Alice Sebold

Image of Alice Sebold
I like gardening - it's a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Gardening
Image of Alice Sebold
The relationship with the words someone uses is more intimate and integrated than just a quick read and a blurb can ever be. This intimacy - the words on the page being sent back and forth from engaged editor to open author - is unique in my experience.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I wanted to be the moron of the family, because morons seemed to have more fun, more freedom and more personality.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I wake up very early in the morning. I like to start in the dark, and I never work at night, because my brain is evaporated by 4 P.M.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
Depending on where I am in the process, sometimes I have a page count and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I have an hour count; sometimes I'm just happy to string a few words together. I do keep pretty rigorous hours, because otherwise you never get anything done.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
It's hard, because when you talk about process or your characters ruling your narrative, it sounds like you have no control, but obviously you're ultimately the author, so you do have control.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I think it's an interesting thing to me, because we have this desire for everything to be explained to us. But if you go through your daily actions, very little ends up having a written-down explanation for why things happen, or why people do specific things.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I always had that sense of being censored for the things that I thought. Why is it wrong to embroider your pants, or paint with acrylics on your clothing? Why is that weird? Isn't it weirder to want to be like everyone else?
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I find talking about my work harder than it might be if honesty wasn't my calling card.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I was motivated to write about violence because I believe it's not unusual. I see it as just a part of life, and I think we get in trouble when we separate people who've experienced it from those who haven't.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
For me, heaven would be a lack of alienation. The whole time I was growing up, I felt comfort was inherently evil. I think that, for me, heaven isn't about couches and milk shakes and never having a troubling thought again.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I wanted to be a novelist for so long.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I don't think ignorance is a way that you gain distance on something.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I think understanding is the way to gain perspective - and therefore can live among those hideous realities. You can live with them.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I have always felt extremely weird. But I am very happy with my weirdnesses, and I want other people to be very happy with theirs.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
To me, the idea of heaven would give you certain pleasures, certain joys - but it's very important to have an intellectual understanding of why you want those things.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I went to church irregularly and was mostly reading comics in the pew.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
In my 20s, I railed against anything 'spiritual'; I thought it was all crap.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I'd like to go back to poetry again. I really, really revere good poetry. It's been my private discipline.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I think you only learn what kind of personality you have by committing to things.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
We all work hard to understand the dynamic relationship we have with a parent.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I'm gradually working through my obsessions, and maybe, when they're all free and clear, I'll write a comedy. But I'm not there yet.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
I have never been shy about listening to the input of others and weighing it seriously.
- Alice Sebold
Image of Alice Sebold
You save yourself or you remain unsaved.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Save Yourself
Image of Alice Sebold
I live in a world where two truths coexist: where both hell and hope lie in the palm of my hand
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Lying
Image of Alice Sebold
Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Inspiring
Image of Alice Sebold
You could not be filled with hate and be beautiful. Like any other girl, I wanted to be beautiful. But I was filled with hate.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alice Sebold
Your first kiss is destiny knocking.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Kissing
Image of Alice Sebold
Since then I've always thought that under rape in the dictionary it should tell the truth. It is not just forcible intercourse; rape means to inhabit and destroy everything.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Mean
Image of Alice Sebold
Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Life
Image of Alice Sebold
I was trying to prove to them and to myself that I was still who I had always been. I was beautiful, if fat. I was smart, if loud. I was good, if ruined.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alice Sebold
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Men
Image of Alice Sebold
Heaven is comfort, but it's still not living.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Heaven
Image of Alice Sebold
Learn a language of another country and then you can go to that country: a place where the problems of your family will not follow. A language they do not speak.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Country
Image of Alice Sebold
These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections-sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent-that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it. The events that my death wrought were merely the bones of a body that would become whole at some unpredictable time in the future. The price of what I came to see as this miraculous body had been my life.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Lovely
Image of Alice Sebold
If I shut my eyes, I believed, I would disappear. To make it through, I had to be present the whole time.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Eye
Image of Alice Sebold
Who would have thought something that happened that long ago could have such power?
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Long Ago
Image of Alice Sebold
I fell in love with you again; While you were away - Jack Salmon
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Love You
Image of Alice Sebold
How to Commit the Perfect Murder" was an old game in heaven. I always chose the icicle: the weapon melts away.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Games
Image of Alice Sebold
Each time I told my story, I lost a bit, the smallest drop of pain. It was that day that I knew I wanted to tell the story of my family. Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Pain
Image of Alice Sebold
To transform experience and thought into language and narrative - that is beautiful even if that beauty is in brokenness.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Alice Sebold
We have this desire for everything to be explained to us. But if you go through your daily actions, very little ends up having a written-down explanation for why things happen, or why people do specific things. So it made sense to me to reflect the human condition that not every action has an explanation. We act, and then later maybe come to an understanding about it, or maybe not.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: People
Image of Alice Sebold
Tess was my first experience of a woman who had inhabited her weirdness, moved into the areas of herself that made her distinct from those around her, and learned how to display them proudly.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Firsts
Image of Alice Sebold
Nothing is ever certain.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Death
Image of Alice Sebold
I knew something as I watched: almost everyone was saying goodbye to me. I was becoming one of the many little-girl-losts. They would go back to their homes and put me to rest, a letter from the past never to be reopened or reread. And I could say goodbye to them, wish them well, bless them somehow for their good thoughts. A handshake in the street, a dropped item picked up and retrieved and handed back, or a friendly wave from the distant window, a nod, a smile, a moment when the eyes lock over the antics of a child.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Girl
Image of Alice Sebold
I stared at her black hair. It was shiny like the promises in magazines.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Hair
Image of Alice Sebold
I forgive you," I said. I said what I had to. I would die by pieces to save myself from real death.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Real
Image of Alice Sebold
I wish you all a long and happy life
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Happy Life
Image of Alice Sebold
Every day a question mark.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Mark
Image of Alice Sebold
"When the dead are done with the living, the living can go on to other things," Franny said. "What about the dead?" I asked. "Where do we go?"
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Done