Joe Bowen

Image of Joe Bowen
The greatest athletes in the world play in the NHL there is no question about that.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Athlete
Image of Joe Bowen
I think the biggest mistake anyone can make is trying to be the next someone, and try to mimic or copy someone who is already out there because you have to produce your own personality and your own sound, and go from there. That is something all great broadcasters have been able to do.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Mistake
Image of Joe Bowen
Not a lot of people can say they are in a job they love to do. I am very fortunate to be able to do that and I thank everyone around me every day for the fact that I am able to do it.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bowen
The best part of my job is that it really isn't a job at all, it's a labour of love. Every night is different, the people that you work with are all tremendous individuals.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Bowen
The worst part about the job is the travel, which takes you away from family and friends and important dates and hockey games and tournaments that your kids are in and things like that.
- Joe Bowen
Collection: Jobs