Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Dorothy Dunnett
Facts are the soil from which the story grows. Imagination is a last resort.
- Dorothy Dunnett
Collection: Imagination
Image of Antoni Tapies
If one draws things in a manner which provides only the barest clue to their meaning, the viewer is forced to fill in the gaps by using his own imagination. He is compelled to participate in the creative act, which I consider very important.
- Antoni Tapies
Collection: Imagination
Image of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poetry is the shadow cast by our streetlight imaginations.
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ronald Sukenick
If you don't use your own imagination, somebody else is going to use it for you.
- Ronald Sukenick
Collection: Imagination
Image of Elle Fanning
To be an actor or actress, you have to feel on a deep level and tap into emotions that you've never felt before. You're imagining how something would feel. You have to use your imagination so much.
- Elle Fanning
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wolfgang Langewiesche
Flying is done largely with the imagination.
- Wolfgang Langewiesche
Collection: Imagination
Image of Zelda Fitzgerald
I am really only myself when I'm somebody else whom I have endowed with these wonderful qualities from my imagination.
- Zelda Fitzgerald
Collection: Imagination
Image of John Kao
The imagination is like a muscle: it strengthens through use.
- John Kao
Collection: Imagination
Image of Richard Sennett
Authority is itself inherently an act of imagination.
- Richard Sennett
Collection: Imagination
Image of Howard Gordon
In a novel, the only budgetary limitations are that of your imagination.
- Howard Gordon
Collection: Imagination
Image of Joan of Arc
How else would God speak to me, if not through my imagination?
- Joan of Arc
Collection: Imagination
Image of Claude Lanzmann
I have always said that archival images are images without imagination. They petrify thought and kill any power of evocation.
- Claude Lanzmann
Collection: Imagination
Image of Diriye Osman
The only seed that needs regular watering is our imagination.
- Diriye Osman
Collection: Imagination
Image of Graciela Iturbide
A photographer without imagination is not a good photographer.
- Graciela Iturbide
Collection: Imagination
Image of Alfred Jodl
Hitler [had an] excess of imagination, which very frequently foresaw what would happen but also very often went astray.
- Alfred Jodl
Collection: Imagination
Image of Milena Canonero
When you do your collection, you are much more free. You have fewer boundaries. When you work on a movie, you have to take into consideration the story, the plot, the vision of the director, even the physique of your cast. And then on top of all this, you want your imagination, your taste, and your ideas to come through. But a movie is forever.
- Milena Canonero
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jennifer Gilmore
History releases me from my own experience and jogs my fictional imagination.
- Jennifer Gilmore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualist accounts of evolution.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Imagination
Image of Gregory Colbert
My imagination has always been inspired by nature’s vision
- Gregory Colbert
Collection: Imagination
Image of James K. A. Smith
What if the primary work of education was the transforming of our imagination rather than the saturation of our intellect?
- James K. A. Smith
Collection: Imagination
Image of W. A. Criswell
There is no such thing as separation of church and state. It is merely a figment of the imagination of infidels.
- W. A. Criswell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jim Goad
What you accomplish in life is limited only by your imagination and the fear of reprisal. Life is too fleeting and unrewarding to have to live with the added anus of indignity. The denial of one's inevitable demise is what causes most of the astringent blandness in the world. When your existence ends most certainly in death, there is no such thing as 'going too far'. There are no 'lines' you should fear to cross except the finish line. Playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you could do.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Imagination
Image of Antonio Gaudi
Originality implies a return to the origins, original is returning to the simplicity of the first solutions.
- Antonio Gaudi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Karen Tei Yamashita
No single imagination is wild or crass or cheesy enough to compete with the collective mindlessness that propels our fascination forward.
- Karen Tei Yamashita
Collection: Imagination
Image of Brian Basset
It's hard being quiet when one's imagination is so loud
- Brian Basset
Collection: Imagination
Image of Erik Johansson
The only thing that limits us is our imagination.
