Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 59

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 59 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Laila Ali
Maybe if I completely shaved my head and get the frost out of my moustache, maybe I could get one of those serious acting jobs.
- Laila Ali
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Tudor Jones
The concept of paying one-hundred-and-something times earnings for any company for me is just anathema. Having said that, at the end of the day, your job is to buy what goes up and to sell what goes down so really who gives a damn about PE's?
- Paul Tudor Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hilary Liftin
No one grows up thinking they want to be a ghostwriter. No one plans on that job.
- Hilary Liftin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hilary Liftin
I'm handed a bunch of existing data. My job is to put that in the best narrative form. That is a puzzle I love to solve.
- Hilary Liftin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hilary Liftin
There are certain jobs I don't take because I feel no connection to the person. But if somebody is open with me, and honest about their motivations, and has some level of self-awareness, then I'm going to understand them.
- Hilary Liftin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jancee Dunn
if your subject is an actor, he or she will also be shorter in person than they appear onscreen. This, also, you must keep to yourself. Even if you think you are giving their lack of height a positive spin, you aren't. 'You always seem larger than life in photos, but it's nice to see that in person you're just like us' might seem like a compliment, but what a star hears is 'You're stumpy, and you will lose jobs to taller people.
- Jancee Dunn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jancee Dunn
I wondered how I was going to do it and keep my job at Rolling Stone at the same time. They were very nice, and they let me disappear for two days a week for a couple of hours. That's how long shooting was.
- Jancee Dunn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Oliver Sykes
A lot of people are scared. It's the way you're raised. The way you've been told your whole life, that you've got to do this and that. Get a job, go to school. So, a lot of people are scared to just do what they really want. They're worried about what people will think and stuff like that. It's just fear.
- Oliver Sykes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Hernandez
Once I became a cop. I dived into that career. I never wanted to be an LAPD officer because I thought 'LA is super dangerous, not the place I'd want to be a cop'. But as a boy of course I was into guns, cops and robbers, so that's why it was cool to me and thought 'Yeah I could do this job'.
- Eric Hernandez
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Hernandez
As a drummer my job is to reproduce what made the people bop their heads when they first heard the album on the radio, or when they watched the music video.
- Eric Hernandez
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rachel Zucker
I agree that comedy does a good job - and is often about - stepping over the line - Lenny Bruce, etc. - and that this is important for a lot of poets too. I guess I feel like there has to be depth.
- Rachel Zucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Wheatley
I've had pretty much the same crew for all the films that I've made, and I've managed to have really nice, calm, funny people. That is a big part of it, a family feeling of warmth and finding something interesting and making a platform for them to perform. It's a very difficult job, acting, in that it's totally counterintuitive to how we are brought up.
- Ben Wheatley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ben Wheatley
I think a big part of my job is to make an atmosphere on set and have an attitude that it's about experimentation, and you can't do anything wrong. It's not about judgment, it's not about me kicking over a chair and storming onto set and acting stuff out and telling people to copy what I do. That is a style of directing some people have, but I don't understand it.
- Ben Wheatley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dov Seidman
Working with passion is an engine that is unbelievable. A person with drive and passion does three times the job of another person. But it is not so much the quantity of the job; that is not the point. The point is that they draw crowds; they have followers; they push, and lead, and so achieve much more.
- Dov Seidman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Merkley
I wont stop fighting to make life better for working Americans and give those who are just trying to find a decent job the opportunity to do so.
- Jeff Merkley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Georges Doriot
There is always a critical job to be done. There is a sales door to be opened, a credit line to be established, a new important employee to be found, or a business technique to be learned. The venture investor must always be on call to advise, to persuade, to dissuade, to encourage, but always to help build. Then venture capital becomes true creative capital - creating growth for the company and financial success for the investing organization
- Georges Doriot
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tessa Thompson
'Veronica Mars' was my first job, and for some reason, my character changed her hairstyle halfway through the season from curly to - I dont even know why - suddenly straight.
- Tessa Thompson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Karan Casey
We will come to understand the part a difficult circumstance has played in our lives. Hindsight makes so much clear. The broken marriage, the lost job, the loneliness have all contributed to who we are becoming. The joy of the wisdom we are acquiring is that hindsight comes more quickly. We can, on occasion, begin to accept a difficult situation's contribution to our wholeness while caught in the turmoil.
- Karan Casey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Duke
I'm not always thinking and working ... I think a leader has to really be a balanced, whole and healthy person personally in order to be the best leader on the job.
- Mike Duke
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Vincent McMorrow
I approach every show from the same fundamental perspective: this is a conversation, and my job is to make people leave the show feeling like they've seen something singular. It's not about smashing someone over the head from the jump-off.
- James Vincent McMorrow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scarlett Johansson
You have to believe that you can act and that you're the right person for the job but I think it's good to not always know how you're going to do it. The fun part is trying to figure it out.
- Scarlett Johansson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rokia Traore
When you are able to make a living with your job as an artist, that means you have an audience and you have to thank this audience.
