Top home Quotes Collection - Page 83

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 83 provides more home quotes.

Image of Ina May Gaskin
Simply put, when there is no home birth in a society, or when home birth is driven completely underground, essential knowledge of women’s capacities in birth is lost to the people of that society—to professional caregivers, as well as to the women of childbearing age themselves.
- Ina May Gaskin
Collection: Home
Image of Mark Cuban
The stock market's handling of new technology is kind of a joke. We have seen CNBC, CNNfn, Bloomberg, and the like turn into home-shopping networks for stocks. Fund managers and analysts go on TV and sell what's shiny and easy to sell.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Home
Image of Bill Cosby
We are the only animals that let our kids come back home.
- Bill Cosby
Collection: Home
Image of Hesiod
Bring a wife home to your house when you are of the right age, not far short of 30 years, nor much above this is the right time for marriage.
- Hesiod
Collection: Home
Image of Suzanne Collins
hey. I just wanted to make sure you got home," I say. "Katniss, I live three houses away from you," he says.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Home
Image of Bette Davis
Actually, I think business women are better women at home, if you want to know the truth because you do understand what goes into a day's work out in the world, a very nerve-racking affair.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Home
Image of Terry Crews
I would always be painting and drawing. If I was stuck at home, I was in the basement working on a painting.
- Terry Crews
Collection: Home
Image of Nat Hentoff
The need for education for the individual student should be recognized... home, neighborhood. But instead of that, we have the future being determined by standardized testing.
- Nat Hentoff
Collection: Home
Image of Rachel Cusk
In domestic life the woman's value is inherent, unquantifiable; at home she exchanges proven values for mythological ones. She "wants" to be at home, and because she is a woman she's allowed to want it. This desire is her mystique, it is both what enables her to domesticate herself and what disempowers her.
- Rachel Cusk
Collection: Home
Image of Rachel Cusk
A neighbor is something that belongs to the stable world of home life, the thing that lives next door to you.
- Rachel Cusk
Collection: Home
Image of John Mulaney
That was an interesting thing I learned I think the first time I did a late night show or something. It was like, "Oh, this is for the camera and a performance that you're giving to the people at home."
- John Mulaney
Collection: Home
Image of Jay Mohr
When I'm home I'm in much more of a routine like I said, which I like. On the road everything gets flip-flopped.
- Jay Mohr
Collection: Home
Image of Emily Dickinson
They say that 'home is where the heart is.' I think it is where the house is, and the adjacent buildings.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Home
Image of Sarah Dessen
At every wedding someone stays home.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Home
Image of Zooey Deschanel
Why don't we just sit and stare and do nothing? Nothing at all for a while I like the way you smile I could be your state and I could be your nation It doesn't get better than home, now does it?
- Zooey Deschanel
Collection: Home
Image of Suzanne Collins
You’re not leaving me here alone,” I say. Because if he dies, I’ll never go home, not really. I’ll spend the rest of my life in this arena, trying to think my way out.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Home
Image of Mikhail Tal
Playing in your home city is very special. You feel the support and attention. When everything goes well, it's very great, but when it doesn't, you might as well turn off your phone: the advices seem endless.
- Mikhail Tal
Collection: Home
Image of Scott Eastwood
I definitely have a piece of tape over my computer at home.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Home
Image of Scott Eastwood
It would be creepy if you knew my home address.
- Scott Eastwood
Collection: Home
Image of Genghis Khan
Despite all expectations, the time of my last campaign and of my passing is near. I wish to die at home. Let not my end disarm you, and on no account weep for me, lest the enemy be warned of my death.
- Genghis Khan
Collection: Home
Image of Travis Rice
We started out making a film [ The Fourth Phase] about the incredible snow we get at home in Wyoming, the journey soon macroed out into this epic 16,000 mile trip around the North Pacific, taking us to locations in Japan, Alaska, the Kamchatka Peninsula in far-eastern Russia, and back to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
- Travis Rice
Collection: Home
Image of Geena Davis
I just passed on some a script that I was sent, because I said, "I haven't yet played the person staying home, the one that says, 'Good luck, honey,' or whatever." And so that's what I look for. Therefore, by virtue of that exclusion, I'm always trying to find roles that are challenging.
- Geena Davis
Collection: Home
Image of Johnny Depp
An actor shouldn't have to leave the set and go home and write a bunch of stuff for a bunch of other people, the next day. I found it very unpleasant.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Home
Image of Annie Dillard
I alternate between thinking of the planet as home - dear and familiar stone hearth and garden - and as a hard land of exile in which we are all sojourners.
