Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 62

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 62 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Ali Shaheed Muhammad
When you are creating something artistically and are speaking to or representing a culture that you know truthfully, you are doing a good job.
- Ali Shaheed Muhammad
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leslie Jones
Everybody was telling me to sit my ass down. Everybody was telling me to get a real job. Everybody was asking me, "What are you doing? You're ruining your life. You're embarrassing your family." That's all I got. So you can't listen to that. You have to listen to yourself.
- Leslie Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leslie Jones
The reason everybody is so amazed and enamored with me right now is because I have worked every angle, I have worked every formula, I have worked every equation, I have seen every club, I have seen every performance, I have seen every joke, I have studied, I have done my job. That's why I'm good. It's not because I got up one night and decided I wanted to tell some f - -ing jokes.
- Leslie Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Lamm
The biggest challenge of public policy is to know when and how the world has changed. We are no longer an empty continent with endless absorptive capacity. We have a cash-wage economy that is having terrible problems finding jobs for its own people. The concern about immigration is not nativism but common sense.
- Richard Lamm
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Nemko
Liberalism's key principle is to redistribute wealth from the haves to the have nots. That takes money from the entities with the greatest potential to improve society (for example, corporations that create jobs, invent life-saving medicines, etc.) and redistributes it to the people, whom on average, will never contribute more to society than to hold a menial job.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Nemko
Answering ads rarely works for career changers because you have no experience in the job for which you're applying.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Nemko
If you don't know what career you'd change to, I've come to believe in starting with your values. What do you care most about: producing a new product, a cause, health, something unpopular but important, whatever. Next, get expertise in that, perhaps not at State U let alone private U but at You U: self-study, articles,, webinars, volunteering, etc. Then use your network rather than answering ads to land a launchpad job in that career.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Nemko
You might want to keep trying to rise, using a path that builds on your natural strengths: sales, analysis, managing people, whatever, and keep asking for honest feedback. When you reach the point at which it feels clear you've topped out, revise your job description or take a step back. Up is not the only way.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marty Nemko
What may create even more jobs is to develop more entrepreneurs, of course, ethical ones.
- Marty Nemko
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hany Abu-Assad
I feel like my job is to give hope. The world is in a dark place and we are living in somewhat of a nightmare. So I want to make films to give hope.
- Hany Abu-Assad
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Sze
College is a magic time. Yes, youre young and fickle, but you want to be part of this college experience... Then you graduate from that. You have your first job, moving to a new city.
- David Sze
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dallas Campbell
When I was acting, as a hobby, I would devour popular science books and keep up-to-date about what was going on in the science community. And then, suddenly my hobby became my job. I didn't one day say, "I'm not acting. I'm now going to be a science person."
- Dallas Campbell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brad Lidge
I'm not going to be a guy who does dances after he strikes somebody out. I'm not like that. I just want to secure a win. That's my job.
- Brad Lidge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zachary Knighton
You know, I've just always been sort of goofy and kind of gone with it. I actually usually work more in drama, but I have been floating back and forth with comedy and somehow they keep giving me jobs in comedy, so I guess there's something funny about me.
- Zachary Knighton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ellen Marlow
I'm making people that happy. How cool is that? That's my job.
- Ellen Marlow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Drew Magary
I occasionally get glimpses, but I have to reprioritize, because that's how it naturally progresses - things like family, responsibilities, and your job all take precedent.
- Drew Magary
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
If you're standing in the manure pile, it's somebody's job to mention the stink.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barbara Kingsolver
Every one of us is called upon, perhaps many times, to start a new life. A frightening diagnosis, a marriage, a move, loss of a job...And onward full-tilt we go, pitched and wrecked and absurdly resolute, driven in spite of everything to make good on a new shore. To be hopeful, to embrace one possibility after another--that is surely the basic instinct...Crying out: High tide! Time to move out into the glorious debris. Time to take this life for what it is.
- Barbara Kingsolver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hamilton Leithauser
Traveling makes a vacation lose all appeal. You would never want to take the family to a European city. You travel a lot, but it's a job.
- Hamilton Leithauser
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rhianna Pratchett
In regards to being female, I don't really think about it in the same way that other people do. I prefer to focus on my job rather than my gender. I'm still amazed that people think it's a big deal.
- Rhianna Pratchett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Burns
John Shook's experience shows just how important problemsolving is at Toyota - it comes before any other job skill for the graduate intake. When I joined Toyota in Toyota City (where for a time I was the only American) in late 1983, every newly hired college graduate employee began learning his job by being coached [...]
- Martin Burns
Collection: Jobs
Image of Spike Lee
When you love something it's not a job anymore.
- Spike Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Josh Freeman
My job as a leader is not to say, 'Hey, look at me. I'm a leader.' It's to lead. I mean, I've got to go out and find ways to win these games.
- Josh Freeman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sarah Hudson
My main intention is to inspire people. [Let] kids know that you experience things and it's okay to voice them and express yourself. Be an individual. If my record moves five people, that's good enough. I feel like I've done my job if it just touches somebody.
- Sarah Hudson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Mulgrew
The short version is that I started an internet diary a long, long time ago (six years!) because I was bored with my job. I figured I would write a few funny things a few times a week until I had enough material to do stand-up. After two or three weeks, I emailed it to some friends. They emailed it to other friends, and more people started reading. Eventually, I realized that stand-up was scary and it would be much easier to just keep writing this stuff at work.
- Jason Mulgrew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Mulgrew
The book is not a cut-and-paste job. Yeah, I have a blog, but the material in the book is all new. The blog deals with my life now, whereas as the book starts a few years before my birth until right about the end of junior high. And yes, I am contractually obliged to mention this as much as possible (each time I do, HarperCollins sends me a free pizza).
