Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 68

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 68 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Renee Montagne
There are no women in these ground combat jobs.Women, of course, have been flying combat missions in fighter jets, attack helicopters, for more than 20 years, but beginning this week, those ground combat jobs in infantry, artillery and armor will be open to women. Officials don't expect a rush of women interested.
- Renee Montagne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson
There are other concerns in this state [of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania], which is one of the prettiest. It's also one of the poorest, where people here are making less than the national average. Unemployment is higher than the national average, and a lot of the young people, especially, have left because there just aren't jobs and that sort of thing. So you have that going on, the feeling that that hasn't really changed in years or at least with their help - with the last state government.
- Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Moelis
It is a very interesting world. I'm excited. It is much more optimistic than people think, and there is going to be huge job creation from all these things, and there are going to be huge life improvements.
- Ken Moelis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Moelis
By the way, I'm not sure the managing director who was 50 in 2005 understood that the job had changed - that when he or she came out of school in 1986, that it was different. How would they know? We've got to admit that.
- Ken Moelis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Garrett Clayton
I was very headstrong about wanting to keep my name when I moved to Los Angeles. But casting directors would call my managers and say I was perfect for the part, but my name wasn't marketable - I was a young guy, and had the old man name of Gary. I kept losing jobs because of the name not being marketable, so I changed it to Garrett.
- Garrett Clayton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Diane Kochilas
My heart certainly goes out to a lot of the - you know, the people who are going to lose their jobs.
- Diane Kochilas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julianna Margulies
I'm one of those pathetic actors who will say yes to every play reading just because I do miss the stage so much. What I really miss about the theater is that in the end, it's yours to give. In television and film, it's yours to do and someone else's to take and someone else's to give. As much as I love television - the biggest luxury of all is to know that you have a job to go to - I do miss that connection and having that power over my own performance on stage.
- Julianna Margulies
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Shenk
Most people are good people. But they're afraid to speak out, they're afraid for their safety and their jobs. And unfortunately that dictates a lot of their actions.
- Jon Shenk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leah D. Daughtry
I just think of Fannie Lou Hamer, because even though she didn't know my name Ms. Hamer was thinking of me. I just want to do a good job, because I want her to look over that edge of heaven and say, "That's why I did it. That's why. I knew we had the capacity and the talent to be everything America says we can't be. All we needed was an open door."
- Leah D. Daughtry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patricia Field
I never think of an actor as a model. A model wears what you tell them to wear, that's their job. An actor is different. It's important to work with the actor because in the end that's who the audience sees and that's the success that you need.
- Patricia Field
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dani Levy
I think a lot of comedians sometimes pretend to find the job more taxing than it is.
- Dani Levy
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Batstone
My aim is to integrate business connections into vulnerable communities thus creating jobs.
- David Batstone
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Batstone
For our international projects we developed an online skilled volunteer job board to help connect skilled individuals around the world who can help with the projects. This is the cost effective channel to achieve a wider reach, which you wouldn't have been possible without technology.
- David Batstone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tamara Keith
Way back in 1979, as a guest on a local TV show in Arkansas, then Hillary Rodham was quizzed about not taking her husband's last name when they got married and keeping her job as a lawyer while being first lady of the state.
- Tamara Keith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dmitri Mendeleev
I have to talk like this! It`s my job
- Dmitri Mendeleev
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrea Hall
I worked at Starbucks, I was a waiter, a bartender and a valet, sometimes working 2 to 3 jobs at a time while getting a lot of 'no's' as an actor.
- Andrea Hall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terence McKenna
We are told No, you're unimportant, you're peripheral - get a degree, get a job, get a this, get that, and then you're a player. You don't even want to play that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Capodagli
The role of any exceptional facilitator or consultant is to work themselves out of a job.
- Bill Capodagli
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stuart A. Staples
I'm so aware when you make a film, there are so many elements to get right. So many people with such important jobs. You know, it's terrible. I walk away from a film going, "The cinematography was great, wasn't it? But the music wasn't so good. The casting wasn't great."
- Stuart A. Staples
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dave Dombrowski
David Ortiz is an icon. He is one of a kind. But we'll do our best job to replace the offensive aspect, however we can.
- Dave Dombrowski
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Menzel
My modus operandi after working for a decade as a self-funding freelancer, was to spend as little money as possible to get the job done, even if it was on someone else's nickel.
- Peter Menzel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Menzel
After I discovered my degree in photojournalism would only get me a job in a camera store, I taught myself lighting. I read tons of magazines and books and studied the photos trying to figure out how they were done. I bought some flash equipment and played around until I figured out how to make a subject look as I envisioned it should look.
- Peter Menzel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karen Salmansohn
The Problem is: many terrific women have made themselves overqualified for the job of wife, because many men are looking for a woman with 'receptionist-level wife skills', not 'CEO-level wife skills'. Meaning: If a woman doesn't hang on a man's every word, is too independent, challenges his leadership, wants to create her own hours, demands emotional raises, then there won't be as many openings for the kind of wife position she is seeking. One of the big problems with marriages in the nineties: no room for two husbands.
- Karen Salmansohn
Collection: Jobs
Image of John McEnroe
I know being a linesman is a thankless job, especially with guys like me around.
