Top home Quotes Collection - Page 82

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 82 provides more home quotes.

Image of Sharon Gannon
Three things to never leave home without: your keys, birdseed for the birds, and your mala beads to chant through difficulties.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Home
Image of Grover Cleveland
The broad rich acres of our agricultural plains have been long preserved by nature to become her untrammeled gift to a people civilized and free, upon which should rest, in well-distributed ownership, the numerous homes of enlightened, equal, and fraternal citizens... Nor should our vast tracts of so-called desert lands be yielded up to the monopoly of corporations or grasping individuals, as appears to be much the tendency under the existing statute.
- Grover Cleveland
Collection: Home
Image of Edgar Mitchell
You get out there in space and say to yourself: that's home. That's the only home we have, and the only one we're going to have for a long time
- Edgar Mitchell
Collection: Home
Image of Van Jones
Mr. Vice President, the most fiscally conservative thing this government has ever done, is to invest massively in the green part of the recovery. Because those green dollars are the hardest working dollars in the history of American politics. That same dollar that is being used to cut energy bills, is also cutting global warming gas emissions, is also cutting unemployment, is also cutting poverty, through retrofits it's also raising the value of homes, is also by cleaning the air, cutting asthma rates.
- Van Jones
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Christie
No parent at home is saying my gosh, if we can just get a higher minimum wage, all of our aspirations have been realized.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Home
Image of H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable giving your two best friends a key to your house. If not, look for some new best friends.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Collection: Home
Image of John Mulaney
If I was at the Comedy Cellar at midnight you yelled at the back of the room. But you, for television, play it to the camera because yes you're communicating to the people at home using the studio audience that's right in front of you as a guide for that.
- John Mulaney
Collection: Home
Image of Zooey Deschanel
I've always had a really great time being in movies and writing music when I get home. The more creative I am, the more it feeds into other creative aspects of my life.
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Home
Image of Terry Crews
I've always had this juxtaposition of characters, because I'm an artist. I'm a very quiet person at home and introspective and the whole deal, and then I can be really big later. I had no problem.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Home
Image of David Cronenberg
Since I see technology as being an extension of the human body, it's inevitable that it should come home to roost.
- David Cronenberg
Collection: Home
Image of Ram Dass
If you think you are enlightened; go home for Thanksgiving.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Home
Image of Diogenes
When some one reminded him that the people of Sinope had sentenced him to exile, he said, "And I sentenced them to stay at home."
- Diogenes
Collection: Home
Image of Rodney Dangerfield
We lived in a neighborhood that was too rich for us. When I was young, I had to deliver groceries to the homes of the kids I went to school with. I had to go to the back doors to make the deliveries. It was embarrassing. That was one thing out of a hundred.
- Rodney Dangerfield
Collection: Home
Image of Joan Didion
Most death now happens in hospitals. It's been medicalized. It happens away from where we deal with it directly. And that's a huge change. At the beginning of the 20th century most people died at home. Death was much more common.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Home
Image of Wilmer Valderrama
When I was 10 years old, we'd pick out a cow and boom! They'd hit it in the head with a hammer, lift it up by the back legs, and skin it in front of us. Then I'd take the head home and make soup
- Wilmer Valderrama
Collection: Home
Image of Laurie Halse Anderson
Two days later, two days before Christmas, I am judged fat and sane enough to be kicked out of the hospital. The plan to send me straight back to New Seasons won't work. There is no room at the inn for a leather Lia-skin plumped full of messy things. Not yet. The director promises Dr. Marrigan he'll have a bed for me next week. I'm stable enough to go home until then. They all say I'm stable.
- Laurie Halse Anderson
Collection: Home
Image of Confucius
Give a man a fish, feed home for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed for a lifetime.