- Jason Mulgrew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dora Bakoyannis
People are really in despair today in Greece. They are afraid of tomorrow. They suffer. We have 1.2 million people without jobs. So you understand that this crisis cannot leave the political system untouched. Of course we have to change but we have to change in the right way.
- Dora Bakoyannis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Trotter
I signed contracts when I didn't know what that meant. I thought I'd get residuals off of the shows I've been on: History Channel, Discovery, Dateline, Johnny Carson, etc. It's the only regret I have in life. If I got residuals, I wouldn't be shucking oysters now, though I do love my job.
- Steve Trotter
Collection: Jobs
Image of J. A. Adande
I always tell people when it's time to make a decision to stay or go [at a job], if it's a difficult decision, you should stay. If it's an easy decision, you should go.
- J. A. Adande
Collection: Jobs
Image of Leo Santa Cruz
I know who I want to fight, but I don't pick my opponents; I leave it up to my team. They make those kinds of decisions. My job is to fight and win.
- Leo Santa Cruz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Selena Roberts
Winning tends to heal uneasiness and promote job security.
- Selena Roberts
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kristina Schroder
Many women are simply bad at negotiating (their salaries). Many are happy if they succeed in returning to professional life. The main thing for them is that their job is at least somewhat compatible with their family life. But that's exactly where they are wrong.
- Kristina Schroder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rohit Shetty
My job is to make superhit films
- Rohit Shetty
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miguel Gomes
My job is just to make the films and then I don't have any strategy.
- Miguel Gomes
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Fitzsimmons
I was trained professionally to connect with people as a therapist. That's job number one, having a empathetic regard towards someone who is sitting right across from you. Being able to pull whatever their needs are, their desires and the things that are troubling them and being able to address that in some way.
- William Fitzsimmons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeline Zima
The stakes are so high because auditions are make or break. You get the job or you don't. The stakes are about as high as they get, for yourself and your own self-esteem.
- Madeline Zima
Collection: Jobs
Image of Madeline Zima
My only intention is to just have a little bit more success so that my career is easier and I don't have to work so hard just to get a job.
- Madeline Zima
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Cullen
I can think of so many tough guys that by definition it's their job to be tough and they're all in chapel. That's such a misconception and it's kind of gone out the window. Guys feel more comfortable going to chapel. I remember when I first started, guys were nervous about it and it was kind of a secret. There was still that stigma that came with it, but it's definitely been removed and (the faith movement) is definitely growing.
- Matt Cullen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jurgen Klinsmann
The Gold Cup really is about getting the job done and winning it and qualifying us for the Confederations Cup in Russia in 2017. That's why it's really crucial for us to have players on the roster that have tremendous experience.
- Jurgen Klinsmann
Collection: Jobs
Image of Peter Ham
I was an apprentice television engineer when I decided to pack it up and go full-time, much to my father's disgust. But I'm still interested and I like messing about with TV. I can't deny it ... TV engineering was the job I'd wanted at the time, and I got what I wanted. But in the long-term it would have been second best to being a musician.
- Peter Ham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Lindsay
I don't do my job to catch the bad guys. Why would I want to do that? No, I do my job to make order out of chaos.
- Jeff Lindsay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guy Maddin
I guess what inspires me most is the desire to draw out feelings that feel best expressed on the written page by really good authors, and I'm not a really good author. I feel like my job as a filmmaker is to eff the ineffable, to take feelings that only poets could describe with words and try to project them on the screen for viewers to feel. I don't think I've succeeded once but in the act of trying I've come up with all these other results which sometimes intrigue me.
- Guy Maddin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Sadoski
I have so much more compassion for journalists and the work that they have to do, in order to do the jobs that they have to do. I am much more in awe of and am celebratory of great journalism when I see it, and I'm much more critical of bad journalism, or crap masquerading as journalism.
- Thomas Sadoski
Collection: Jobs
Image of Park Dietz
Our job should be like any other forensic scientist's - we should be truth seekers who are not partisan, who do not have any interest in the outcome, who call it as we see it no matter the consequences. But it seems a lot easier for chemists and anthropologists and pathologists to take that neutral role than it does for psychiatrists.
- Park Dietz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Fogelman
My first jobs were at Pixar and John Lasseter just doing animation would always allow actors to do that, and then animate to that. It was an early lesson for me that, if you're lucky enough, as I've been in my career thus far, to get really incredible iconic people to do your stuff, you want them to tell your story and you want them to be on page in the important moments, and they usually are.
- Dan Fogelman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Oscar Torre
I normally don't need any help to put pressure on myself but there was additional pressure because it was a film she always wanted to shoot and I wanted to tell this story as best as possible. When I told my wife that I'd like to direct it, I had already given it a lot of thought and honestly I felt that I was the best person for the job, plus I was cheap.
- Oscar Torre
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate del Castillo
My job is to create myself a career that I can go to sleep satisfied with what Im doing.
- Kate del Castillo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aldis Hodge
I love my job, simply because we can keep things fresh, all the time. That's a luxury not all shows have. For us, as actors, it keeps us interested in our jobs and it keeps us coming back to work, every day. A new setting is amazing 'cause it's new for the team and it's new for our characters.
- Aldis Hodge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aldis Hodge
Some of my job consists of me drafting and making technical drawings. So everything I did back then has materialized into something substantial for me today. Whatever kids are into, that might be their thing.
- Aldis Hodge
Collection: Jobs