Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 17

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 17 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Kelly Clark
So after those Games, I continued to compete that season and the year after that. I really had the goal of being intentional. I didn't want to do big tricks because it was an X Games final or an Olympics final. I wanted to call my own shots. I started to do that and I started to have more fun than I ever knew I could have.
- Kelly Clark
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard J. Daley
We have to face it: in America today the way to have fun and celebrate is to break a store window and take something. That's the way it is, today in America, and we have to accept it
- Richard J. Daley
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Amsterdam
I've always thought flight was fun and wanted to write about flight, and I knew a lot of househusbands who were having a really bad time with it. I thought flight might perk up a marriage here or there.
- Steven Amsterdam
Collection: Fun
Image of Glenn Quinn
When they first cast me, I was a pretty avid fan and vampire movies and Celtic mythology, so I was excited to get a chance to walk in Doyle's shoes and have fun with it.
- Glenn Quinn
Collection: Fun
Image of Mike A. Males
The attack on youth is a national pathology, unwarranted by fact, smokescreen for the failure of adulthood and its leadership to confront larger predicaments. No rescue by the monied, governing, institutional, or otherwise privileged is in sight. It's up to the energy and inventiveness of the younger generation to pull the gated minds of millennium America toward acceptance of diversity, community, and fairness, and I hope they have as much fun as I did in my adolescences achieving what we Sixties kids only imagined.
- Mike A. Males
Collection: Fun
Image of Nelly Furtado
I'm having a lot more fun living life. My new motto is "plerking" - I play and work at the same time.
- Nelly Furtado
Collection: Fun
Image of Casey Barnes
The player had almost as much fun as the parent and coaches. This league is well worth the time the professionals put into it. I would encourage any professional to host a team.
- Casey Barnes
Collection: Fun
Image of Faith Popcorn
The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office).
- Faith Popcorn
Collection: Fun
Image of Cynthia Lewis
It's more fun to color outside the lines.
- Cynthia Lewis
Collection: Fun
Image of Caterina Fake
Entrepreneurs need to start building today. The barrier to entry in tech is low, so start designing, start coding it, launch it, build prototypes, build a working version of it. The Internet has amazing powers of distribution. You can test your ideas. You can see if it works, if it doesn't work, whether it's fun, and whether you're sufficiently motivated. People who go into entrepreneurship to get rich aren't going to be happy. It’s the building of things that makes you happy. You have to enjoy the process whether you succeed or fail.
- Caterina Fake
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry David
I wasn't making fun of my father in-law's religion. And even if I was so what, it's a comedy. Religion should be made fun of, it's quite ridiculous isn't it. Think how people spend their lives, they have no idea. They go around as if this is a fact. It's so insane you know. If I really believed that stuff I'd keep it to myself. Lest somebody think I was out of my mind.
- Larry David
Collection: Fun
Image of June Allyson
Because of the wealth of fine music spread through the film, working on it held all the fun and excitement of attending a great concert
- June Allyson
Collection: Fun
Image of Bette Davis
You know what nostalgia is, don't you? It's basically a matter of recalling the fun without reliving the pain.
- Bette Davis
Collection: Fun
Image of Marg Helgenberger
Voicing acting is usually fun. I'm very curious about that world. I'm a fan of documentaries, as well, and the voice kind of makes it right. Mostly for me, though, it's all about the acting -you don't have to get hair and makeup and the whole bit. You just can have fun with the acting.
- Marg Helgenberger
Collection: Fun
Image of Allison Mack
I love working with Erica [Durance]. She's so much fun. And I love how flippant, comfortable, and casual the relationship is. There is so much humor there, and they make each other laugh. It is obvious how much they adore each other. I really like that.
- Allison Mack
Collection: Fun
Image of Danielle Panabaker
I have a scar on my forehead and the bangs were an attempt to cover that. Life sort of pushed a hair change on me, which has actually been really fun to play with. It does add a little bit of maintenance, but I have a teeny-tiny flat iron that I bought on Amazon for $20 and that has been my lifesaver. Even if all I do to get out the door is flat iron my bangs, I feel like I'm good to go.
- Danielle Panabaker
Collection: Fun
Image of Jamie McMurray
Yeah, our car was really good even after the crash. I told you before the race that if we had good track position at the end I thought we could finish good. It was a really good day for our Linksys car. Just a fun day racing.
- Jamie McMurray
Collection: Fun
Image of Selena
I like having people with me to lean on and write with and have fun with.
- Selena
Collection: Fun
Image of Eli Manning
I want to stand out. After my career is over, I want people to say, 'He was different.' It's not to be outrageous. I just want people to know that when I played ball, I was having fun.
- Eli Manning
Collection: Fun
Image of Marta Kauffman
Dramaturgically, you always hear that you want to see things in the moment, you want to see things happen, you don't want to talk about things, but with "Friends," it was more fun when they talked about it.
- Marta Kauffman
Collection: Fun
Image of Alexandra Roach
I think the most important thing is to have fun, and not to take things too seriously. Once you start doing that, then you'll start to crumble.
- Alexandra Roach
Collection: Fun
Image of Sue Johanson
I have a fantasy that might be fun. Why don't we try it?
- Sue Johanson
Collection: Fun
Image of Sue Johanson
As long as I'm having fun, I'm not quitting.
