is interconnected to all kinds of financial interests that he refuses to disclose. They actually affect his net worth.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
I think the voters are going to see a stark difference between steady leadership from Secretary Clinton, a depth of experience, and ill-temperament and poor judgment from Donald Trump; that's what they've seen this entire campaign. We welcome these debates.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
Bill de Blasio is a very good friend. I remember bringing up a whole caravan of cars to help volunteer on his Public Advocate race.
- Robby Mook
Image of Robby Mook
I think a lot of the people that stand by Donald Trump are deplorable. And the things that they say are deplorable.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Thinking
Image of Robby Mook
Espionage is never a laughing matter. And in fact, this is not a political issue. I don't want to get this confused with the back and forth we might have about economic issues or anything else. This is a matter of national security now. And I find it very frightening that Donald Trump is encouraging any foreign power to breach a campaign and try to influence the outcome of the election.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Confused
Image of Robby Mook
Vladimir Putin devastates and destroys his enemies. He's been devastating and destroying the Syrian people. And Hillary Clinton spoke out against that. She had the courage to do that.
- Robby Mook
Collection: People
Image of Robby Mook
We cannot have foreign governments interceding in our elections.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Government
Image of Robby Mook
Donald Trump is having foreign leaders spend their money and our government spend their money on his properties. This is not the president of the United States helping create jobs for average Americans.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robby Mook
America, fortunately or unfortunately, is very polarized right now. People fall into their different camps. And people are, are concerned. And they, they want to see change.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Fall
Image of Robby Mook
One of the things that's very troubling to voters about Donald Trump is his erratic behavior, his lack of good temperament to serve as commander in chief.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Erratic
Image of Robby Mook
I'm saying is that I hope that you drill in with the same detail with his [Donald Trump] team as you're drilling in with ours.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Team
Image of Robby Mook
We are looking forward to Donald Trump releasing his medical information. Just making sure everybody is meeting at the same bar here.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Bars
Image of Robby Mook
I want to be fair here. If we're going to be talking about transparency and disclosure, Donald Trump has not released a single piece of serious information about his health.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Talking
Image of Robby Mook
Let's just say I am happy that she [Hillary Clinton] is getting some much needed downtime now. But she's looking forward to getting back out on the trail very soon.
- Robby Mook
Collection: Downtime