Top home Quotes Collection - Page 66

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 66 provides more home quotes.

Image of Henry Ward Beecher
Never be grandiloquent when you want to drive home a searching truth. Don't whip with a switch that has the leaves on, if you want it to tingle.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Home
Image of Sandra Bernhard
If you come home to a household of chaos and anger and fear, you're not going to feel protected from the world.
- Sandra Bernhard
Collection: Home
Image of Eugene O'Neill
What's the use coming home to get the blues over what can't be helped.
- Eugene O'Neill
Collection: Home
Image of Carl Sagan
The size and age of the Cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding. Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home.
- Carl Sagan
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Thatcher
Home is where you come to when you've got nothing better to do.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Home
Image of Ted Nugent
Nobody is going to invest a fortune into good orchard land, all the farming equipment necessary, the fertilizer, the seedlings, the nonstop Herculean work effort needed to grow apples, then bring them to the fruit stand for people to take home for free.
- Ted Nugent
Collection: Home
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Home
Image of Saadi
The rich man is everywhere expected and at home.
- Saadi
Collection: Home
Image of Jules Renard
Let us stay at home: there we are decent. Let us not go out: our defects wait for us at the door, like flies.
- Jules Renard
Collection: Home
Image of Randy Alcorn
The greatest deterrent to giving is the illusion that this earth is our home.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Home
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Unca Jay!" "How's it going Claire?" She giggled. "Qwil aaaaawl wet now." "I can see that. Where's your mama?" "Gone, gone, gone," Claire sang. "Cwaire pway wid Qwil aaaawl day. Cwaire nebber gowin home." Jacob and Claire, Breaking Dawn, page 152.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Home
Image of Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Destiny is usually just around the corner. Like a thief, a hooker, or a lottery vendor: its three most common personifications. But what destiny does not do is home visits. You have to go for it.
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Collection: Home
Image of Salman Rushdie
If you want to be a serious writer, then you have to write what there is to write about. If you're going to pull your punches and second-guess yourself and not do things because you're worried, then don't write. Stay home and do something else.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Home
Image of Thomas Ligotti
My grandfather felt at home with his lunatics.
- Thomas Ligotti
Collection: Home
Image of Alyson Noel
Home. That wonderful place I was lucky enough to revisit no matter how short a time finally realizing it's not relegated to just one single place its wherever you make it.
- Alyson Noel
Collection: Home
Image of Swami Satchidananda
Not only does charity begin at home. Everything begins at home, including spirituality.
- Swami Satchidananda
Collection: Home
Image of Lewis Mumford
Before modern man can gain control over the forces that now threaten his very existence, he must resume possession of himself. This sets the chief mission for the city of the future: that of creating a visible regional and civic structure, designed to make man at home with his deeper self and his larger world, attached to images of human nature and love.
- Lewis Mumford
Collection: Home
Image of Alice Sebold
How could it be that you could love someone so much and keep it secret from yourself as you woke daily so far from home?
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Home
Image of Rick Warren
We’re not completely happy here because we’re not supposed to be! Earth is not our final home; we were created for something much better.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Home
Image of James Thurber
In the pathways between office and home and home and the houses of settled people there are always, ready to snap at you, the little perils of routine living, but there is no escape in the unplanned tangent, the sudden turn.
- James Thurber
Collection: Home
Image of James Thurber
It takes that je ne sais quoi which we call sophistication for a woman to be magnificent in a drawing-room when her faculties have departed but she herself has not yet gone home.
- James Thurber
Collection: Home
Image of James Thurber
You are all a lost generation," Gertrude Stein said to Hemingway. We weren't lost. We knew where we were, all right, but we wouldn't go home. Ours was the generation that stayed up all night.
- James Thurber
Collection: Home
Image of Mira Grant
There weren’t any fairy tales in the streets around me. If there was ever a Cinderella, her glass slippers shattered under her weight and she limped home bleeding from the ball.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Home
Image of Alfred Lord Tennyson
I have led her home, my love, my only friend. There is none like her, none, And never yet so warmly ran my blood, And sweetly, on and on Calming itself to the long-wished for end, Full to the banks, close on the prom- ised good.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
Collection: Home
Image of Eddie Redmayne
People ask, "Do you enjoy acting?" But you only have those specific few hours to do a scene, and then you drive home and wait for six months to find out how it went. You can't go back and put in a new idea. Filming is about continuing to be alert and to think, and I find it quite exhausting. Certainly I would say that fear is a part of that.
