Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Cartier Martin
In a way, if we want to make the postseason, we feel like we have to win out. We have got some good games coming up, but we are going to have to buckle down and get the job done somehow.
- Cartier Martin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roger Craig Smith
My favorite job is the next one. Its such a gratifying experience getting to creatively keep trying something new and push things in a different direction.
- Roger Craig Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thao Nguyen
Some of the folks we see are in for defending themselves against their abusers, or drug charges that, because of the California state prison system, they have mandatory sentencing and life in prison for three counts of simple drug possession, or whatever. I find it not only helpful but, I think, necessary in maintaining my grounding and my perspective. Because music is such an unrealistic job to have. It's a really lucky job to have, but it's also very unrealistic.
- Thao Nguyen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thao Nguyen
I've always had this vision that the touring lifestyle is so unsustainable. But I have faith that I can do it, and I don't become a victim of my job or my work. And I can remove my self-worth from what I make and how many people show up.
- Thao Nguyen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Victor Levin
My job, as I see it, is to give you a window into another world and another story, and then to be as graceful as I can so that you don't feel my work or the editor's work or the lens or the light or anything.
- Victor Levin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Kinkade
I try to create paintings that are a window for the imagination. If people look at my work and are reminded of the way things once were, or perhaps, the way they could be, then I've done my job.
- Thomas Kinkade
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adrian Younge
When people score films, the job is to be visual. When people make music, it's about evoking feeling. It's great when you get both feelings and being out of their head.
- Adrian Younge
Collection: Jobs
Image of A.C. Newman
As a musician, my job is incredibly easy, and it's a good one, but I've got to work at it occasionally.
- A.C. Newman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Lawrence
When you're on a staff, it's not your job to write what you think is funny. It's your job to write what the person who created the show thinks is funny.
- Billy Lawrence
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dov Davidoff
When being interviewed by a woman for a job, never begin with listen up doll face.
- Dov Davidoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Manny Montana
I get too involved with my job. If I was to do anything besides acting, I would be a fireman or a beat cop. I'd do a regular job.
- Manny Montana
Collection: Jobs
Image of Allen Klein
In every job, relationship, or life situation there is inevitably some turbulence. Learn to laugh at it. It is part of what you do and who you are.
- Allen Klein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jacob Vargas
You can't rely on the approval of others. I used to always look for praise from my directors to reassure myself that I was doing a good job. I don't do that anymore.
- Jacob Vargas
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Fabian
I think any actor will tell you that they always assume they'll never work again, so every job becomes important. But Better Call Saul is a real capstone for me, a once-in-a-career opportunity, I think. I'm so happy they decided to invite me to their party. I can't wait to see where it takes me.
- Patrick Fabian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Fabian
I think any actor will tell you that they always assume they'll never work again, so every job becomes important.
- Patrick Fabian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Fabian
When jobs come up, like a low-budget film like The Last Exorcism, you say yes and you see where it takes you.
- Patrick Fabian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liz Halliday
I believe the more prepared you are physically, the better prepared you are mentally and the more you can then cope. Mentally you have to focus on the job in hand 100%.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stanley Baldwin
The work of a Prime Minister is the loneliest job in the world.
- Stanley Baldwin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sean McDonough
I think the most important thing I learned from my dad is the importance of telling the truth...treat other people well, work hard at the job and tell the truth.
- Sean McDonough
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Lipton
I became a professional actor in Detroit and I was able to earn some money. It was a good job because it permitted me to study. It fit perfectly with school.
- James Lipton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Ripp
I was free from fear for the first time ever while making the music. Fear's job is to distract us from the truth. There's no fear on my record.
- Andrew Ripp
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
The foundation of Ontario's economy is our skilled workers and innovative companies. Our government will continue its proactive approach to partnering with business and industry, investing strategically to help companies grow and create jobs in this period of economic uncertainty.
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
We know that expanded access to natural gas is important to families and businesses in communities across Ontario. That's why our government is developing new natural gas programs to improve access, which will generate economic activity, attract significant investment, create jobs, and break down barriers in our communities
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
Through the Social Enterprise Demonstration Fund, we are connecting high-potential social enterprises with the resources they need to grow and create jobs. This not only contributes to a fairer, more prosperous province; it also helps position Ontario as a global impact investment leader.
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
The world is hungry for the discoveries that young, leading-edge brain researchers are making in Ontario today. This collaboration will help them bring their best ideas to market, improving the quality of life for Ontarians while creating good jobs and promoting economic growth.