- Confucius
Collection: Home
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
I insist on keeping a level head. I've maintained the same exact home life that I’ve had for 20 years. All I see is more people looking at me than before. But, you know, who cares? You just can't obsess yourself with this fame stuff.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Home
Image of Norman Cousins
The justification for those actions was that we were living in a very hard, predatory, cloak-and-dagger world and that the only way to deal with a totalitarian enemy was to intimidate him. The trouble with this theory was that while we live in a world of plot and counterplot, we also live in a world of cause and effect. Whatever the cause for the decision to legitimize and regularize deceit abroad, the inevitable effect was the practice of deceit at home.
- Norman Cousins
Collection: Home
Image of Leonard Cohen
I'm neither left or right. I'm just staying home tonight, getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
- Leonard Cohen
Collection: Home
Image of Joan Collins
All of a sudden I found myself with the reputation of being a swinger and a home-wrecker. Beverly Hills wives were supposed to live in fear in case I cast my green orbs in the direction of their men. Ninety-nine per cent of this was total fabrication.
- Joan Collins
Collection: Home
Image of Ice Cube
I never go to the Grammys. I just never go. I don't know if I care enough, and I went because my son wanted to go, and they asked us to present Best Hip Hop Group of the Year. You know, we had two records from Compton in there, and it was just like a cool thing to do, and to do with your son, and it was just cool. But we was the first award up, so after I did my thing I just jumped in the car and came on back home.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Cruz
I think if you're at home and you don't want Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee, then the only candidate who can beat Donald is our campaign. And so I would encourage, even if you like another candidate, stand with us if you don't want Donald to be the nominee.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Home
Image of Larry Holmes
I think a lot of people like to gamble, and they don't want to go to the casino to gamble. Sometimes they want to do it in the privacy of their home. They can't concentrate the way they want to in a gambling casino.
- Larry Holmes
Collection: Home
Image of Sarah Dessen
Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Home
Image of Bob Hawke
All the arguments there are against Malcolm [Turnbull] - and there are many - the one thing in which he is impeccable and why I would support him in this is that he has an absolutely impeccable record on the question of colour and race. People often wondered why. What I see as a possible explanation is [that] he came from a very wealthy family - a 'squattocracy' - and he had private education at home and then he went to boarding school at Melbourne Grammar School, one of those lead schools in Australia.
- Bob Hawke
Collection: Home
Image of Danny Bonaduce
I say this with no fear of contradiction. Jonas Barnes is absolutely, positively the funniest stand-up comic I have ever seen. Of course, I almost never leave my home. Jonas is a great guy and was a big help to me.
- Danny Bonaduce
Collection: Home
Image of Jamie Campbell Bower
I have an apartment back home in London. England will be home for me. It always has been and always will be. It's where my friends are.
- Jamie Campbell Bower
Collection: Home
Image of Hans Christian Andersen
Eighty percent of our criminals come from unsympathetic homes.
- Hans Christian Andersen
Collection: Home
Image of Selena
I'm kind of lame. I prefer quiet evenings at home, hanging out with my family.
- Selena
Collection: Home
Image of Selena
Tejano music is a very relaxing style and it reminds me of home.
- Selena
Collection: Home
Image of Darren Criss
I’m super annoying, I’m the kind of guy that if there’s no recycling bins around I hoard plastic bottles, put them in my bag and I bring them home. If I can afford it I want to put solar panels in.
- Darren Criss
Collection: Home
Image of Will Cuppy
During his fifteen years in Italy, Hannibal never had enough elephants to suit him. Most of the original group succumbed to the climate, and he was always begging Carthage for more, but the people at home were stingy. They would ask if he thought they were made of elephants and what had he done with the elephants they sent before.
- Will Cuppy
Collection: Home
Image of Gichin Funakoshi
When you leave your home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you (it is your behavior that invites trouble from them).
- Gichin Funakoshi
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Alexandro
TV is a different animal. It's not a club set. As you said, you do short sets on TV - about five minutes. So you have to get that rhythm down and also be aware of the camera so you're connecting with the viewers at home as well as the studio audience. It's a different muscle to develop.