- Eddie Redmayne
Collection: Home
Image of Nora Roberts
Have I missed a national holiday? There must be celebrations in the streets for you to be home at this hour of the day." "I'm calling it Summerset Goes Mute Day. The city's gone mad with joy.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Home
Image of Joseph B. Wirthlin
Every home is a house of learning either for good or otherwise.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
Collection: Home
Image of William Shakespeare
I rather would entreat thy company; To see the wonders of the world abroad, Than, living dully sluggardized at home, Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Home
Image of Kathryn Stockett
Having a separate bathroom for the black domestic was just the way things were done. It had faded out in new homes by the time the '70s and '80s rolled up.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Home
Image of Marcel Proust
Pleasures are like photographs: in the presence of the person we love, we take only negatives, which we develop later, at home, when we have at our disposal once more our inner dark room, the door of which it is strictly forbidden to open while others are present.
- Marcel Proust
Collection: Home
Image of Simon Pegg
If I did a TV show, it would have to be in North London because I'm a bit of a homebody, and my work takes me away from home enough. But yeah absolutely. Television has never been more exciting than it is now.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The voice of woman has been silenced in the state, the church, and the home, but man cannot fulfill his destiny alone, he cannot redeem his race unaided.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Collection: Home
Image of Ron Paul
We'd love it if we could all just come home and not worry about the rest of the world. But the problem is, they attacked us on 9/11. We were here; they attacked us.
- Ron Paul
Collection: Home
Image of Mike Pence
[Donald Trump] is his own man - distinctly American. And where else would an independent spirit like his find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
- Mike Pence
Collection: Home
Image of Mae West
Why don't you come up sometime 'n see me? I'm home every evening. . . . Come up. I'll tell your fortune. . . . Ah, you can be had.
- Mae West
Collection: Home
Image of Jess Walter
Yes, what is it like? Certainly not like she dreamed. But maybe that's okay. We want what we want. At home, she works herself into a frenzy worrying about what she isn't--and perhaps loses track of just where she is.
- Jess Walter
Collection: Home
Image of Ai Weiwei
That's why I always question this sense. The feeling of home really requires a lot of trust. It requires you to identify with it, which I always find myself very contradictory to.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Home
Image of Cesare Pavese
You need a village, if only for the pleasure of leaving it. A village means that you are not alone, knowing that in the people, the trees, the earth, there is something that belongs to you, waiting for you when you are not there.
- Cesare Pavese
Collection: Home
Image of J.R. Ward
She did nothing to try to control the shakes that rattled her body,and didn't attempt to stop herself from crying. Tears left both of her eyes at the far corners,slipping out and flowing over her temples.Some landed in her ears. Some eased down her neck and were absorbed by the pillow.Others clouded her vision,as if they didn't want to leave home.
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Home
Image of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I will gladly give lessons as a favor, particularly when I see that my student has talent, inclination, and anxiety to learn; but to be obliged to go to a house at a certain hour, or to have to wait at home for a pupil, is what I cannot do, no matter how much money it may bring me in. . . I am a composer and was born to be a Kapellmeister. I neither can nor ought to bury the talent for composition with which God in his goodness has so richly endowed me. . .
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Collection: Home
Image of Wei Wu Wei
As long as there is a 'you' doing or not-doing, thinking or not-thinking, 'meditating' or 'not-meditating' you are no closer to home than the day you were born.
- Wei Wu Wei
Collection: Home
Image of Oprah Winfrey
I don't know what kind of egomaniac is sitting at home thinking about the impact they have had on the culture. It's not something I actually think about until it comes up.
- Oprah Winfrey
Collection: Home
Image of Charles M. Schulz
Travel tips: How to avoid carsickness, seasickness and airsickness... Be careful what you eat. And stay home.
- Charles M. Schulz
Collection: Home
Image of Sandra Day O'Connor
I finally gave up my little law practice and stayed home for about three years. You have to do what you can to keep the family going. But I wanted to get back to work. So I got another babysitter and went to work as an Assistant Attorney General.
- Sandra Day O'Connor
Collection: Home
Image of Melina Marchetta
Her voice whispering love soothes him. They'd never done that before. Weren't that type of family. Except now he doesn't know what kind of family they are. What word is it that can define them? What would they call his family in the textbooks? Broken? He comes from a broken home. The Mackees can't be put back together again. There are too many pieces of them missing.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Home
Image of Will Rogers
Now these fellows in Washington wouldn't be so serious and particular if they only had to vote on what they thought was good for the majority of the people in the U.S. That would be a cinch. But what makes it hard for them is every time a bill comes up they have things to decide that have nothing to do with the merit of the bill. The principal thing is of course: What will this do for me personally back home?
- Will Rogers
Collection: Home
Image of Andy Stanley
[God] wants you to go home, look at your bucket of seed, and determine in your heart how much you'd like to sow. He wants you to consider thoughtfully your current circumstances, your life, your potential, and your finances. He wants you to involve your family. He wants you to pray about it. And then He wants you to come up with a plan.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Home
Image of Thomas S. Monson
Your patriarchal blessing is your passport to peace in this life. It is a Liahona of light to guide you unerringly to your heavenly home.
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Home
Image of Martha Beck
Whenever you go somewhere that speaks to your soul, you are going home to yourself.
- Martha Beck
Collection: Home