- John McEnroe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fred Foster
I was working a corporate job for years and it always felt restrictive, it felt like I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing.
- Fred Foster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Greg Saunier
I'm a rock-and-roll drummer, so my job is to create chaos.
- Greg Saunier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Renee Lawless
I cannot do my job unless I am fully open to whatever comes. You're almost naked emotionally.
- Renee Lawless
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matthew Specktor
I worked in the mail room at CAA when I was in high school. I worked in the literary department, too. That was my after school job, believe it or not: I would read manuscripts and then evaluations on whether or not I thought they'd make good movies. Which was fascinating and kind of hilarious to me at the time.
- Matthew Specktor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate Micucci
There have been times where I lost a job or whatever, and I think, "Okay, well that's just not part of my lane."
- Kate Micucci
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wade Eastwood
I strive to be professional and to push myself always to do a better job.
- Wade Eastwood
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ronee Blakley
You don't want to say somebody did a great job of acting. You want to say, "Where did he find that person? How did he get that factory worker to come out of the factory and be on camera?" You want to believe that person is real.
- Ronee Blakley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicolas Cowan
I've gotten into such weird jobs just by word of mouth... Like I didn't try to be an accessory designer, but I had a friend working at the company and I needed a job so that's where I ended up.
- Nicolas Cowan
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Jeremiah Barron
For conservation to succeed, we must embrace conservation models where people use their natural resources to create jobs, to grow economies, and to feed their people while protecting wildlife and Africa's iconic species.
- David Jeremiah Barron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gold Panda
My uncle was a music producer and even he'd tell me to get a proper job. I tried to get him to give me five grand to make an album - it didn't happen.
- Gold Panda
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rachel Maddow
I think of my job on television as explaining things.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nell Hudson
With any job the main thing that makes the job is the people.
- Nell Hudson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jose Manuel Barroso
Responding to the challenge of climate change is the ultimate political test for our generation...Our package not only responds to this challenge, an opportunity that should create thousands of new businesses and millions of jobs in Europe.
- Jose Manuel Barroso
Collection: Jobs
Image of SonReal
I think my music has a big message, and I think when people really get into it, it does help their life sometimes. It inspires me; it's my favorite part about my job.
- SonReal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Bidegain
When someone offers me a job or a project, I always ask myself, "What does it tell me about the world?" and "Have I seen it before?" Two good questions.
- Thomas Bidegain
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Fox
To make music I rely on other people, which is good - that's the main difference in painting and music at this stage. They are separate parts of my life really, like having two jobs, one in a bar, one in a lighthouse.
- Danny Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norman L. Eisen
What about the golf courses?What about the huge foreign bank loans?What about the condos and the apartments that they sell, the promoting and the trademarks?[ Jason] Chaffetz should be investigating the president-elect's impeding violation of the constitution, not this poor government official who is just trying to do his job. And Mr. Chaffetz has endorsed that unconstitutional plan.
- Norman L. Eisen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brendan Daly
Jobs are hard to come by, so players are extremely motivated to do whatever it takes to keep their job.
- Brendan Daly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Huebel
I got a parking ticket one time in L.A. and I was furious about it. I was trying to prove a point to the guy who gave it to me and I put it in my mouth and chewed it up. And the guy just kept watching me, like, "Yeah?" He didn't think I was going to finish the job. So then I swallowed it. The good news is that paper is not a big deal if you eat it.You'd be full, but you could eat the phone book. So that was the weirdest thing: a parking ticket.
- Rob Huebel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rob Huebel
One of the first TV shows that I did was this prank show. And we did a prank where we took a Michael Jackson impersonator and I played his publisher.I was just really good at my job.We were just about to go onto the field to throw out the first pitch just two weeks after 9\11. It was a huge security breach, and we made a lot of cops look really dumb. Producers of the show thought it would be really funny and I didn't think about it because I was a young dumb comedian. So I got arrested and went to jail in the Bronx, and now I can never go back to Yankee Stadium.
- Rob Huebel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicholas Bloom
Many people who have lost out in the last few decades voted for Trump. Trump will have a difficult time turning them into winners. The jobs of these people are not at risk because of Chinese or Mexican workers, but because of robots and computers. And new trade barriers and higher tariffs are not going to change that.
- Nicholas Bloom
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
It is our job to lift others up, not to size them up.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Boti Bliss
Michael Riley Burke who played [Ted] Bundy did a really good job. He does look like him too, so it does make it hard and there are aspects of it, of course, that are just terrifying.
- Boti Bliss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Boti Bliss
The main producer [of CSI: Miami] Ann Donahue - I believe that is how she started - and then we have one other man on set but that's just his job although I haven't seen him this year. So maybe they figure we have it down somehow.
- Boti Bliss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dayna Devon
I have had a few rough patches in my life, but these last few years have been among the roughest. A few years ago, I left my job as host of the television show Extra. Our parting of ways was completely amicable; they were amazing to me. I had spent over a quarter of my life at that job, and without it, I felt like I had lost my compass. People didn't know how to introduce me anymore, because in L.A., you are your job.
- Dayna Devon
Collection: Jobs