- Rokia Traore
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Titley
Most people out there are just trying to keep their job and provide for their family. If climate change is now a once-in-a-mortgage problem, and if food prices start to spike, people will pay attention.
- David Titley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lloyd Kaufman
The first time I took acid, I made the decision that I would stay in New York and find an independent film company to get a job with.
- Lloyd Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lloyd Kaufman
Luckily, I've never been offered a directing job that was lucrative. I've never heard, "Here's $800,000 to remake Sisters."
- Lloyd Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Kelly
No two situations are identical, but with years of experience you can usually find a comparison to something you did before, which shortens the process of deciding how to approach a job.
- Charlie Kelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anne Ellis
To cook, and to do it well, every talent must be used; the strength of a prize-fighter, the imagination of a poet, the brain of an empire builder, the patience of Job, the eye and the touch of an artist, and, to turn your mistakes into edible assets, the cleverness of a politician.
- Anne Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Royer
I learned that, "Mike, you get your first job on your ability and every job after that on your dependability."
- Mike Royer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Royer
I assisted with Russ [Manning] for about eleven months and my day job for 5 days a week was credit manager and paint salesman for Sherwin-Williams.
- Mike Royer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Royer
If you ever go to talk to an editor you don't want to be able to turn down a job because you can't do what is necessary.
- Mike Royer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bryan Fuller
I'm not always successful, but I take my job as a storyteller very seriously and want to make sure the audience has as much fun watching it as I am creating it.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guy Branum
I think it's our job to be happy and find happiness for ourselves.
- Guy Branum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kellee Stewart
Do not to take everything personally or so seriously, because sometimes you're just not right for a particular job. You have to be able to take rejection quickly and honestly, know what you need to work on, and move on.
- Kellee Stewart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chokwe Lumumba
When we talk about economic growth, we're not talking about bringing a bunch of companies in that can make a bunch of bucks and hope they spend 'em in our city. We're talking about creating jobs, creating new companies and then we move from there to talk about cooperatives which can become some of those jobs, some of the solidarity economy where we can begin to band together people so they'll understand that a job is not a single individual affair but a collective affair.
- Chokwe Lumumba
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ramin Bahrani
The job of the writer and the filmmaker is not to impose his vision on the reality, but to be inspired by the reality and create a vision out of that.
- Ramin Bahrani
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Caudwell
I believe in workers rights when people are doing a good job. If somebody needs support I am always there, but if they're taking the piss, I am hard on them.
- John Caudwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Whit Stillman
One of the problems of a director on the set is that we become overwhelmed by all the factors and threads of production, that sometimes we can't focus on our main job, which is steering the performances to create the whole film.
- Whit Stillman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Charles
I never sat down and wrote, but what I do is kind of act as a dramaturge for the piece. I am sitting with the writers. I'm discussing ideas with the writers and concepts. We're debating and having a dialectic where we are taking a lot of different ideas and trying to synthesize them into the right idea. I'm very much a part of that process. That's my job as the director.
- Larry Charles
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mircea Monroe
My very first job was something called Nobodys Watching, that Bill Lawrence who created Scrubs, it was his pilot. It was my very first TV job, and it was a sitcom. Ever since that experience, Ive been so itching to get back to that kind of environment and just to be involved with comedy.
- Mircea Monroe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gabriel Luna
Every day is a brand-new, completely crazy fantasy-adventure, where I'm either kicking ass or kicking balls. It's all part of the job. All of that is really fun for everyone. It plays like a comic book superhero.
- Gabriel Luna
Collection: Jobs
Image of Diana DeGarmo
I have the easiest job in the world! It's an excuse to get up there, goof around and have fun.
- Diana DeGarmo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Masayoshi Son
Having made up my mind, I went to see Steve [Jobs]. I brought a hand-drawn sketch with me, and I said, "Please make something like this." He said, "Don't show me such an ugly design sketch." But he also said, "You've got the right idea. I totally agree that the time has come when we can make the ultimate mobile machine."
- Masayoshi Son
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Landau
Everyone can walk and talk. Your job is to create magic.
- Martin Landau
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sadie Calvano
Your job as an actor is to be a storyteller and communicate to people. And I think it's very easy to see whether or not people are listening.
- Sadie Calvano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sadie Calvano
It's scary but as an actress it is my job to be vulnerable, so I try to just embrace it and focus on the things I can control.
- Sadie Calvano
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jessie Cave
Getting a role in Harry Potter was like winning the lottery. But no one deserves an acting job.
- Jessie Cave
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robbie Amell
A lot of my inspiration comes from the movies and TV, watching other people doing things that I one day hope to have the opportunity to do. The other sides would be my friends and family, people who have supported me and always been there for me. I want to do a good job for them and show them they were right for believing in me.
- Robbie Amell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matthew Lesko
Good government only happens when the people working in it do their jobs, and do them well.
- Matthew Lesko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Ballmer
I want to express my deepest condolences at the passing of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of our industry and a true visionary. My heart goes out to his family, everyone at Apple and everyone who has been touched by his work.
- Steve Ballmer
Collection: Jobs