- Erik Johansson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Reginald Aldworth Daly
At bottom each “exact” science is, and must be speculative, and its chief tool of research, too rarely used with both courage and judgement, is the regulated imagination.
- Reginald Aldworth Daly
Collection: Imagination
Image of DJ Spooky
With multimedia, everything blurs. Software takes the concept of the imagination and makes it something you can edit, tweak, and transform with digital techniques. Everything becomes an edited file.
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Imagination
Image of DJ Spooky
To me, the imagination is the ultimate renewable resource.
- DJ Spooky
Collection: Imagination
Image of Obert C. Tanner
Perhaps the clearest and deepest meaning of brotherhood is the ability to imagine yourself in the other person's position, and then treat that person as if you were him or her. This form of brotherhood takes a lot of imagination, a great deal of sympathy, and a tremendous amount of understanding.
- Obert C. Tanner
Collection: Imagination
Image of Geoffrey Wood
When their minds mingle with His magnanimity, something of eternity rubs off on their imaginations.
- Geoffrey Wood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Northrop Frye
Literature speaks the language of the imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination.
- Northrop Frye
Collection: Imagination
Image of Pawel Pawlikowski
I have this theory that if you do a film, those who have not fallen asleep or left the cinema, they will live with the film much longer, and it will really enter their imagination and the subconscious much more profoundly.
- Pawel Pawlikowski
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jay Neugeboren
A novel, for me, relies on my imagination to inspire your (the reader's) imagination. It is not all there for you. My novels or my stories come to me visually. I use words to translate the novel I see inside my head into words that I hope will create a movie inside your head.
- Jay Neugeboren
Collection: Imagination
Image of Stephen Graham Jones
This is form and content and diction and tone and imagination all looking up at the exact same moment: When Molly Tanzer claps once at the front of the classroom.
- Stephen Graham Jones
Collection: Imagination
Image of Jason Silva
Imagination allows us to conceive of delightful future possibilities, pick the most amazing one, and pull the present forward to meet it.
- Jason Silva
Collection: Imagination
Image of Leonard Koppett
Then there's the silliest of all cliches, 'on a pace for' 'Pace' is a figment of the mathematician's imagination.
- Leonard Koppett
Collection: Imagination
Image of Napoleon Hill
The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where are shaped all the plans for individual achievement.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Imagination
Image of Napoleon Hill
If you do not see great riches in your imagination, you will never see them in your bank balance.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Imagination
Image of G. H. Hardy
They [formulae 1.10 - 1.12 of Ramanujan] must be true because, if they were not true, no one would have had the imagination to invent them.
- G. H. Hardy
Collection: Imagination
Image of Alfred Hitchcock
There is something more important than logic: imagination
- Alfred Hitchcock
Collection: Imagination
Image of Alfred Hitchcock
Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement.
- Alfred Hitchcock
Collection: Imagination
Image of Maria Konnikova
Imagination is all about new possibilities, eventualities that don't exist, counterfactuals, a recombination of elements in new ways. It is about the untested. And the untested is uncertain. It is frightening-even
- Maria Konnikova
Collection: Imagination
Image of Chris Abani
What we know about who we are comes from stories. It's the agents of our imagination who really shape who we are.
- Chris Abani
Collection: Imagination
Image of Paul Myers
The limits of your imagination are not the boundaries of my universe.
- Paul Myers
Collection: Imagination
Image of Randy Gage
Your imagination is the movie trailer for your future, so nurture it always. Logic will get you to the next level, but only imagination will take you to the level you really want to find.
- Randy Gage
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wolfgang Hildesheimer
Everything that happens is at least one dimension smaller than you've imagined it to be.
- Wolfgang Hildesheimer
Collection: Imagination
Image of Berthold Auerbach
Imagination is the mightiest despot.
- Berthold Auerbach
Collection: Imagination
Image of Pete Hamill
For those without money, the road to the treasure house of the imagination begins at the public library.
- Pete Hamill
Collection: Imagination