- Annie Dillard
Collection: Home
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
That's something I have to work on: to separate what really matters, to conserve energy by not worrying about what other people think. When I walk through that door, it's about home. If I didn't do that, I'd become consumed by one thing only and damage the people who love me. And it would damage the work.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Home
Image of Mahmoud Darwish
I have learned and dismantled all the words in order to draw from them a single word: Home.
- Mahmoud Darwish
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Hyatt
Sadly, I have met very few people who have a plan for their life. Most are passive spectators, watching their lives unfold, one day at a time. They are reactive rather than proactive. They may plan their careers, the building of a new home, or even a vacation. But it never occurs to them to plan their life.
- Michael Hyatt
Collection: Home
Image of William Cowper
Forced from home, and all its pleasures, afric coast I left forlorn; to increase a stranger's treasures, o the raging billows borne. Men from England bought and sold me, paid my price in paltry gold; but, though theirs they have enroll'd me, minds are never to be sold.
- William Cowper
Collection: Home
Image of Francis Ford Coppola
I just finished a film a few days ago, and I came home and said I learned so much today. So if I can come home from working on a little film after doing it for 45 years and say, "I learned so much today," that shows something about the cinema. Because the cinema is very young. It's only 100 years old.
- Francis Ford Coppola
Collection: Home
Image of Diablo Cody
Gas Attendant: "Thata ain't no etch-a-sketch. Thats one doodle that can't be un-did home skillet.
- Diablo Cody
Collection: Home
Image of Tim Cahill
It occurred to me that for a long time I tried not to write about my own backyard and my home. I suppose I was selfishly keeping it to my self. And in doing so, I was never able to get out into this incredible wilderness area - by the way, I live right at the edge of the most incredible wilderness area probably in the northern hemisphere.
- Tim Cahill
Collection: Home
Image of Tim Cahill
My idea of a vacation is staying home and doing short day hikes, floating the river and things like that.
- Tim Cahill
Collection: Home
Image of Rasheed Ogunlaru
The land of possibility is a better place to make your home than the realm of expectation will ever be
- Rasheed Ogunlaru
Collection: Home
Image of Bill Crawford
Peace of Mind? Don't leave home (or go home) without it.
- Bill Crawford
Collection: Home
Image of Miley Cyrus
Shopping, eating, and being with my friends. So, anytime that I am at home chillin', I will find a way to shop online. I'm like, "If I'm not allowed out of the house tonight then I am shopping online!
- Miley Cyrus
Collection: Home
Image of Sarah Dessen
Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. Not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life, wherever you may go.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Home
Image of V. S. Pritchett
The businessman who is a novelist is able to drop in on literature and feel no suicidal loss of esteem if the lady is not at home, and he can spend his life preparing without fuss for the awful interview.
- V. S. Pritchett
Collection: Home
Image of Owen Wilson
I love Francis Bacon. I just saw a great Jackson Pollock exhibit at the Dallas Museum when I was home for Thanksgiving.
- Owen Wilson
Collection: Home
Image of Phyllis Diller
When buying a new house ... Buy the house far enough away from school so your kids can't come home for lunch.
- Phyllis Diller
Collection: Home
Image of Zoroaster
For a thinking man is where Wisdom is at home.
- Zoroaster
Collection: Home
Image of Pat Conroy
I had come to a place where I was meant to be. I don't mean anything so prosaic as a sense of coming home. This was different, very different. It was like arriving at a place much safer than home.
- Pat Conroy
Collection: Home
Image of Stephen Colbert
Once I'm performing the show, I think that hour show has a certain intimacy with our audience. And that intimacy is through the lens and the live audience is a witness to that, whereas the audience at home is actually the object of my efforts.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Home
Image of Sufjan Stevens
I'm from the generation that's always been recording, from the very beginning. I learned to play the guitar on the four-track. I started listening to music at a time when people were doing recording at home, when the discussion about songwriting correlated to the discussion about producing and engineering. I think that's a description of my generation.
- Sufjan Stevens
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Cruz
I salute the House for having the courage to stand up and fight and defund ObamaCare. And I remain confident, hopeful and optimistic the House will stand their ground, will continue the fight, which means this issue is coming back to the Senate. And when it comes back to the Senate, after the House stands their ground yet again, we will have an opportunity for Republicans to come home.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Home
Image of Democritus
Disease of the home and of the life comes about in the same way as that of the body.
- Democritus
Collection: Home
Image of Sloane Crosley
If I go into a sandwich shop or anywhere that features 'Today's specials' on a chalkboard more than 10 feet away, I have to ask for a printed menu. I smile at people I don't know on the street and ignore those I do. When at home, I often find myself grabbing my 'back-up' glasses to search for the better-loved pair I have left on top of my dresser.
- Sloane Crosley
Collection: Home
Image of William Cowper
Ever let the Fancy roam, Pleasure never is at home.
- William Cowper
Collection: Home