- Sue Johanson
Collection: Fun
Image of Dennis Bakke
A special workplace has many ingredients. The feeling that you are part of a team, a sense of community, the knowledge that what you do has real purpose - all these things help to make work fun. But by far the most important factor is whether people are able to use their individual talents and skills to do something useful, significant, and worthwhile.
- Dennis Bakke
Collection: Fun
Image of Antony Starr
Ive always had this rule of thumb: If you have fun making it, then someone will have fun watching it.
- Antony Starr
Collection: Fun
Image of Hortense Odlum
Living each day as a preparation for the next is an exciting way to live. Looking forward to something is much more fun than looking back at somethingand much more constructive. If we can prepare ourselves so that we never have to think, 'Oh, if I had only known, if I had only been ready,' our lives can really be the great adventure we so passionately want them to be.
- Hortense Odlum
Collection: Fun
Image of James Frecheville
I wear a lot of things for fun. Sometimes Ill wear one item that is deliberately stupid because that will make the outfit cool.
- James Frecheville
Collection: Fun
Image of Jimmy Dean
I've seen a jillion miracles. They're all around. Every green leaf is a miracle.
- Jimmy Dean
Collection: Fun
Image of Brody Jenner
I've had good sex with somebody and just kind of been afterward - "Wow." Once they started opening their mouth and showing their true colors and talking to them and getting to know them more and being like, "OK this is not the person I want to spend the rest of my life with." But we had fun, and that's that.
- Brody Jenner
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Odenkirk
If you surround me with darkness, suddenly, I am "somewhat fun."
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Odenkirk
It's fun to discover things. I wouldn't want everything laid out, simply and too obviously.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Odenkirk
I think that acting is no fun unless it's hard. I'm not titillated by acting or being an actor unless I have to work hard.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Odenkirk
Comedy can be destructive, and still very, very funny. But if I can do something that is fun to watch and critical of the world but not wantonly destructive, I pursue those kinds of ideas more. The world needs less destruction. And destruction is kind of “easy,” too.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Johnson
Anytime I'm on the field and my teammates are on the field with me, I just want them to have fun.
- Chris Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul McCrane
The actress I had the most fun working with was Alex Kingston. It was a fun relationship to play because it was a combination of occasional sexual harrassment with genuine affection. She's such a terrific actress and such a lovely person.
- Paul McCrane
Collection: Fun
Image of Nolan Gould
I had so much fun touring the Grand Canyon area with the Sierra Club. I love to get outdoors and enjoy nature. We went kayaking, mountain biking, hiking, and even rode mules. To do all these things in one of the most stunning natural areas in the world just made it more amazing. I don't believe that anyone can see the Grand Canyon area for themselves and not know that we have to do everything we can to protect it for future generations.
- Nolan Gould
Collection: Fun
Image of Sammy Davis, Jr.
You have to be able to look back at your life and say, "Yeah, that was fun."
- Sammy Davis, Jr.
Collection: Fun
Image of Ayelet Zurer
You really want to make sure that you have fun, at the end of the day. If its not fun, whats the point.
- Ayelet Zurer
Collection: Fun
Image of Jim Jefferies
I wouldn't perform in front of the Nazis. I hear they didn't take freedom of speech too well. It would be a fun gig to rip into them, but I don't think the ending would be great for me.
- Jim Jefferies
Collection: Fun
Image of Bat for Lashes
I think the best cure is to stop doing the thing that you think you should be doing and go and have a bit of fun in another medium, maybe other crazy things.
- Bat for Lashes
Collection: Fun
Image of Bat for Lashes
I did gardening and cooking and drawing and reading to try take the pressure off the music - just being eclectic and putting the fun back in and bringing more innocence in again is really important.
- Bat for Lashes
Collection: Fun
Image of Bojan Markovic
Go is most fun I've had with a compiled PL since I've discovered Turbo Pascal as a kid.
- Bojan Markovic
Collection: Fun
Image of Bobby Slayton
If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.
- Bobby Slayton
Collection: Fun
Image of Missi Pyle
A lot of times I play the villain or the comic relief, and I get to kind of play the comic relief to a degree, which is fun, but I also get to say, "You are created in the image in God. You are a perfect child of God. And this part of you is the heart of who you are. You're not alone, and you're okay just the way you are."
- Missi Pyle
Collection: Fun
Image of Eleanor Tomlinson
To know about the movie [jack the giant Slayer], wow. It's an adventure, there are so many special effects flying around. It's going to be really fun, definitely. I think there's something there for the whole family. There is something you can really enjoy, and I think it's going to be a really fun, family film. I'm really excited.
- Eleanor Tomlinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Max McKeown
Strategy is about out-thinking your competition. Mark Zuckerberg, while at Harvard, built a website called Facemash ‘for fun’. Even today, Facebook believe that ‘done is better than perfect’.
- Max McKeown
Collection: Fun
Image of Arjuna Ardagh
I enjoy spending time with other awakened people and feeling the shared vibration of that, whereas just fun for its own sake might no longer be quite so enticing as it used to be.
- Arjuna Ardagh
Collection: Fun
Image of Martin Van Creveld
War is the greatest fun man can have with his pants on.
- Martin Van Creveld
Collection: Fun