Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 60

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 60 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Anne Fletcher
Always stay true to your nature. Anything that you are being hired for in any aspect of life whether it is a banking job, acting directing, whatever it is you have to stay true to who you are because they hired you to do what you do.
- Anne Fletcher
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Legend
I feel like my job is to make impact, spread love, tell great stories, inspire people, that's what I am going to do.
- John Legend
Collection: Jobs
Image of Veena Sud
If I had multiple lives, I'd like to do many things, including being a homicide investigator. I'm not brave enough to chase people and draw down on them. Having spent time with that, it can be an incredibly terrifying job.
- Veena Sud
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andre Reed
I think that while kids are in college they don't think that fitness and nutrition are really important things. But once they get to the NFL it's a job, and just like any other job you've got to be at your best to a certain point, especially with a job like this. You've got to be fit and you've got to eat the right things.
- Andre Reed
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jc Caylen
My job is to make people happy. And the people that I make happy, make me happy.
- Jc Caylen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Pacey
By definition, half the people leaving the courtroom are unhappy. Any good judge can make more than half the people unhappy. The job is not to make people like you or make people think you're their friend.
- Steven Pacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Eppridge
Reporters listen, photographers look. If you are doing your job seriously as a photojournalist, your sight must be the primary sense that you use at all times.
- Bill Eppridge
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neil Oliver
My wife has always supported me in my career, even when there were times when it was more sensible to get a job. It has been her confidence in me that has helped enormously.
- Neil Oliver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Neil Oliver
I worked on local papers, before taking a job as a webmaster with a very well known telecommunications company in London, as I thought the internet was the future.
- Neil Oliver
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stefan Heym
And of course, in West Germany, they made every effort that people who came from the East would get jobs and would get a comfortable existence. That was part of the Cold War - and part of the winning side of the Cold War.
- Stefan Heym
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sebastian Janikowski
I can't drink. I have too much to lose. I can't lose my job over something I can stop.
- Sebastian Janikowski
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christine Bottomley
I think new life is the most exciting thing and I absolutely have so much respect for my friends and family that have gone and done it because it seems like the hardest job in the world. So, who knows - maybe one day I might try it myself. But I completely salute anyone who does.
- Christine Bottomley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Sorenson
Through Economic Action Plan 2015, our Government will continue to help create jobs, encourage skills development and balance the budget in 2015. I look forward to hearing Canadians' ideas on what we can do to further support and grow the economy for the benefit of all Canadians.
- Kevin Sorenson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry King
Nobody beats a bunch of journalists for inflating their rather mundane straightforward chores with a lot more melodrama and self-importance than the job should be asked to contain.
- Larry King
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Ellis
You can try your passion for a while and see if it works and if it doesn't, at least you tried. I think that's why I quit my job and went back to acting. I said this is what I'm going to dedicate my life to doing because I didn't want to look up and say, "Man I wish I would have been an actor. I wish I would have tried."
- Jay Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jay Ellis
I quit my job and for almost two years I didn't tell anyone, not even my family or friends. And for those two years I enrolled in acting classes. I acted in some capacity every single day.
- Jay Ellis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Pink
I actually have a good relationship with critics. You have to identify everything that you like and don't like that you see, and that's your job.
- Steve Pink
Collection: Jobs
Image of Val Kilmer
It may or may not sound pretentious. But I`ve turned down, consciously and specifically, many jobs I knew would have been a pretty surefire way to go about making a lot of money, being recognized and gaining power in the industry.
- Val Kilmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rebecca Eaton
My primary job is to choose the programs, either to co-produce them, or acquire them after they're finished. So, I read a lot of scripts, I meet with producers and I read a lot of books.
- Rebecca Eaton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Lesy
My idea of a good job would be to be paid really well to sit on my ass all day to look at pictures.
- Michael Lesy
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Kiriakou
I had never really given any thought to working for the CIA, but graduation was upon me; I was getting married just a week or two after graduation; I had no job, no prospects for a job. And so I said sure, I'd be interested in working for the CIA.
- John Kiriakou
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Bana
But it's healthy - whatever you can do to keep you fresh and awake. Acting's such a ridiculous job and sometimes you need to look at it like that to get a sort of degree of freshness.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Bana
It's always hard but the reality is, especially in my case, that every time I go to work I have to do it so it's become part of the job. It's an extra challenge but it's also quite often another extra tool that you have to really think consciously about getting into the character. So while it does require more work, it's maybe even an advantage to a degree because it forces you to switch, to consciously have to jump into and out of the character.
- Eric Bana
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roy Montgomery
I was also thinking that I only had a certain amount of time to make music and to spend it in that city. And everybody else... you know the story 'Oh, New York it's such a great place, but it's so expensive to live here and there's so much to do.' You go there for inspiration and you end up getting a job to pay bills. I thought I must fight that at all costs.
- Roy Montgomery
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Burke
The truth is I was Labor's last immigration minister and you have a right to hear directly from me about what that job involved, the choices that involved and how that lends us to think very carefully when we use words like 'compassion, [that] we actually know the exact context.
- Tony Burke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maurissa Tancharoen
Whenever any actor comes into a producer session, they have so many questions, and we still can't really tell them that much until they get the job. I feel badly for them. But, it's a fun show to work on. Once they're on, it's fun.
