Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 24

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 24 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Yuriy Tarnawsky
Imagination is so much more fertile than life.
- Yuriy Tarnawsky
Collection: Imagination
Image of Harriet Martineau
The imagination, once awakened, must and will work, and ought to work
- Harriet Martineau
Collection: Imagination
Image of Francis Levy
Brazil obviously connotes something in my mind to do with desire, sexuality and freedom. In fantasy, in mythology, Rio is the iconography of the imagination. In essence, we're all sex tourists. I've never been to Rio and I've never been to a psychoanalytic convention, but in a sense, Rio is symbolic of desire, some sort of ultimate ecstasy.
- Francis Levy
Collection: Imagination
Image of Rachel Maddow
Clearly, there has been a lack of imagination about how much can go wrong.
- Rachel Maddow
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ray Bradbury
Most members of Congress are politicians. They're bores. They're damn boring. They have no imagination, and they don't know how to imagine the future.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Imagination
Image of Tony Robbins
Our #ā€Ž imagination is ten times more potent than our #ā€Ž willpower .
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Imagination
Image of Saul Bellow
All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination.
- Saul Bellow
Collection: Imagination
Image of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Fanaticism is governed by imagination rather than judgment.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Collection: Imagination
Image of Azar Nafisi
We speak of facts, yet facts exist only partially to us if they are not repeated and re-created through emotions, thoughts and feelings. To me it seemed as if we had not really existed, or only half existed, because we could not imaginatively realize ourselves and communicate to the world, because we had used works of imagination to serve as handmaidens to some political ploy.
- Azar Nafisi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marcel Proust
The inertia of the mind urges it to slide down the easy slope of imagination, rather than to climb the steep slope of introspection.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Imagination
Image of Joyce Carol Oates
Childhood is the province of the imagination and when I immerse myself in it, I re-create it as it was, as it could have been, as I wanted - and didn't want - it to be.
- Joyce Carol Oates
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michel de Montaigne
It is probable that the principal credit of miracles, visions, enchantments, and such extraordinary occurrences comes from the power of imagination, acting principally upon the minds of the common people, which are softer.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Imagination
Image of John Dos Passos
Great works of the imagination are not produced quickly nor do they take quick effect on the popular mind.
- John Dos Passos
Collection: Imagination
Image of Saul Bellow
What Homo sapien imagines, he may slowly convert himself to.
- Saul Bellow
Collection: Imagination
Image of Saint Francis de Sales
Is it not a great temptation to be so valiant in imagination and so cowardly in execution?
- Saint Francis de Sales
Collection: Imagination
Image of Claude Bernard
The eloquence of a scientist is clarity; scientific truth is always more luminous when its beauty is unadorned than when it is tricked out in the embellishments with which our imagination would seek to clothe it.
- Claude Bernard
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Blake
One Power alone makes a Poet: Imagination. The Divine Vision.
- William Blake
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens
in the presence of extraordinary actuality, consciousness takes the place of imagination.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Arundhati Roy
To call someone 'anti-American', indeed, to be anti-American, is not just racist, it's a failure of the imagination.
- Arundhati Roy
Collection: Imagination
Image of Katee Sackhoff
Part of what I love about television is that my imagination gets to keep going. It doesn't stop.
- Katee Sackhoff
Collection: Imagination
Image of Oliver Sacks
With any hallucinations, if you can do functional brain imagery while theyre going on, you will find that the parts of the brain usually involved in seeing or hearing - in perception - have become super active by themselves. And this is an autonomous activity; this does not happen with imagination.
- Oliver Sacks
Collection: Imagination
Image of John Ruskin
The virtue of the imagination is its reaching, by intuition and intensity, a more essential truth than is seen at the surface of things.
- John Ruskin
Collection: Imagination
Image of Virginia Woolf
He was a thorough good sort; a bit limited; a bit thick in the head; yes; but a thorough good sort. Whatever he took up he did in the same matter-of-fact sensible way; without a touch of imagination, without a sparkle of brilliancy, but with the inexplicable niceness of his type.
- Virginia Woolf
Collection: Imagination
Image of Francois de La Rochefoucauld
We are never either so fortunate or so misfortunate as we imagine.
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Collection: Imagination
Image of Stendhal
Politics in the middle of things of the imagination is like a pistol shot in the middle of a concert.
- Stendhal
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens the irrepressible revolutionist.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael Scott
What you call magic is nothing more than an act of the imagination fired by the senses, then given shape by the power of your aura.
- Michael Scott
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mark Twain
Against a diseased imagination demonstration goes for nothing.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Imagination
Image of Thomas Merton
He who hopes in God trusts God, Whom he never sees, to bring him to the possession of things that are beyond imagination.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Imagination
Image of John Newton
If we venture beyond the pale of Scripture, we to all the illusions of imagination and enthusiasm.
- John Newton
Collection: Imagination
Image of Steve Aylett
Since childhood Iā€™d been suspected of imagination
- Steve Aylett
Collection: Imagination
Image of Charles Sanders Peirce
Mere imagination would indeed be mere trifling; only no imagination is mere .
- Charles Sanders Peirce
Collection: Imagination
Image of Maria Montessori
Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.
- Maria Montessori
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael Phelps
When you use your imagination anything can happen.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Blake
The world of imagination is the world of eternity. It is the divine bosom into which we shall all go after death of the vegetative body.
- William Blake
Collection: Imagination
Image of Clay Shirky
Upgrading one's imagination about what is possible is always a leap of faith.
- Clay Shirky
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michel de Montaigne
We imagine much more appropriately an artisan on his toilet seat or on his wife than a great president, venerable by his demeanorand his ability. It seems to us that they do not stoop from their lofty thrones even to live.
- Michel de Montaigne
Collection: Imagination
Image of Philip Roth
We live in an age in which the imagination of the novelist is helpless against what he knows he is going to read in tomorrow's newspaper.
- Philip Roth
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ai Weiwei
I grew up in a desert, which has no kind of imagination.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marquis de Sade
Happiness is an abstraction, it is a product of the imagination, it is a way of being moved, which depends entirely on our way of seeing and feeling.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ilona Andrews
It became known that I had a rather fertile imagination, when it came to private activities." She stared. "What sort of private activities?" This time he did smile, and it turned his face wicked. "Disrobe, and I'll be happy to demonstrate.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Imagination
Image of Howard Schultz
If it Captures Your Imagination, it will captivate others.
- Howard Schultz
Collection: Imagination
Image of Marianne Williamson
Imagine everything you're experiencing now being a hundred times more wonderful. Bad turns good; good turns great. THAT IS WHAT IS POSSIBLE.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Bertrand Russell
Those whose lives are fruitful to themselves, to their friends, or to the world are inspired by hope and sustained by joy: they see in imagination the things that might be and the way in which they are to be brought into existence.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Imagination
Image of George Soros
Merkel has realized that the euro is not working, but she cannot change the narrative she has created because that narrative has caught the imagination of the German public, and the German public has accepted it.
- George Soros
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Shakespeare
Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Imagination
Image of Steven Spielberg
Science fiction really is the only genre that lets you use your imagination without limitations.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Imagination