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
I'm pleased we are going to be able to offer job opportunities to so many deserving young people. When we provide youth of all abilities and backgrounds with the experience and skills they need to succeed, we build a brighter future for young people and a stronger Ontario economy.
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Duguid
The Youth Employment Fund is helping Ontario's young people build valuable skills and access job opportunities that will lay the groundwork for successful careers. I'm thrilled that more than 10,000 youth of all abilities and backgrounds have already benefited from this important program and I look forward to our impressive team of Employment Ontario partners continuing to work with businesses across the province to help young people build a brighter future for Ontario.
- Brad Duguid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryan Kwanten
As my I guess, career's advancing, for lack of a better word, I'm becoming a lot more passionate for the jobs that I do. So, it becomes easier when you like what you do.
- Ryan Kwanten
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Chan
I don't think I was really going anywhere in life. I don't think, I was achieving too much, even though I had a stable job and all.
- Andrew Chan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert James Thomson
If you think your job requires you to endanger people, get another job.
- Robert James Thomson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert James Thomson
I don't believe any sort of traveler does a better job than any other sort of traveler at obeying traffic safety laws. It's difficult to foresee a camera program that can be used with bikers and walkers.
- Robert James Thomson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joleon Lescott
Once the whistle goes, it's game on and you shut out the outside factors. If you thought about things, you wouldn't be able to do your job. For 95 minutes you have to totally concentrate and that's what we'll do.
- Joleon Lescott
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bowen
Not a lot of people can say they are in a job they love to do. I am very fortunate to be able to do that and I thank everyone around me every day for the fact that I am able to do it.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bowen
The best part of my job is that it really isn't a job at all, it's a labour of love. Every night is different, the people that you work with are all tremendous individuals.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bowen
The worst part about the job is the travel, which takes you away from family and friends and important dates and hockey games and tournaments that your kids are in and things like that.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rafael Soriano
I think I do a great job in the outfield.
- Rafael Soriano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
A professional writer is a joke. You write because you can't do anything else, and then you have another job.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kerry Wood
At home, when I'm not pitching, I'll sit and sign autographs for the kids. I've always done that and I'll continue to do it. That's part of the job.
- Kerry Wood
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danny Garcia
I'm a self motivated person, that's what got me to the point I'm at today. I don't take anybody lightly because this is what I do, this is my job. The day that I stop taking it seriously is the day I have to stop boxing. I would never put myself into a position where I go into the ring not prepared.
- Danny Garcia
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Leigh
My job apart from anything else is to build an ensemble composed of actors who all come from a secure place so that they can all work together to make the film.
- Mike Leigh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeleine L'Engle
In a very real sense not one of us is qualified, but it seems that God continually chooses the most unqualified to do his work, to bear his glory. If we are qualified, we tend to think that we have done the job ourselves. If we are forced to accept our evident lack of qualification, then there's no danger that we will confuse God's work with our own, or God's glory with our own.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hans von Storch
Unfortunately many scientists see themselves too much as priests whose job it is to preach moralistic sermons to people. This is another legacy of the 1968 generation, which I happen to belong to myself. In fact, it would be better if we just presented the facts and scenarios dispassionately - and then society can decide for itself what it wants to do to influence climate change.
- Hans von Storch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scott Hicks
My job as the director is to make that as authentic as I can and not to disturb the revelry.
- Scott Hicks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Banks
As a producer, I really get to tell stories that I care about in a way that I want to. I get to shape them. I get to choose the collaborators. That's really gratifying as a storyteller. And also, frankly, it's really fun to create jobs for other people.
- Elizabeth Banks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Baker
I can't tell you how many people would say to me as a teenager, 'Why don't you grow up and start thinking about getting a real job?
- Rick Baker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Erika M. Anderson
I feel cool about making music and I feel secure pushing boundaries in my music. But things like videos and photos I find really difficult. I don't really like being in front of a camera - even though it is my job and I must act like I do.
- Erika M. Anderson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zoe Kravitz
When you look cakey, or you have too much on, and you actually see the makeup, the makeup isn't doing its job. When you use the makeup in a way where the people aren't thinking about the makeup, and they're looking at you, that's what we want.
- Zoe Kravitz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jude Law
A job is not just a job. It’s who you are.
- Jude Law
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Rankin
I wrote a mad, passionate letter to the best restaurant in the UK, Le Gavroche in London, and asked if I could work for them. They gave me a job as a dishwasher (Colin laughs). For me that was a joy because I had a foot in the door of this world class restaurant. Just being around the buzz and the pots and pans and the wonderful food and all this produce that was coming in, that was the start of Paul Rankin the chef.
- Paul Rankin
Collection: Jobs