- Maurissa Tancharoen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Petra Haden
I played violin from when I was about eight to thirteen, so I could read a little bit, but if you put a piece of music in front of me now, I would probably know the notes, but not the timing, how they're supposed to be played, and I just don't know how to read chords. If I'd stuck with it, I'd probably have more jobs.
- Petra Haden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed Balls
Trying to cut the deficit too far, too fast isn't working. The government must adopt a steadier, more balanced plan to get our deficit down and take immediate action now to support the economy and create jobs here in Britain.
- Ed Balls
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phoebe Fox
I took a job in a comedy club - not doing stand-up comedy, because that's my idea of hell, but in the office - and I went traveling.
- Phoebe Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Phoebe Fox
The camera course was a bit crap. But when I was in drama school, I wasn't interested. I wanted to be a stage actress. I was not interested in learning camera craft. But then you throw yourself in the deep end when you do get a job in front of the camera because you have absolutely no idea what you're doing, and it is a skill.
- Phoebe Fox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Johnny Ball
There isnt a single windmill owner in Holland who doesnt have a second job, for when there is no wind.
- Johnny Ball
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marc Guggenheim
At the end of the day, I think the only way to do the kind of job a writer does is push everything aside and just ultimately sit down and do the work.
- Marc Guggenheim
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carole King
That's one of the things I love about being a songwriter first, last and always, because whether I do it or not, if someone does a great job on it, my work is done.
- Carole King
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gabrielle Dennis
It's true that the man stealer is always lurking around the corner it's just our job and your duty to make sure they back up!
- Gabrielle Dennis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Luke Grimes
My job has me traveling all the time, and I got this house, so my downtime is spent sort of making a home. Every year it's different, and I try to do things that are more fulfilling.
- Luke Grimes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Luke Grimes
I like reading for things. I've shown up for jobs before where I haven't read for them, and there's something kind of intimidating about that - where the first words they'll hear from me are when they call "action." There's something about actually going in and earning a part and going, like, "Okay, they really liked what I did, and so I'm on the right track."
- Luke Grimes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Shaw
I can be very stubborn. I'm very opinionated and if people cross me at work - if people who don't know about the job try telling me what to do - I become very stubborn and really rather unpleasant.
- Martin Shaw
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Shaw
It would be nice to be a professional pilot. I'm an amateur pilot at the moment. I've got a lot of friends in the RAF and I don't think I've ever met a group of people who love their job as much as they do.
- Martin Shaw
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Shaw
My very first professional job was with a theatre company in 1965 and the first job they gave me was literally shovelling sh*t. I was an assistant stage manager and they told me to clear out the prop store. I opened it up and no-one had been in there for 25 years and it was inches deep in rat sh*t. So before I could get anywhere I had to clear it up. I thought, 'All these years of training, the best drama school in the world, and this is what I'm doing.'
- Martin Shaw
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Lussier
I realized that there was an actual job of making movies. They weren't created by elves.
- Patrick Lussier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Fairfield
I lived by a bay for a while, and I shucked oysters. Some packing things. You know, just whatever odd job you can find whenever you're moving around. I never really cared much for the franchise kind of work, so I'd try to find things that I considered to be a little more honorable.
- Frank Fairfield
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Vespa
I was fooling around one day and looking at Yahoo! Jobs. I typed in "photo" and, of course, what comes up is "One hour photo lab" or "Be a photographer in Disneyland" or jobs that no one really wants as a photographer. I saw, by chance, this ad that said, "Wanted: Photographer for premieres and Hollywood events" and I thought, "This can not be real. This is ridiculous. No one advertizes this!" I was really suspect about it.
- Jeff Vespa
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryuhei Kitamura
The Hollywood system has its own problems. Movie making is never an easy job.
- Ryuhei Kitamura
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryuhei Kitamura
It doesn't matter where you make movies or what the size of the movie you make is. It's a very hard job - especially director.
- Ryuhei Kitamura
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ryuhei Kitamura
Moviemaking is a hard job and this industry is crazy. You never know what is going to happen.
- Ryuhei Kitamura
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Mundine
My father was an old - fashioned bloke, and he actually told me one day, "I'm not your friend, I'm your father. My job is to bring you up, give you values for life and to ensure that you carry those values through."
- Warren Mundine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Mundine
I noticed - and this is one of the people don't understand of Tony [Abbot] - he grew. To me he grew as opposition leader. He come in - he wasn't really good at the beginning when he was opposition leader. He won the confidence of the Australian people and got the job as Prime Minister. He grew in Indigenous affairs. To me, we just totally disagreed in it, but now we're very much one on one on it.
- Warren Mundine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nathalie Emmanuel
I've done a nude scene and I felt it was appropriate to the storyline and I thought it was done in a respectful way and I felt comfortable doing it. But there are obviously going to be scenarios - not necessarily in this job, but in other jobs to come - where the question will be posed to me 'Will I want to do nude scenes?' and I would have to consider that as its own thing. And not just something to say yes to because I have done so before. It really is circumstantial.
- Nathalie Emmanuel
Collection: Jobs