- Ted Alexandro
Collection: Home
Image of Brian Solis
Twitter is your window to relevance , but Facebook is your home page for the Social Web
- Brian Solis
Collection: Home
Image of Paul Saffo
Take cyberspace as an example. We had this wonderful utopian vision of a new home for the mind. What we've reaped isn't cyberspace. It's cyberbia. It's this vast, bland wasteland of vulgar people and trivial ideas and pictures of half-naked starlets. But despite all the uncertainty, has there ever been a more fascinating moment to be alive?
- Paul Saffo
Collection: Home
Image of Geena Davis
I'm not somebody who takes stuff home with them, that if I shoot a scene and I'm personally impacted for days or something. I mean it certainly is affecting and everything, but it doesn't penetrate to some deeper layer. I'm in it when I'm in it.
- Geena Davis
Collection: Home
Image of Annie Dillard
We sleep to time's hurdy-gurdy; we wake, if ever we wake, to the silence of God. And then, when we wake to the deep shores of time uncreated, then when the dazzling dark breaks over the far slopes of time, then it's time to toss things, like our reason, and our will; then it's time to break our necks for home. There are no events but thoughts and the heart's hard turning, the heart's slow learning where to love and whom. The rest is merely gossip, and tales for other times.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Home
Image of Annie Dillard
The gaps are the thing. The gaps are the spirit's one home, the altitudes and latitudes so dazzlingly spare and clean that the spirit can discover itself like a once-blind man unbound. The gaps are the clefts in the rock where you cower to see the back parts of God; they are fissures between mountains and cells the wind lances through, the icy narrowing fiords splitting the cliffs of mystery. Go up into the gaps. If you can find them; they shift and vanish too. Stalk the gaps. Squeak into a gap in the soil, turn, and unlock-more than a maple-universe.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Home
Image of Dan Mangan
When you have a young kid you can't go out much at night, so I spent a lot of time at home, watching movies and cooking dinner with my wife. It felt like what most people experience. White picket fence stuff.So there was some enjoyment of that normalcy, but I have to admit that part of me missed the chaos of touring. I think it's about balance.
- Dan Mangan
Collection: Home
Image of Raquel Cepeda
Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home.
- Raquel Cepeda
Collection: Home
Image of Emily Dickinson
Drab Habitation of Whom? Tabernacle or Tomb - or Dome of Worm - or Porch of Gnome - or some Elf's Catacomb?
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Home
Image of Suzanne Collins
Do it. Before they send those mutts back or something. I don't want to die like Cato," he says. “Then you shoot me," I say furiously, shoving the weapons back at him. "You shoot me and go home and live with it!" And as I say it, I know death right here, right now would be the easier of the two.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Home
Image of Edward Coke
For a man's house is his castle, et domus sua cuique tutissimum refugium [and one's home is the safest refuge to everyone].
- Edward Coke
Collection: Home
Image of Miley Cyrus
There are certain movies you go and see, and then after, you wanna go home and talk to your best friend and tell her that you really love her.
- Miley Cyrus
Collection: Home
Image of John Dewey
The premium so often put in schools upon external "discipline," and upon marks and rewards, upon promotion and keeping back, are the obverse of the lack of attention given to life situations in which the meaning of facts, ideas, principles, and problems is vitally brought home.
- John Dewey
Collection: Home
Image of Jim George
Your positive impact on the generations to come will be directly related to the ministry you have in that little place called home.
- Jim George
Collection: Home
Image of Philip K. Dick
Why is love so good...? You love someone and they leave. They come home one day and you say "What's happening?" and they say, "I got a better offer someplace else," and there they go, out of your life forever, and after that until you're dead you're carrying around this huge hunk of love with no one to give it to. And if you do find someone to give it to, the same thing happens all over.
- Philip K. Dick
Collection: Home